'I guess you are better than the other ones.' The agency head, examining all of the materials that Jon had handed to him a day after Jon's encounter with James the dirt controlling superhuman, Alex the professional hero and the strange robot cameraman that Jon is certain is from the United Networks.

Despite all of that, Jon did capture an important detail regarding the professional hero, and this certain was NOT the kind of spicy that the agency head was expecting. Knowing that this goes way beyond the normal celebrity scandals covered within the scopes of the magazine, though it may be rather profitable for bigger magazines, the agency head tucked away the hard drive into his jacket and stood up.

'Welcome to the agency, kid.' Handing him two hundred bucks in cash, the agency head waddles away, 'you will work as a free lancer, and whatever you got will come through me. Your journalist license will arrive at your provided address in a few days.'

'That's it?'

'That's it.' The agency head said, 'no strings attached, no contracts, no guarantees. You get paid for what you worked for. You looking for something else?'

'No...not really.'

This is perfect. Tucking the cash away in his pocket, Jon walked away from the park. The sensation of him being watched continued, and it was akin to what he felt a day earlier when he was followed by one of the robots of United Networks. He turned to make sure the agency head has left the park before making his move, dashing towards the location which is giving him the strange sensation as he landed right on top of the robot and punched directly through it's head, destroying all of it's components and leaping back before it's self destruct sequence.

Part of him is glad the agency head didn't ask any questions regarding the actual footage he has taken, nor the fight that he got in, nor the robot he destroyed. In some sense, the Paparazzi agency itself actually upholds the principle of non-interference way better than Jon himself. This very freedom that he has is something that he will take full advantage of.

There was the deal with seeing Freya and Imogen regarding the RED BLOB, the strange business of United Networks robots strange behavior and now the red pill that seemed to take place of the RED compound way back then.

Restricted substances had always been a problem, and as the society transitions to being superhuman, the only thing that changed was the actual substances itself.

Heading back towards his home while making sure none of the robot's components are stuck in his clothes, Jon have decided to put all of that behind him, as he had an even more daunting task to do tonight, and he is strange nervous about it.

Ally was there waiting for him at home when Jon jumped through the windows, and she waved at him while sitting on the sofa wearing nothing more than a bathing gown.

'Good-job? Hahaha-why-am-I-so-funny...' Ally asked before cracking up at her own pun.

'Good job.' Jon nodded his head before taking off his shoes and tossing them towards the door way, 'I would have an license that should give me temporary access to some of the inner zones.'

'So-that-means-we-can-meet-with-fingers?' Ally asked.

'Not quite.' Jon said, 'but those things can wait. Get changed.'

'For-what?' Ally asked before Jon leaned in and picked her up by the waist and carried her back to his bedroom where her clothes are, 'ahaha-my-love-it-tickles.....'

'Do you even have a tickle function.....' Jon asked, putting Ally down on the bed like a baby before walking towards his own wardrobe and taking out a white shirt and a pair of jeans, 'we are going out to eat.'

'All-of-us?' Ally asked, still sitting crossed legged on the bed.

'No, just us two.' Jon said, swallowing hard and trying to act natural, 'unless you don't want to.....'

'Of-course-I-want-to!' Ally cheered, jumping towards Jon and hugging him from the back, nearly tackling him into the drawers.

'Then hurry up!' Jon said, 'we are going somewhere kind of fancy. Don't wear your usual tracksuit and hoodies for this...'

'Hmmmm...' Ally didn't let go of Jon and instead spun him around to look at Ally's own wardrobe. There was nothing but various tracksuits and hoodies that he has passed down to her. For a wardrobe for a girl, the wardrobe is rather pitiful, 'I-don't-have-anything-else.'

Hugging Jon tightly and resting her chin on his shoulder, Ally licked Jon's ear to draw his attention before whispering, 'Can-we-go-shopping-first.....?'

The shopping mall in zone six coincided with all of the fancier restaurants near by, and Jon had glanced over the menus to make sure that everything is perfectly within the range of of his budget on his way back home.

'You-are-being-very-nice-to-me-today...' Ally said, looking down at her feet as the two of them walked side by side through the streets.

'I...' Jon said, his face puffing red and heart beating fast, 'I am always nice, right?'

'Not-in-this-way.' Ally shook her head and tugged on his hand, 'I-like-it-this-way~'

Walking through the shopping mall as if they are already a couple, Ally was the one that dragged Jon from one shop to another. Her personal fashion sense haven't been fully developed, but she has had enough inspiration from all of the shows that she has binged in her spare time.

Jon said he would buy Ally a few dresses for various occasions, and she certainly went all out with it. He was expecting her to go straight to the specialty shops for superhumans, but instead she went to the normal clothing shops and picked out a few dress of varying colors and style.

There was the innocent country girl Ally Androida, the swag urban girl Ally Androida, the club house darling Ally Androida, the opera queen Ally Androida and the Professional Ally Androida.

She looked absolutely stunning in all of the outfits, and Jon found his eyes locking onto her regardless of what she is wearing. She knows it too, and spun around in circles showing Jon all of the angles.

'Which-ones-did-you-like?' She asked, and Jon threw up his hands in defeat.

'I think this is something that you have to choose...' Jon said, glancing over inadvertently to her panties as she picked up the edge of her dress to check out the patterns in detail. He looked away immediately and heard a giggle from Ally.

'You-are-such-a-boy!' Ally said, 'I-have-decided!'

'That was quick.'

'I-just-ran-through-five-hundred-iterations-of-assessment-in-my-head...' Ally said, 'in two seconds!'

Well, if anything, having an android girlfriend means all of the decisions will be made quickly.

In the end, Ally took the Swag Urban Girl and Opera Queen outfits, which are two completely different styles for the different occasions. For tonight, she has changed into the Opera Queen, which consists of a dark tight fitting dress with golden linings at the chest, shoulders and waist. The darkened non-reflective materials suits her silvery body extremely well too, and Jon couldn't really argue with the results.

The restaurant he took her to was one of the modern gourmet restaurants with inspiration from classical European cuisine but tweaked through the latest developments in molecular gastronomy.

After ordering the entire set, Ally and Jon finally sat in peace with one another.

'My-love...' Ally asked, reaching out her hand and grabbing onto Jon's own, 'I-am-here-to-listen...'

Nodding hard, Jon started the story from his past.

As Jon went through the years from his upbringing and his initial training to what happened during his education at the University of Zone One and to what leads him to becoming one of the highest ranking cameraman at the Camerman's Association in S city, Ally had the same fascinated look on her face that Jon couldn't quite read, now under some influence of half a glass of red wine.

However, Ally's holding onto his hand throughout all that time.

'Now that everything is so laid out...I am glad I meant you all.' Jon smiled and looked up at the girl across from him, 'part of me feel like the investigation into the RED BLOB is a legacy of Hannah.'

'You-still-had-feelings-for-her, right?' Ally asked lightly, and Jon nodded before realizing what he has done.

'It's not...'

'It's-okay-my-love...' Ally said understandingly, 'I-am-happy-just-being-with-you-here....taking-me-to-shop, to-eat-and-telling-me-stories.....I-never-thought-I-will-be-lucky-enough-to-feel-this-much-bright-flames.....'


'Jon-Borneat-is-not-who-you-are-today.' Ally said firmly, 'you-are-different.'

'I...I don't know.' Jon pulled back his hand slightly, 'I am afraid of what I will do if.....if something happens to you two.'

'It's-only-natural-to-get-angry-when-someone-you-cared-for-get-hurt....' Ally said, and Jon couldn't really disagree.

'But it doesn't mean rampage has to be the only response.' Jon said.

'See?' Ally said, grabbing onto Jon's hand again, 'you-have-CHANGED.'

'No-matter-who-you-think-you-are-right-now...you-are-always-going-to-be-my-love.' Ally said, 'And-no-matter-who-you-become.....I-will-always-love-you.....'


'I-don't-know-what-your-plans-are, or-whether-I-will-be-there...I-just-want-to-be-with-you, help-you-when-you-stumble, hug-you-when-you-are-doubtful-and-kiss-you-when-you-are-sad.'

Jon didn't know what to feel. His fingers is interlocked with Ally's, and both of their hands are boiling hot.

Standing up from his seat, Jon walked towards Ally in that stunning dress and kissed her with all of his passion.

She returned the gesture and wrapped her hands around Jon, locking him in place against her hot body as their tongues tangle.

'Ex...excuse me...this is your first entree...'

The awkward waitress dropped down the first dish on their table before running away, and Ally was the one to pull back and loosen her grip. Both of them are smiling profusely, and Jon can see his reflection beyond the warm glow of Ally's eyes.


Ally let Jon go willingly this time, and they turned their attention to the food at last.

The food was great, but the taste of the kiss tastes even sweeter.