The Power of the RED BLOB

Jon looked up at the two figures floating high up above the sky, a beautiful skill shot against the cloudy day backdrop as they acted as the only source of light within his frame. Then, those two superhumans at Escalation turned their attention downwards towards him.

Jupiter pointed his palm towards Jon before a gigantic beam of light was shot out from his palm, vaporizing a small city block in the process. Mu turned to look at Jupiter in surprise but he instead looked a little concerned. Was that not enough to get rid of the cameraman? Turning her gaze back down towards the surface level, and Jon, the Spectator, has merely repositioned himself while keeping the two of them in the center of the shot.

In comparison to Pethant and Ally's live stream, Jon's very own is tagged on to his stream as a partnered stream, though he is slowly getting more and more traction as others accidentally clicked on his tab, where the audiences get to witness two nearly god-like beings go all out against a cameraman. However, they were promised a fight between two superhumans from opposing countries, when they actually tried to work together to get rid of the 'evidence'.

'We cannot delay this any further.' Jupiter said, and Mu agreed with him. The longer that the cameraman is alive and that the world knows of this incident, the more trouble the two of them would put their leaders and countries through. They have to go all out here and finish Jon as quickly as possible.

Raising a hand overhead, Jupiter created various beams of light around him before sending it crashing down as if the suns itself had been shot down with sacred arrows of legends. Roads were torched, buildings melted and blasts of heat swept the abandoned building. Everything was set ablaze before more smoke rose up through the air. However, before his attack had fully settled, Mu began her dance, as the blazing surfaces began to tremble and quake as the roads began folding upon themselves.

Then, the various blocks collapsed inwards as if a black hole had been formed in the middle of the city and started tearing everything away. With a climatic pose, the entire middle of the city became flattened, as all that remained are a giant crater of dust and dirt. Everything was clear now, and the corpses of the cameraman is nowhere to be found,


The sound of the shudder is heard by the two yet again, and they looked to see Jon standing in the middle of the ruins still with the camera pointing up at them.

'That was one hell of a one-shot.' Jon said, chuckling to himself as he dashed across the ruins to find the best angles for the two.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING, JUPITER!' The communications from Necrovia's President came through his personal channel, 'you are our NATIONAL TREASURE, and you can't even take care of this simple mission?!'

'There had been new developments.' Jupiter replied coldly, 'our missions would be compromised, and the Conglomerate of Cities will learn of our outside interference.'

'Then make sure nobody learns of this.' the Necrovian president snarled, 'don't fail me. Get rid of the pest, and get the red blob.'

Jupiter looked over towards Mu, and it is evident that a similar instruction was sent from the King of Basha.

'They wanted the stream to kill off.' Mu said, 'or they will send missiles to do the job.'

'So...they wanted the Red Blob before that...or nobody gets it.' Jupiter nodded understandingly, 'such is the life of NATIONAL TREASURES.'

'Whatever.' Mu said, dropping down towards the surface with Jupiter in close pursuit, 'let's stop wasting time and just kill him.'

As the two superhumans approached Jon, he had to back away just to ensure that both of them are in the frame.

'Are you scared?' Jupiter said, 'why don't you tell us how you know to be here, and stop filming?'

However, as Jupiter is talking, Mu had already attacked! The classic technique of diversion of attention and Mu had already closed in the distance between the two of them instantaneously with her right hand formed into a palm. Her movement carried deadly aggression, and her hand cut across Jon's body cleanly like a hot knife through butter. It was so quick and so smooth that it didn't felt like she moved through a human body.

Jon disappeared from where he was, and Mu realized that all she hit was the afterimage of his movements. Jupiter sensed Jon's reappearance behind them and spun around with a beam of energy slashing horizontally across, but Jon avoided it easily.

Realizing that Jon is much more troublesome than the two of them initially gave him credit for, Mu shaped her hand into a claw before performing a yanking action towards herself. The fabric of space moved according to her will, as Jon's camera was ripped apart.

'Shit.' Jon cursed, and Mu lets out a satisfying laugh. However, Jupiter had a feeling that reaction wasn't that of panic and fear, but rather...frustration?

'I miss the days when the powers used to be boring and straightforward.' Jon said towards the two of them, 'none of this random bullshit destroying my cameras every other day.'

'You got bigger problems to worry about!' Mu said, swinging her arms and upheaving materials from the ground from left and right as they collapsed in to crush Jon. However, his image went into a frantic motion of zig-zags across the battlefield before he appeared behind the two of them again. Jupiter was preparing for this and turned around for a lethal blow, but Jon gave him a tap on the elbow to send the attack flying sideways.

'You being here is already a breach of the agreements.' Jon said, 'am I correct?'

'Why does it matter to a dead man?' Mu said, yanking Jon towards her with the distanced spatial manipulation attack again, but Jon contorted his body around Mu's follow up attacks before landing gracefully on his feet again.

'You are here for the Red Blob.' Jon said, 'tell me what it really does. What it has got to do with the superhumans and the heightened generations?'

'YOU!' Mu screamed out angrily as veins popped out of her temple. Her body glows as her ESCALATION 3 is pushed to the extreme as space around her began to become distorted with strange curvatures of light pathing around her body. She disappeared and reappeared with instantaneous speed and punched through Jon.

She carried on her forward momentum before planting her feet hard and spinning around in a circle, unleashing a devastating non-discriminate attack against everything in the vicinity as the ground materials are ripped up and disintegrated with a dark aura surrounding her.

Jupiter had to move out of the way of this attack, and Jon stood beside him as the two of them watches on at the rampage.

'You two got a history?' Jon asked, and Jupiter hurried to attack before a finger is put against his throat. He halted all of his actions and gave up quickly after. Mu may be too stubborn to admit it, but this individual in front of them is levels above the two of them in strength, despite both of them being NATIONAL TREASURES, and despite both of them being able to access ESCALATION 3.

'Yeah.' Jupiter said, putting his hands down and standing as Mu continued ripping everything apart. That was her strongest attack, Dance of the Cursed Space, where she encloses an area in total lockdown by bending the space according to her will and destroy everything within the area. However, the entire dance cannot be interrupted, even after the enemy is destroyed.

There is no way to get out after the attack has started, but Jon slipped through before it was even channeled.

Now, Mu is just performing a furious dance routine for the two of them while kicking up dust and tearing through space.

Kinda relaxing if you ask me.

'You are too strong.' Jupiter said, shaking his head, 'but I cannot tell you the truth about the Red Blob, because I don't know about it. We know it can do something to superhumans, but it's not known really...'

Before Jon had a chance to respond, the ground shook again though this time the sensation is a lot more akin to a full-blown earthquake in comparison with the previous ones from Mu's attacks. Jon and Jupiter glanced over towards the epicenter before a monstrous being shot through the ground, bringing tons of earth with him as buildings are knocked aside and roads are torn through. With the emergence of the towering giant, Jon spotted two tiny figures flung through the air, and he whispered lightly before disappearing from next to Jupiter.

Mu has finally finished Dance of the Crused Space, and she is so glad to have finally gotten rid of the pesty cameraman when Jon reappeared with Ally on one of his shoulders and Pethant on the next.

Ally rolled around on the ground crying and complaining about how much everything hurts like a little kid falling off a swing while Pethant is just glad to be alive.

'Master...cough cough...' As clouds of dust are ejected from the cracks in his armor with every cough, Pethant gripped tightly onto Jon's arms, 'that middleman...he ate some of the Red Blob!'

So it is some sort of an enhancement material...Jon thought, looking up at the giant who is moving slowly towards them.

'NO! HE-ATE-ALL-OF-IT!' Ally said, 'First-bit-through-the-mouth, the-rest-through-the-body!'

'So this is what it feels like to have a city worth of power.' The giant commented, looking at his hands each the size of a small plaza and his arms each the size of a bridge, 'now, the world shall know what the Red Blob can do!'

'Your missions have changed.' Suddenly, both Jupiter and Mu's communication devices are ringing, 'destroy the monster with the Red Blob, and cooperate with those from the Superhuman association. You have to take that monstrosity down at all costs.'

'What?' Mu shouted back into the device, 'but you should still be able to extract the Red Blob from his body!'

'That's an order. Just follow it.'

Biting down her teeth, Mu was absolutely furious. Jupiter looked unbothered by it though, and he even had a smile on his face.

'What are you laughing about!' Shooting an angry sentence towards him like a bullet, Mu marched angrily forward past him.

'I am just happy to have this group assignment extend a bit more.' Jupiter said, the same irritating look returning to his face, and Mu can't stand to see it.

'There, I have done what you have asked for.' The president of Necrovia said with a shaking voice as he pulled his finger back from the communication device and looked towards the being in front of him, 'now let me go!'

'Sure thing man...' The being said with a wicked smile, dispelling the monsters crawling in every corner of the president's room with a single swing of her hand before her body also dissipated into thin air, 'remember not to be naughty anymore, got it??'