RISE of the BOT

'Tell me, what are you fighting for?'

Windy asked, carving out trails on the ground with the swing of her hands, clawing away the earth beneath Ally who stood tall against her in a black hoodie. A sparkly objected reflected the midday sun from her ring finger as she moved.

'It's-a-secret.....' Ally smiled mysteriously, hopping to the side and avoiding Windy's barrage of attacks before bounding towards her lightly, leaving nothing but a thin footprint on the ground as she goes.

'Aren't you mysterious?' Windy commented, entering into a battle stance and dropping low. Particles of air forming around her body in tight formations as she prepared to engage Ally with her full power, 'ESCALATION 2!'

Semi-transparent blades of air formed around her arms like the blade of a traditional Kusarigama. However, there are tens of blades formed around her, orbiting around her body and waiting to cut down on Ally.

'It looks like our girl Windy has indeed gone through a training arc since we last saw her at the start of the first season!' Goremaster commented, casually glancing towards the stream that has just been warming up, 'I am so excited for this matchup, Aggress. Ally, the BOT, a fighter that initially got famous by being on stream during the incident at the Abandoned city has recently made her professional fighting debut, and she has risen through the ranks at nothing less than rocket speed!'

'Indeed, and many have attributed her success to her ridiculous combat power. However, I do not think that's the only remarkable thing about this fighter.' Aggress replied, 'with every fight, she gets much better throughout. In the early stages, she is competent, but her powers truly shine bright after she is able to go for a few rounds with the opponent.'

'Yes, I agree with you completely. It looks like this is going to be a battle where we are just strapped in and waiting. This match is brought to you by SPFL, the Superhuman Professional Fighting League, and the Cameraman's Association!'

Ally didn't bother observing Windy for much longer. She learns and adapts by experiencing the damage, rather than looking at it.

Charging forward at a reckless pace through a reckless path, she knew full well that the base durability of her body is enough to even take punishments from Two of the TEN FINGERS, the ten strongest superhumans in the world. Despite what Jon constantly said about them holding back their strength, Ally is having none of it.

She knows she is strong, that she is worthy of Jon, and that she is here to make them all proud.

'OK...' Windy's eyebrows rose, her feet planted and her attacks launched.

Several of the blades are shot out from her sides as they traveled in an aggressive shallow yet curved trajectory towards Ally. The blades held it's a shape with it's densely packed air particles, and yet within it, the air still moved rapidly in circulation as the teeth of a chain saw. Ally rolled forward to avoid the first blade, jabbed to the side to avoid the second, and put up both hands in front to absorb the third and the forth.

The blades cut into the arms of Ally while the two swung back and dug into her back, sending her flying forward and planting hard on the ground.

Ally tried to grab onto the bodies of the blade, but they instead cut into her fingers before dispersing completely.

'Prepare yourself!' Windy said, constructing a gigantic blade of wind overhead before slamming it down like an executioner. The ground shook and the rocks screamed upon the impact with rising smoke and growing cracks around the point of impact.

The two casters held their breath as they waited patiently for what happens next, wary of speaking too soon and breaking the tension.

From the smoke, Ally reemerged as a dashing shadow.

Covering the distance with unbridled aggression, Ally gracefully approached Windy with blinding speed with clenched fists as she prepared to deal with the devastating blows to her.

'NOT SO EASY!' Windy said, commanding the blades all around her to whirl into a frenzy before construction various much smaller blades. The evolution in her technique is in the concentration of packets of energy that she is now able to control, making each of her individual attacks much more powerful.

She did accidentally cut into the back of her once boyfriend and now fiance during one of their 'cardio sessions' on holiday though.

One of the blades whizzed passed Windy and crashed right into the body of Ally, but what once cut through her touch exterior now leaves nothing more than a dent on her black hoodie. Something strange is going on with not only her body but also her outfit!

Windy jumped backward to recreate some distance while hoping to figure out what that Ally's true powers are, but she moved even faster than before. Her fist piercing through the layers of shielding around Windy's body and her fingers stretching out to grab onto Windy's collar.

Extending her body downwards onto the ground and digging deep, Ally yanked Windy out of her own defense before slamming her down onto the ground!


Rooting both her feet deep into the ground, Ally held onto Windy's body and slammed it back and forth like a children's toy. Initially, Windy tried to shield her body from the impact of Ally's rampage and attack her hand, but none of her attacks is doing anything.

It wasn't long before she went ahead and tore open her outfit, revealing her undergarments. Instead, Ally's fingers simply extended forward and grabbed onto that instead.

'ESCALATION 3! Activate!'

A bubble of air formed all around Windy, halting her movements in the air before nearly cutting off Ally's arms clearly in the process. She was forced to let go, and Windy was finally able to stop the embarrassment.

This is her trump card, though she could only stay in this state for a very short time.

With full control of the flow of air all around her, Windy planned to create a hurricane of attacks with Ally at the dead center of all of it. Millions of tiny blades sharper than any of the ones she had before tearing in and out of her body in sequences so quick and devastating and she would have no choice but to surrender after the first wave of attack!

Turning around, Ally had once again broken through her bubble of air, and the only thing Windy saw was her silvery glowing fist!

'LOOK HOW FAST SHE IS REGENING! OH MAMA!' Goremaster couldn't hold back his excitement, as the cameraman smoothly moved around the battlefield and focused on the actions going on in the bubble of air created by Windy in Escalation 3. She was punched with the same hand that was nearly cut off moments ago, and she was sent flying backward through the air.

However, Ally was not done, as she dashed forward with even greater speed, kicking, slamming, knocking, hitting, hooking, pulling, and pushing Windy's body through the air like a doll before landing stopping her final blow just short of her body.

Windy had already lost consciousness long ago, and Ally instead grabbed onto her bruised unconscious body and placed it on the ground gently.

'And your winner is...ALLY! And the chat is in an absolute FRENZY right now! What a performance by the rookie fighter! Wow!'


'I would happily simp for her!'





Portals opened, and the medical crew was the first ones to come out. There was a brief routine checkup on Ally, but her adaptability and regeneration easily took care of all of the damage sustained during the battle, and she was cleared to leave mere moments later.

Stepping through the portal of Taxi and ignoring his looks towards Ally's seductive curvature, she marched right on out of Superhuman Association, where Jon and Pethant are waiting for her in a tandem bike.

'MY-LOOOOOOVE!' Ally dashed across the streets, ignoring oncoming traffic and crashed her body into Jon before tackling him onto the ground. There was the sound of a loud crack before a prolonged clicking sound filled the air.

'....my camera...I didn't even go on any missions...'

'I-have-missed-you-soooooo-much!' Ally said, rubbing her body all over the broken compartments of Jon's camera as pieces of glass and plastic are mashed into an electronics salad.

'You were only gone for two hours...'

'Can-we-cuddle-now?' Ally asked, her orange glowing eyes looking into the souls of Jon before her hand traveled down his body and her voice turned into a whisper, 'or-do-you-want-to-do-me-here.....?'


Pushing the clingy android aside and standing her up, Jon collected the pieces of his camera with the help of Pethant before the muscular man put Ally in the middle of their triple tandem bike and they cycled away in sync.

None of them could actually drive, and neither Jon nor Pethant wanted to call a taxi, so in the end, the trio just cycled on a single bike through the city back to their shared house.

It has been quite a few months since they have returned from the holiday paid for by the Superhuman Association, and quite a lot of things have changed since then.

After their shared decision of moving over to S Prime, the secretive superhuman city, one day, the trio has moved into the same place much to the delight of both Ally and Pethant but to the annoyance of Jon. After freeing himself from the constraints of the Cameraman's Association, Jon was finally able to lay out all of the facts regarding how one can get to S Prime.

'You said you had a history there, master?' Pethant asked, 'could you not just go back?'

'It was...not the best history.' Jon said, choking on the water he's drinking and going into a coughing streak. Ally appeared behind him and started slamming her palm into Jon's back lovingly only to make things worse, 'I.....cough.....cough.....won't have the right personal entrance...there....plus...rules...cough cough...changed.'

'Rules? You-can't-just-go-there?'

'No.' Jon said, 'Unlikes S city, who has a mixture of normal humans and lower-tier superhumans. S Prime only welcomes strong superhumans. In order to get in from the outside, you need to be at least at the levels of a heightened generation equivalent. That's why we will be training you to be a professional fighter.'

'Why.....me?' Ally asked.

'Because Pethant's retired, and I am too obvious a person.' Jon said, 'if we pushed you to defeat a known heightened generation on a big stage, you will surely draw attention from one of the REAL ESTATE AGENTS from S Prime, and that will be our way into the city.' Jon explained, 'Ally, are you ok with this?'


'You get paid to beat people up.' Pethant budged in, and the rest is history.

Pethant, being the one with professional fighting experience, acts as Ally's coach and trainer while Jon is the media personnel and manager for her, negotiating prizes and arranging fights.

Then, a few months later, they stood atop the rookie rankings, as Ally the BOT stormed over the professional fighting scene.

The flap on their door clicked once before a letter was shot through the gap.

It dropped onto the ground like a brick, and a symbol of S followed by a dash is on one side of it.

'Welcome to season 2, I guess...' Picking up the heavy envelope, Pethant turned and dropped it towards the counter beside his protein powder.