'Who.....are you...How did you get through...'

The prison chief said with a trembling voice as he shivers in fear in his trusty seat all the way up in the floating structure overlooking the courtyard.

All that happened this morning was a routine clean up, as the outside world needs some cleaning done, and the restless prison inmates needed some entertainment for their blood lust. Dumping unfortunate Cameramen and other superhumans into here is an easy deal to form.

However, all of the dealings is done with absolute secrecy, and all that the prison chief wanted to know is whether there will be a cleaning going through today while Wolfy and Generator take care of the rest.

He didn't care to check for the 'contents' of cleaning, and he never did.

Then, the breach alarm for the maximum-security ward is sounded throughout the area, and the prison's security mechanisms separating one level from the next fell one after another.

Overall, the prison only houses criminals that are tier 3's and above, and the general structures of the prison are also designed as such with the lower tier 2's and all tier 3's placed in the lower levels around the courtyard. Then, a structure (T2 structure) higher above houses the various high tier 2's and low tier ones with increased monitoring, though they also run certain errands for the prison guards in exchange for certain exclusive goods and services. Even higher in another separate structure (T1 structure) are the tier 1's with luxury living conditions and basically the bodyguards for the prison chief.

Of course, only the tier 1's that wanted to take such a deal are given this opportunity. For the more defiant ones, they are perpetually placed in suspended animation. The T1 structure is also where some of the more secretive activities have been carried on.

In general, without any teleportation abilities, the only way to get from the courtyard towards the prison chief's office all the way up the tower is through the T2 structure first before facing off against all of the tier 1's in T1.

Surrounded by criminal powerhouses that are bent to his will with a combination of inhibition collars and handsome rewards, the prison chief enjoyed his position of power to the fullest. As he enjoyed his roasted coffee beans in the morning, his door was knocked once before it was kicked down fully.

'As a professional cameraman, I was told that there would be coverage of a prison break, followed by the appearance of one of the Ten Fingers.' Jon said with a darkened face obscured by the surrounding darkness of the prison corridor, 'and I was greeted not by the prison staff for my services, but rather I and my intern are thrown into the fighting pit.'

'Tell me, Mr Chief...' Jon said, slamming a bloody mess of an item onto the table as the chief shivered in fear as the smell of piss began to fill the room as a wet patch formed around his crotch area, 'ARE YOU GOING TO REIMBURSE MY CAMERA?'

Glancing over to what looked like a severed head of an individual, it just turned out to be a camera covered in blood with a piece of flesh attached to it.

The prison chief swallowed hard as his mind raced for the lists of options and explanations. There is no way this plain-looking dude covered in blood made it through T1! He definitely had some sort of teleportation ability. The prison chief thought, as he forcibly calmed his mind and spoke loudly, 'Is that what you want? You want reimbursement for the expenses...?'

'Yeah, and something else.' Jon said, scratching his head, 'but that first.'

'Ok...let me grab the forms...' The prison chief pretended to be fearful and obedient, and to his credit, the wet patch in his trousers also did a great job at selling it. He reached for the energy pistol in the drawer and pulled in on Jon before shooting through the head, killing the reporter and ending the job that should have ended a while ago.

At least that's what he thought would happen.

'Finger as accurate as entangled quantums.' Jon said with a low voice, disappearing from where he was standing before reappearing in front of the prison chief with an outreached hand, and the energy pistol shattered into its thousands of constituent parts in his hand like a crumbling pastry.

'I don't think I have seen this form before.' Jon said, leaning in close menacingly, 'I think you have made a mistake.'

'What.....what do you want...' Out of options, the prison chief asked with a true voice of fear.

'I want answers.' Jon said, 'who gave you the intelligence that we will be here, and what your instructions were.'

Before the prison chief had a chance to answer, an alarm is sounded across the room before three loud beeps went off. Jon picked up the prison chief by the collar, but he immediately screamed out the fact that he hasn't done anything.

Looking over at the screens, it showed that all of the inhibition collars had been activated, and all inmates are incapacitated.

Not exactly a bad thing for Jon and Pethant, but who is behind this?

Regardless, Jon wanted the answers he came here for. Be it the responsibility of a journalist, and also a personal curiosity regarding matters of his own and his intern's safety.

'Don't distract away from the topic.' Jon said, 'tell me everything you know about the one that put us here.'

'He is the one that reached out to me!' The prison chief surrendered, 'he knows of the problems I had keeping everything in check, and he recommended the killing of unwanted people from the outside world here for entertainment!'

'What did all parties have to gain from this?'

'The inmates will be controlled easier if their anger is quelled, for the outside world, this is an easy option for getting rid of people they don't want alive anymore. For the's low-grade entertainment.'

'As in streaming, like professional fights?'

'Yes, just in worse quality....'

Are you shitting me? Jon lets out air before throwing the chief back into the chair. Hopefully, Pethant would have caught some good footage down there. This would be one hell of a story about a massive scandal in both the Superhuman Association, the Cameraman Association, and the entire underworld.

Hell, now it is certain that there is someone working behind the scenes across the three parties that wanted to borrow the hands of the Superhuman Association and Cameraman Association to clean up after their human trafficking work. Then the previous mission with was probably some sort of an internal cleaning process too.

All of this is starting to develop more and more into a shit show, and it will be something that Jon is going to face head-on. If not for the takedown of mysterious organizations and the pursuit of truth, why else would he be a cameraman?

'Put all of the information you have into the drive.' Jon said, 'then, I will allow you to live.'

'...yes...' The prison chief dared not to disagree, and he started the work on his monitors under the watchful eye of Jon. That's when he caught a glimpse of the aftermath of the T2 structures. If the courtyard is now a mess of a pile of unconscious inmates, then the T2 structure is more like a meatpacking factory now. There are few blood spilled, but there were bodies of tier 2 inmates everywhere, some stuff onto counters, the others hanging on the wall while the majority are pilled up neatly into the corners.

Did.....this man did this all by himself? The prison chief turned to look at the man with a buzz cut, an ordinary face, and a pair of menacing eyes before quickly returning to the file transfer. He didn't look this strong in the least, and yet he did dismantle the energy pistol at a speed that even the chief could not process.

The file transfer began loading, with all of the previous records of 'cleaning' being put into the files.

'As we wait, why don't you call for extraction for me?' Jon said, leaning his body against the desk.

'They...they would never reply!'

'Figure something out then.' Jon said, yawning lightly before the prison chief panicked his way towards the phone. There was no reply at all despite the connections being made.

He looked back at Jon with teary eyes, and Jon simply lets out a sigh.

So it did look like the prison is being used as a toilet where people flush their shit away. There is no cooperation here, only a one-way deal.

The office building shook hard once as a sound of an explosion came from downstairs, and both Jon and the Prison Chief sprung into action. The chief intellectually turned on the monitor for the T1 structure before realizing that Jon could end him anytime he wanted for this action.

However, to his surprise, Jon didn't move. Instead, he also looked into the monitor where he saw a half-naked shiny humanoid ripping through bodies like a dinner knife through tenderloin steak.

'Shit.' Jon cursed before vanishing from the room. All he did was knocking out and lightly injuring the few tier 1's and all of tier 2's that he passed through in the lower structures, but this new enemy is straight-up murdering everyone in sight. These may be criminals here, but still...flat out slaughter is still not right regardless of wherever you are.

He appeared at the end of the hallway before dashing through the shattered tables, broken sofas and poured drinks as he went towards where he last spotted the strange-looking humanoid.

Dashing around a corner and kicking against the wall to change his forward momentum, he finally made it to the lounge. A heavy stink of blood and flesh filled the room, and the humanoid is beating on a white-cloaked figure.

'STOP!' Jon said loudly, and the humanoid figure froze. Then, and streams of blood flowed down its side, the completely nude feminine figure turned around to reveal it's bare chest and body. The shiny metallic-looking surface appeared to have been made out of hydrophobic material as all of the fluids have dripped all the way down to the ground before a high pitch voice came through its voice box.

'MY-LOVE!' She yelled out before hopping over towards Jon, 'MY-LOVE!!!'

Then, she lept towards Jon as her breasts bounced through the air, filling all of Jon's visual fields.

As much as Jon wanted to put his hands all over that, he moved out of the way with the footwork as quick as shooting stars.

'Who are you...what are you?' Jon asked as he tried to stare at her in the eyes instead. Her entire body is of the color of silver, and her eyes glowed a bright yellow.

'MY-LOVE! My-breasts-are-down-here....'