'Master....your face is really red.'

'Yes-my-love! Red-as-an-apple!'

Pethant said, downing glasses of water as the trio sat at a table at the resort bar waiting to get their dinner order through. Ally, in the meanwhile, is sitting next to him as she looked over at Jon with her head resting on her hands with a cheeky smile on her. Jon didn't know she was capable of that expression, but he was wrong.

''s the hot water.' Jon said, scrambling to pick up his own glass and preventing himself from saying anything else, 'anyway, what do you want to order? I will go get it for you two.....'

'Orange-juice-and-hamburger!' Ally said, throwing her arms overhead in her signature gesture of excitement, as Pethant pointed his finger towards the item towards the corner of the menu.

'Protein ramen bowl please.' Pethant said, looking up at Jon with earnest eyes, 'thank you, master. This should have been my responsibility.'

'No no...I will do it.' Jon said before making a run away from the table.

For some reason, he found himself struggling to be around Ally ever since their little secret in the private bath. It's not like the two of them haven't shared any physical intimacies before...Ally always found herself into Jon's beds in the middle of the night, and they often slept next to each other until the mornings despite Jon always telling Ally to be in her own bed that he set up.

But...there is something different here, and it is a kind of feeling inside of Jon that he doesn't quite understand. Shaking his head side to side and clearing these troubling thoughts, Jon made his way towards the bar when he spotted two individuals with a distinct aura of power about them. They were both extremely beautiful girls and they were just having a drink and a conversation at the bar.

Perhaps Jon was being too paranoid.

Entering the order he wanted into the touch screen at the table, he then asked for a fruit cocktail and a big jug of orange juice from the bartender.

' I just went and wiped the floor with the entire security forces of the King, and he was like "My national treasure is going to avenge for me!" Hahahaha can you believe that shameless bastard...'

The girl sitting on the right said with loud laughter, drawing some eyes from the nearby seats. She is fancily dressed in a blank leather jacket as her top and shiny black jeans at the bottom. Her extremely muscular build pokes through various corners of her outfit and propping it up tightly like mannequins at the stores. Sensing Jon's gaze, she turned around and looked back at Jon with an interested smile on her face. Her red hair is tied into a bun on the top of her head with two strands hanging down the sides of her face. Her nose is pointy, and eyes big and bright. She is wearing a crop top underneath the jacket, and her lean and muscular abdominal is revealed as she turned.

A classical beauty in every sense of the word and even Jon can't help but be captivated by her. However, what's even more incredible about her is not her outward appearance, but the hints of power emanating through her body. There is no doubt that this girl is ridiculously strong, and Jon already had an idea of what she is.

Picking up his juice cocktail and taking a sip on the spot, Jon listened as the other girl replied after the red-haired girl turned her attention back to her companion.

'You actually fought them? For realsies?' The other girl said, her accent distinctively different from the red-haired girl with emphasis on every consonant sound (a typical posh British accent), 'I just walked issues at all. Then, I gave the Necrovian Prez some of his worst nightmares...and he peed his pants.'

'No fucking way!' The red-haired girl spit her drinks out in a burst of laughter, and now half the bar is looking towards her. However, she doesn't seem to care for the demeanor.

'Can you quiet down, please?' Another guest complained from the corner of the bar, and she glanced back angrily as a surge of power exploded from her. The deathly aura immediately shut the guest up as his face turned pale and his hands trembled. Barely clinging onto his chair as to not fall onto the ground, he instead minded his own business.

'That is not very nice.' The other girl suggested.

'Yeah yeah...not that I will be spending a night with that guy anyway.' The red-haired girl said, slamming down her drink, 'give me another!'

'Um...if you would excuse me...'

The two girls turned to see Jon standing a meter away from them with a fruit cocktail in his hand, 'were you two talking about what has happened at the abandoned city?'

'WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?' The other girl asked, and now Jon is finally able to get a good look at her.

She had a light and puffy afro-textured hair that instantly drew Jon's attention. Her body is powerfully built, though nothing compared to the size of the red-haired girl. She had golden bronze skin all over her body, and she is dressed in a white dinner suit with flowers, vines and monsters sewed into various corners of her outfit. She is wearing purple lipstick, and specks of glitter can be seen on her face.

' the Spectator. I am a cameraman.' Jon said, bringing out his official credentials as he knew that everyone that is invited to the resort is either societal elites, the very rich, and/or the very strong. Nobody would care for him just from his ordinary looks.

'Who?' The red-haired girl chuckled and looked towards her black haired companion, 'never heard of any cameraman.'

'The Spectator...' However, Jon's Cameraman name seemed to have rung a bell for the black haired girl, but soon she also shrugged, 'sorry. Not a clue.'

'That's doesn't matter.' Jon said, shaking his head, 'Were you involved in the incident of the abandoned city? Were you there?'

The red-haired girl made a disgusted face, and glared towards Jon as if he is an annoying pest, 'get out of here before you get hurt, paparazzi.'

'Papa...' Jon was frozen in place by the remark, 'paparazzi...?'

The single greatest insult towards a cameraman was just tossed out towards him, and there is no way that he can let it slide.

'Sorry, but we are not going to spill out our missions to nobodies.' The black-haired girl said coldly before slowly turning around.

'Shit...' Jon scratched his head frustratedly before taking a step forward.

Suddenly, the entire bar began shaking as both girls immediately stood up from their seats and turned with their powers fully activated. The red-haired girl's entire body sends out a pulse of energy as a bright glow and tether of light connects between her and everyone else in the room including Jon. Her eyes are glowing like two small suns and she looked as if her body is about to explode.

At the same time, Jon can feel a loud hissing sound behind his neck as a monstrous green serpent gently positions its body around Jon with its mouth about to bite down on his neck. The crowd immediately began to move away as the bartender hurried to hide behind the bar table.

'Do you know who you are talking to?' The red-haired girl said through gritted teeth with a threatening tone, 'insolent paparazzi.'

'I don't think any of us knows who we are talking to.' Jon said, shrugging as his shoulders rose up and bumped into the jaw of the serpent. Despite the sudden and immediate display of power from the two girls threatening to end Jon then and there, he didn't move a single inch.

In fact, he picked up his fruit cocktail and took a loud slurp that echoed through the silent room.

'You are stupid and crazy.' The black-haired girl said, a brush pen appearing on her hand as her body also glowed a rainbow color, 'you are talking to Two of the TEN FINGERS!'

'That makes sense...' Jon said, nodding his head and looking down as his head bumped into the serpent again, 'though what are you doing here? Why are you getting involved in matters occurring at S city? And...are you two new?'

'Huh? Who are you to question what we do?' The red-haired girl said, raising her fist to the side and glancing towards her companion, 'can I punch him? Just one punch?'

The black-haired girl sighed, 'I promised to keep her under watch...but you are really quite annoying, nobody.'

'YAS!' The red-haired girl cheered and swung her fist towards Jon's face. Then, as her glowing red fist is about to leave a permanent dent on the annoying pest's face, Jon's body disappeared, and he took a seat behind the two of them.

'I am sorry for being rude.' Jon said, tapping on his head frustratingly as the two girls spun around in shock and awe, ' not in the right mind space today. I was in the abandoned city too, and I was the cameraman there filming the final fight. The national treasures suddenly received new orders from above about their new objective halfway I wondered...'

'YOU!' The red-haired girl, now furious, stomped hard onto the ground and shattering the beautiful flooring in a single pivot before she raised her hand for an even faster punch towards Jon. He moved out of the way again, and the punch nearly punctured through the bar and killed the bartender behind it if not for the girl pulling back at the last second.

'Wait, Freya!' The black-haired girl plead, but the red-haired girl is not in the mood to listen. She chased after Jon with barrages of punch one faster than the other, and the combination attacks forced Jon all the way back until his back is against the wall.

'You PEST!' Freya said, spinning around and delivering a kick directly towards Jon when she saw him letting out a sigh.

'Fingers as accurate as entangled quantums.'

Then, she felt a series of gentle taps long her muscular thigh, and then the erotic itch immediately softened the attack as Jon hugged onto her foot and took the remainder of the impact. Freya heard a low grunt from Jon before he let out a wheeze.

A door opened behind him, and a waitress holding with plates of food on her hand walked out before she abruptly stopped in her tracks and nearly spilling the food all over Jon.

'Watch where you are attacking. Are you not even capable of that, FINGER?' Jon said with a low growl before Freya pulled back her leg and quickly headed back towards her table without saying a word.

The black-haired girl instead jogged towards Jon and put a hand on his shoulder, checking if he is alright. To her surprise, despite taking a hit from one of the ten strongest superhumans in the entire world, Jon appeared completely fine, if not a little pissed off.

'I am sorry for what Freya did.' She said, 'we should have listened, but she gets mad easily when you dodged her attacks so easily like that...'

'It's fine.' Jon said, straightening up at least as he tore off the piece of clothing that was destroyed by Freya's kick and puts it in the bin next to him, 'the FINGERS always carry with them a certain attitude.'

'I apologize for her behavior officially, Spectator.' The black-haired girl said with a genuine look on her face before reaching out with her hand, 'My name is Imogen NeShaun. I am the Left Index Finger. The redhead is Freya Freed, and she is the Left Middle Finger.'

' me Jon.' Jon said, rubbing his stomach lightly, 'now...can we have a real talk?'