Cameraman 101: Principle of Non-interference

Explosions went off as bolts of lightning followed the trajectories of the metal shards, bouncing back and forth between each individual segment and surrounding the bubble of light construct created by Beacon. However, despite the ferocious attacks, Beacon's light constructs stood strong and unhindered.

Then, the attack stopped, and Beacon released it in order to talk to the pairing.

Behind him, the cameraman that survived the initial ambushed began the filming.

'Please, you are being used and manipulated. I am here to help, not to fight!' Beacon plead before reaching out with a hand. However, the two siblings simply mocked his sayings before filling the room with laughter again. The sister is floating overhead, and the brother is standing on the ground, 'please, give us a chance to help you!'

'NO!!!!' The sister screamed out in an angry outburst before swiping her hand across her body as lightning struck where Beacon was standing. However, he vanished from where he was standing before reappearing out of constructs of light behind the sister and grabbing her in a princess pose.

'There! The money shot of the hero!' The camera crew cheered excitedly as they snap down this iconic image of Beacon that will be here for years to come. The brother lets out a barrage of attacks onto the cameraman, but a force shield was created by one of the crew members who repelled the attack. However, when the semitransparent force shield is turned on, no clean footage can be obtained.

'GET OFF ME!' The sister slaps and kicks as bolts of lightning jets from all throughout her body. The brother reached out his hand and sent shards of metal after Beacon when his face suddenly darkened and he tossed the sister directly into the shards of metal sent by the brother.

The metal spike pierced cleanly through the sister's body, and the thundercloud dissipated after a loud thunderous crack. In the meanwhile, Beacon also created a light construct that blocked out the visuals in between the battle and the cameraman when the tragedy occurs.

'SISTER!!!!' The brother cried out in agony as the lifeless body of the sister he killed with his hands slammed into the ground in a cold hard thud, 'YOU! YOU FAKE! YOU MURDERER!'

In an outburst, the brother sent metal shards filling every single inch of the room. However, this is not just the metal shards that he had been controlling and orbiting all around him. All of the metal in the room is underneath his control, including those in the costumes of Beacon himself.

'I can't hold it.....can't hold it any longer!!!!' The cameraman creating the force shield began to waver and shake before a shard of metal broke off from his necklace and pierced through his own heart. The remaining cameraman hugged his camera tightly and stood tall as the storm of shards blasted directly into him.

'Please, that's enough...' Beacon said, dropping down from the air and reforming his body around the light around the brother's body.

Then, he hugged the boy tightly as he cried in his embrace.

Another money shot.

The cameraman who had metal shards piercings all throughout his body raised the camera and took the snap before dropping onto his knees. His special power of soft body allows him to take more damage and punishment than others, but even himself has a limit now.

Putting the camera down gently, he can rest easy against the side of the wall knowing that he has obtained all of the best shots out of all the cameraman around and that he will be the one taking all of the glory when the rescue team arrives.

The sound of a sharp knife piercing through a torso came from his side, and he turned to see a spike made of solid light piercing through the young boy's back, and Beacon, his face now covered with blood, turned around to look towards him.

The kind and smiley eyes of a hero nowhere to be found, and all that the cameraman knows of at last is that of blood lust and fear.

Beacon lets out a cold chuckle and swiped his hand towards the cameraman.

Perhaps this hero debut is not what it seems. That was the last thought that went through the cameraman's head as a gigantic construct of the light sword was formed in the air. Then it pointed its tips towards the head of the cameraman and rushed down.

'BANG!' An explosion went off at the last moment, and the light construct was shattered before it made contact with its intended target.

'I knew something was wrong with you, Beacon.' Jon appeared from the darkness with his analog electronic camera in hand, 'but I never thought this...'

'Who are you?' Beacon asked, tossing the body of the brother onto the ground and turning to face Jon, 'you extra looking dude, here for an archaeology expedition with that artifact?'

'Extra...looking?' Jon murmured, looking down at his reflection on the camera lens, 'is this what I really look like...?'

'Sadly, you guys saw something you shouldn't have.' Beacon said before dissipating into thin air, 'choose a new profession in your next life.

Then, Jon suddenly felt his body penetrated from all around with invisible knives. The same holds true for the cameraman sitting against the wall as gaping wounds opened up suddenly all throughout his body. He reached out powerlessly with his entire hand missing and blood ejecting out from his wrists.

What the hell just happened. Jon cursed as the pain came from his entire body where invisible swords made their marks. One of his handful of formal attire has now been ruined.

Looking at the tiny wound on his forearm, Jon went ahead and grabbed onto where he thought the invisible sword is, and he pulled it out easily. Whatever it is, it is invisible, but not intangible.

Perhaps a construct made of light in the invisible spectrum? Jon wondered before turning around and picking up the camera on the ground from the recently deceased cameraman. Clearly, Beacon intended to kill the two of them with his special move, the invisible daggers. Regardless, he has failed, and now the responsibility falls upon Jon to reveal the truth to the world.

Beacon has disappeared from the room, and it is likely that he has continued with his onslaught in the area. If he is willing to kill the elemental siblings without a moment's hesitation, then there is no say what he would have done to the rest of the kidnapped and experimented teenagers.

There is no time to waste, and Jon immediately dashed deeply into the factories.

By the time Jon cleared all of the first floors with his incredible speed and footwork, piles of bodies have already been laid down across, each of them with giant gaping holes through their torsos and bodies, and their bodies are messily piled together with a handful of them burning in the flames.

Also invisible light constructs in the infrared spectrum too...Jon thought as he felt a quake going off overhead. Putting a fist overhead, Jon jumped straight up and punched through the ceiling.

'Oh? You are still alive?' Beacon said, dropping yet another body to the floor, 'you low lives sure know how to survive more than anything else, don't you?'

'YOU.' Jon said through gritted teeth, 'why are you really here? What is really your mission? Are you here to murder everyone and everything?'

'Me? No. I am here for the rescue mission.' Beacon said with an innocent smile, which only looked more horrid with the bloodstains all around his face and hair. His costume remained visually flawless though as it surrounds the corrupted piece of shit that he is, 'but it failed, you see. The Guild members brainwashed those kids, and killed them all before we can get out hands-on.'

'Well, at least that will be the official story, wouldn't it?' Beacon said, 'what are YOU gonna do?'

'I can put you down.' Jon said, dropping down the camera and reattaching it to his hips.

'Don't forget about the principle of non-interference.' Beacon turned around with his hands on his hips and taunted, 'you can't do shit! And if you do anything to interfere with my work, you are DONE.'

'Do you think I care about it?' Jon said, taking a step forward as the ground shakes and the surrounding metal supports screamed with this movement, 'nobody will know what happened down here.'

'Nah oh.' Beacon wagged his finger before bring up a light construct of an image. It showed Jon taking the camera from the corpses of the previous last surviving camera crew, him standing in front of the pile of burning bodies and him walking by even more bodies, 'you are not the only one capable of capturing the moment here, Mr random cameraman.'

'Plus, you are nowhere near strong enough to defeat me.'

An animalistic scream came from the end of the second level of the factory, and a shock wave passed by the two standing here. Medical equipment, beds, stands, and other appliances are sent flying towards the two of them here. Then, chunks of flesh are also sent flying this way. Both Jon and Beacon turned around to look that way with the latter lighting the area with a construct of light.

A glowing being floated in the air and looked towards the pair of them here. Obviously, the fleshes that flew by belonged to someone else, perhaps one of the medical scientists, or a handler, or a capturer of this being. Pulses of slow traveling light echoed from his body before bouncing back into his body.

He reached out a hand towards Beacon and asked, 'are you...a hero...are you here to save me?'

'I am Beacon, and everything is okay now...' Seeing the last remaining teenager in the area reaching out to him, Beacon immediately switched back to his hero mode before approaching the glowing being slowly.

'They got all my friends...they wiped them and reprogrammed them...' The being with a young girl's voice pleads, 'please save them all...please save my friends....'

'It's okay now....' Beacon stopped two meters away, 'you can calm down now. Everything is going to be okay.

'Thank you... a hero...' The being slowly descent from her state of floating and dropped down onto the ground level. Then, Beacon bent down and reached out with his very own hand.

Then, he swiped down, and a gigantic invisible sword made of ultraviolet light slammed down onto the ground where the girl was just standing before it pierced through the floors. However, the being is nowhere to be seen all of a sudden.

'What...? What is going on?' The being said from way behind Beacon, and he spun around to see Jon holding her inside his arms. The energy given off from her body is slowly burning into his flesh, but Jon remained unwavering, 'what.....? Who are you?'

'Beacon cannot be trusted.' Putting the little girl down onto the ground, Jon said while putting a hand and shielding in front of the girl, 'he wanted to hurt you, and he hurt all of your friends.'

'My friends...are they all...NOOOOOO!'

With another outburst, a shockwave exploded outwards from the little girl and Jon's body was sent flying towards Beacon. He showed a maniacal smile and prepared a light sword construct while preparing to pierce through Jon's body. However, before the tip even made contact, Jon's fingers found his way to the body of the sword, and he knocked it aside with a single tap before slamming his feet into the face of Beacon.

He dissipated his body into strands of light before impact and reformed himself around the little girl.

'YES, I KILLED YOUR FRIENDS, AND NOW I AM GOING TO KILL YOU.' He said, whispering into the little girl who has already broken down. She lets out another outburst of raw power with a painful scream as the columns surrounding the structure began to shake and snap.

'Get buried alive for all eternity, idiots.' Beacon said before slamming a gigantic sword of light into the biggest supporting columns while cutting into the body of the little girl with another dagger, forcing her to let out more of her uncontrollable power.

'So this is the power of the heightened generation! How brilliant! BRILLIANT!' Beacon declared before disappearing from the area and letting the collapse of the entire area began, 'die with her, you interfering...'

This collapse will not only be for the factory level, but also for everything above it. The apartment complex may be built on different foundations, but all of the underground areas will likely come tumbling down, trapping and killing all those that entered into the area today for the rescue mission that never happened.