Chapter 3

Austin woke up to a stressed looking Megan. "No wake-up call today, Megan?"

"Sorry Ms. Rose, but your mother says she wants you to dress in this plain dress rather than the hoop skirt, she even said that taking a bath was unnecessary and that you would eat breakfast later because she had to take you somewhere."

"You sure the Fairy Godmother hasn't cast a spell on her?" Austin joked.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Ms. Rose. I think you did something at the ceremony last night that got your mother very upset and she is punishing you in some way."

"Relax, Megan. Torturous punishments for her are like rewards for me. I'll be fine. For once let me relish in wearing this plain dress rather than that darn hoop skirt." Austin quickly changed into the dress and skipped downstairs. She was ready to go wherever her mother was taking her. "Ah, Austin, you're here."

"Where are we going, mother?"

"Oh, a really special place. You are going to be queen soon and I'm sure this place is for little girls like you." Austin felt a bit uncomfortable after that statement and she was getting more and more nervous by the minute. The royal carriage finally wheeled to the gates and Austin along with her mom stepped into the carriage as Snow White whispered the destination to the driver. Austin got more nervous when the driver's face morphed into horror at the name of the destination. "You can't be serious, your majesty? I'm sure the princess didn't mean it and won't do it again. Your majesty, this is your daughter!"

"I am well aware of that. As such, I am allowed to send her wherever I please." The coach driver stared at Austin giving her an apologetic smile and reluctantly started the reins of the horses. After an hour-long ride, the carriage pulled up to the Abandoned Tower of Rapunzel. After Mother Gothel was pushed off the tower Finn and Rapunzel married under the monarchy and abandoned the tower. The tower looked much different with added buildings next to the tower, a better paint job, it looked much more like the past home of the princess than the previous tourist attraction. "This is the Lone Tower Institute of Royalty."

"What, mother?"

"You and your little friend can't fool me. If your boyfriend hadn't played it off and fooled those two dignitaries I would have had no choice but to expel you from the kingdom. This school will teach you how to act more royal."

"But, but-"

"No but's, you will be living here until you graduate from here and I can trust you with the kingdom."

"Mother, I am fit to rule without this!"

"I thought so too, until last night. Your schooling starts tomorrow. Carriage, back to the palace." Austin sat there in shock the entire ride back. She was scared about ruling the kingdom, sure, she was 16. But, she had wanted to restore faith into the monarchy as soon as she was made ruler. She wanted to free them from the tyranny of her mother. What if she doesn't pass all her classes? What if her mother decided not to make her ruler? As soon as they reached home, Austin ran to her bedroom with tears flying down her cheeks. She didn't want to go to an academy. She feared her mother would have learned what she should have learned after all these years. In royal terms, she would never be fit to rule.

Austin made it to her room and closed the door collapsing to the floor. She moved her hand to her face and whispered "Micah". About two second later, she felt the sound of rushing wind surrounding her and she closed her eyes. When she opened them she was in the middle of a dark forest and Micah was standing in front of her grinning goofily. "Wasn't that fun? Hey, Austin, are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Micah, would I make a good leader?"

"Well, I only met you yesterday but you seem pretty nice which puts you pretty high up on the good leaders list!" Austin burst into tears and covered her face with her hands. "Austin?"

"My mom said that what happened last night proved that I wasn't fit to rule so she's sending me to a royal school."

"Which one?"

"Where Rapunzel Tower was."

"Lone Tower Institute of Royalty?"

"I think that's the one. Micah, what if I'm not good enough to rule?"

"Of course you are! Listen, if the stories are true you befriended the aggressive gnomes and once fought off a tiger with minor scratches. It doesn't take being prissy to be a royal, it takes making your people happy. Austin, it's okay to go to a Royal Academy. I'm going to the same school as you, even. The Royal Academy just teaches you how to act properly, in the end it's the queen that rules, right?"

"I guess..."

"Hey, I'm going to leave you for a bit now. I think you need some time alone before going to the academy tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow, ey? Meet me outside before school starts, we're in this together." With that statement, Micah disappeared in the blink of an eye. Austin was the only one left in the forest.