Character Profiles (Main Five) (Season 2 Spoilers)

NOTE: These are the character profiles that I am creating to aid myself in writing, though not all of the ideas are used/correct/cannon in the story, it still creates a nice image of roughly what the characters are.

Main Cast:

Jon 'the Spectator' Bo

Appearance: buzz cut of 3 mm all around for economic value, a scar across his hands, inflammation in his fingers, callous in his palm and finger tips, average unassuming build

Backgrounds: A mysterious camera man, the strongest individual in the C Institute. Started his career in the underworld, but stepped away after a certain event. He moved to S city, doing general commercial shoots and worked his way up to the top due to his overwhelming strength and technique.

Preferences in work: An old fashion analog electric camera, because he likes the grip. Minimal protection, perfect lighting and exposure. His master loved it, and he too. 

Personality Quirks: calm to the point of being cold. Non-caring on the outside but deeply emotional on the inside. Hates to show his strength, but willing to help out his friend in the C Institute who took a chance on him years ago. Dislikes large crowds, hence he went as far away as he could.

Powers: the hand as steady as the center of a black hole, the finger as accurate entangled quantums, and the eyes as sharp as a string of atoms, the footwork as quick as shooting stars.

Escalation 2: Comic Empowerment. Fist of the Black Dwarf. Kick of the Neutron. Flick of the Quasar. Glide of the Photon.

Likes to do: film fights, do one shots, freeze frames, panty shots, non-interference, using his camera,

Hates: editing, dealing with people, interference, spending money, fixing his camera.

Pethant 'the DIscount' Ouph (percent off)

Appearance: bright red spiky hair, scar across face, bright blue eyes, strong athletic build, big and muscly,

Backgrounds: he was a fighter, but after realizing the obstacle in front of him, he gave up and wanted to become a camera man, as he realized he loved watching the fights more than participating in the fight himself. He wanted to be promoted from tier 3 to tier 2, but the hill that was impossible to scale stopped him from trying. The bright-eyed rookie who wanted to study under the camerama, looked down initially at Jon because of his looks and camera but become fully convinced after Jon showed his superior cameraman skills.

Preferences in work: armored digital camera morphed around his arms in a form a body shield, using his strengths and power to get around the battlefields for the best shot. Have a bad habit of positioning himself in the middle of attacks. Know of the principle of Non-interference, but finds it hard to accept it due to his background.

Personality Quirks: brash, honest, straightforward, a 'true warrior of the three kingdoms', a little naive in interpersonal relationships, but mature in managing the relationships that he does care about. Prideful of his camera, but shameful of his skills. His nickname of the discount came from his low quality shots often selling at discounts.

Powers: the body of 2 hercules, the strength of 1 hercules, the speed of 0.3 mercury and the wisdom of 0.1 Athena. Escalation 1: super strength, speed, power.

Escalation 2: air molecules flowing around his bodies and enhancing his attacks. Kick of the Tornado available at both levels though vary greatly in strength.

Likes to do: eat, lift, train, be on the front line, sleep

Hates to do: practice camera work alone, editing,

Ally 'The Bot' Androida

Appearance: body made of entirely silvery smooth surface with aesthetically appealing proportions all around. Her eyes glowed yellow with her nose high and mouth small. An ever changing hairstyle based on her day to day preferences. She likes to wear baggy hoodie with short skirts and an ever changing panty selection that she wanted Jon to see and practice with.

Backgrounds: An android designed to be a weapon of vengence rivalling the Ten Fingers with all of the negative emotions from all of the capture Tier 1 criminals. However, there cannot be negativity without positivity, and she was freed when Jon accidentally rammed through the lab, knocking out the researchers and the security mechanisms. That was the first time she felt the burning sensation inside of her that is love. Putting away all of her negative emotions and her powers, she is actually extremely innocent, oblivious and dumb on the outside, where she constantly mistakes the negative inputs as something to be positive about. She was designed to be the ultimate weapon physically, and her full potential is said to rival the Ten Fingers, though she requires her negative emotions to be leaked out in order to use the power to their utmost extent.

Preferences in work: her eyes are the natural cameras though it always came with a sort of an orange tint, giving everything a warmer sensation through the 'stylistic' choice. She like slow motion in particular, and enjoyed ultrafine details.

Personality Quirks: innocent, hopeful, childish to the point of slightly bratty, clingy and sweet. With her powers used, more and more of her more extreme personalities leaks out from the 'Pandora's box', and she is deeply afraid of that part of herself, though she is hesitant to show that part of her being to especially Jon.

Powers: adaptive superpower able to change the shapes, properties and abilities of her body in response to any other super power. The longer the exposure, the stronger she gets.

Likes to do: be next to Jon at any opportunity possible, recharge with a belly button electricity plug and a warm bath,

Hates to do: share Jon's time with Pethant, use her powers,

Bones 'Right Pinky' Skinner

Appearance: tall lanky man who's way more lean than muscular. He had tattoos all over his body but in all but the gym situation, he tends to cover everything up. He had long neck, tall nose and medium black hair that's jelled up into a single peak in front. His hair is full of energy, but his eyes are dead inside. 

Backgrounds: Recently promoted into the ten fingers after a big detective case that he solved in S Prime city which nearly resulted in a huge bloodshed in zone 5 if not for him stopping all of the fight in nearly the same time. Now, he works as a part time freelancing investigator while trying to get big and draw the attention of the girl he has been fancying for a long time, Freya Freed.

Preferences in work: meticulous worker, extremely proud of his deduction skills and craft to the point that he always wanted to keep it as a trade secret. 

Personality Quirks: proud and talkative when it comes to his detective work and telling stories of some of the crazier cases, shy and unsocial to the point of inferiority complex when it comes to everything else. Doesn't have a lot of friends, being the new guy at the Ten Fingers Table. Regarding his own fighting style, he was also only capable of Escalation 2 so far, making him feel even worse about being at the table.

Powers: Channeling his internal energy through his tattoos. However, the enhancements are nothing spectacular. It is the various styles of martial arts and skills that he knows that makes him as deadly as he is.

Escalation 1: Channeling his tattoos and becoming highly physical and powerful in his physical attributes. 

Escalation 2: tattoos on his body comes to life and can be wielded as extensions of his body.

(Future developments: Escalation 3: The INKED ARMY! Ultimate move, where he summoned copies of himself all at equal strength out of the tattoo ink and inbue them with the same energy and power)

Likes to do: talk about his work, talk about hitting the gym, being by himself

Hates to do: talk about other stuff, 

Patty Lusher

Appearance: a girl with dyed blonde hair, short and stout with colorfully framed glasses and freckles over her cheek. She is just as messy as Jon, though a natural beauty once she decided to get neat and tidy.

Backgrounds: she was born and raised in a research family in Zone Two, with both her parents working in the mechanical engineering and robotics industry. She was always tinkering with the latest technology in cameraman and actually got to know Hannah and Jon through a disagreement in class, and then Hannah's kind gesture of sitting with them once she noticed she didn't have any other friends. 

In the aftermath of Jon's rampage, she went into hiding and was the mastermind behind United Networks in which she gathered mountains of information of the Red Compound as well as mustered up military strength as part of her company. She pushed her inventive capabilities to the extreme with the hopes of killing Jon despite the strength he showed in his rampage in the underworld for revenge. She pushed Jon into using Escalation 2, and he remarked that he hasn't done that in a long time.

Preferences in work: the latest edition of new stuff, innovation, updates, constant change and action

Personality Quirks: stubborn, reserved outwardly but fierce once you get to know her, always wanted to break out and be her own self, forcefully independent yet often comes out short without the help of her friends

Powers: blueprints in the head. Can quickly put together simulations of various systems, objects and items in her mind better than most computers can.

Now, she commands two sentinel robots which are updating in their strengths daily. 

They started off as two robots one focusing in melee and impact based combat while the other provided ranged support, and she can enter into fusion mode when she became digitized and control the fusion of the three entities in a mode that rivals Jon's strength at Escalation 2 briefly.

Likes to do: make new stuff, hanging out with Jon and Hannah, experiment, think,

Hates to do: getting stuck, having no means of moving forward,