Meeting with an old friend

Daniel sighed as he looked at the view outside the window of the hotel room and sighed, his plane arrived two hours ago and he went straight towards the hotel room, he didn't feel like going to any place tonight, though it's been five years since he last been here the first thing he wanted to do is go and see his mysterious girl but he thought that it would be so sudden to go now.

He smiled as he thought about the last time he saw her, she was running after the cat in the garden, he remembered how she tripped and fell into the mud and dirtied her dress but she was so focused on chasing that cat that she stood up and ran after the cat, not caring about her dirty dress.

Daniel picked up his phone that was ringing and replied.


"Welcome back, where are you now?" Damien asked.

"I'm at the hotel." Daniel replied.

"I will come and get you in ten minutes, let's go to our old place, what do you think?" Damien suggested.