Character Profiles (The TEN FINGERS) (Up to S2!)

The Ten Fingers: the ten strongest individuals in the world, each with continental busting powers. The females are on the left hand while the males are on the right hand. The fingers are arranged in orders of strength from thumb being the strongest to pinky the weakest.

Here, they are listed in the order that they are introduced in the story.


Imogen 'Left Index Finger' NeShaun

Appearance: powerful feminine built with athletically sculpt shoulders, slim waists and thick waist with rounded curves in the lower limbs. She wears often the most extravegant of clothing of her own creation. She has a puffy afro hair style with bronze colored skins.

Backgrounds: ???

Preferences in work: she works as a freestyle artist and performer but likes to participate in fighting tournaments, dangerous missions on the side for inspiration in her art. A hired mercenary rather than a professional hero.

Personality Quirks: a free spirit doing whatever she wanted to do from moment to moment, never settling down and often crossing the boundaries. Can become fiery when challenged, but generally uncaring.

Powers: creating solid constructs out of her own imagination. She operates outside of the Escalation scale. Her gigantic God of War armor is her special moves.

Likes to do: experience new things, meeting new people, dumping new people, low commitment activities,

Hates to do: commit and be regimented, schedule, being told what to do,


Freya 'Left Middle Finger' Freed

Appearance: red haired professional fighter with extremely muscular build, each step powerful enough to shake the earth and each breath to blow away mountains. Pointy nose, big bright eyes, medium hair tied into a bun with two strands by the side of her face. Wears around black crop top revealing her muscular midsection.

Backgrounds: Just a good pro fighter lol

Preferences in work: professional fighter taking only the fights she is interested in regardless of gender.

Personality Quirks: fiery, competitive to the point of disrespectful to those weaker than her, strength-focused and that made her rather lonely at times

Powers: information control and manipulation. She is able to 'leech away' her opponents strength by learning their information and manipulating it through the strands of light like optical fibers. Can also connect with allies and share information.

Escalation 1: enhanced strength and information leeching

Escalation 2: full localized information control

Escalation 3: global information manipulation

Special moves: Valkyrie Armor series of move, more of a stance switcher.

Likes to do: fight, argue, debate, gamble, win, lose,

Hates to do: settle down, relax, get along with people



Bones 'Right Pinky' Skinner

Appearance: tall lanky man who's way more lean than muscular. He had tattoos all over his body but in all but the gym situation, he tends to cover everything up. He had long neck, tall nose and medium black hair that's jelled up into a single peak in front. His hair is full of energy, but his eyes are dead inside.

Backgrounds: Recently promoted into the ten fingers after a big detective case that he solved in S city which nearly resulted in a huge bloodshed in zone 5 if not for him stopping all of the fight in nearly the same time. Now, he works as a part time freelancing investigator while trying to get big and draw the attention of the girl he has been fancying for a long time.

Preferences in work: meticulous worker, extremely proud of his deduction skills and craft to the point that he always wanted to keep it as a trade secret.

Personality Quirks: proud and talkative when it comes to his detective work and telling stories of some of the crazier cases, shy and unsocial to the point of inferiority complex when it comes to everything else. Doesn't have a lot of friends, being the new guy at the Ten Fingers Table. Regarding his own fighting style, he was also only capable of Escalation 2 so far, making him feel even worse about being at the table.

Powers: Channeling his internal energy through his tattoos. However, the enhancements are nothing spectacular. It is the various styles of martial arts and skills that he knows that makes him as deadly as he is.

Escalation 1: Channeling his tattoos and becoming highly physical and powerful in his physical attributes.

Escalation 2: tattoos on his body comes to life and can be wielded as extensions of his body.

(Future developments: Escalation 3: The INKED ARMY! Ultimate move, where he summoned copies of himself all at equal strength out of the tattoo ink and inbue them with the same energy and power)

Likes to do: talk about his work, talk about hitting the gym, being by himself

Hates to do: talk about other stuff,


SEASON 3 (coming soon)