Bone's CRUSH

'Are you sure about this?' Pethant asked lowly before poking at his own bicep.

Bones shook his head lightly, letting Pethant know that he would be fine before heading out with Freya. Pethant remained inside with a piece of fruit and looked on as the pair walked out. That's when he had a chance to think back to Bone's reaction.

'Of course...' Part of Pethant felt bad for Bones, as Freya had shown before that she was partially interested in Jon, though he didn't believe the Left Middle Finger is ever serious in that ordeal beyond the sex drive with a some alcohol in her system. However, he decided against talking about their previous history with Freya, and perhaps it was fate that Pethant was at the gym when Freya and Ally threw their tantrum outside of the resort.

That also explains why Bones wanted to improve in his physique seeing how Freya is built. Thanks to the clever and simple training program put together by Pethant, Bones has filled up the suit nearly perfectly. With some work done on his hair, he would be hard pressed if he didn't become one of the more handsome and popular guests at this event, not that Bones would want those kind of attention.

'How do you want to do this?' Freya asked, cracking her knuckles, 'Your suit looks good, so let's not ruin it.'

'Th...thanks.' Bones said before handing a drink towards Freya, 'I...I think we should do it with the drinks.'


'So...sorry I meant with drinks in hand. You said about spilled drinks, right?' Bones said, hurrying to explain himself so Freya won't lose her patience, 'the first one to make the other spill the drinks wins.'

'I like this!' Freya chuckled, 'I was talking metaphorically about spilled drinks, but this is clever!'

Then, she glanced around before reaching into her pocket and pulled out a small metallic container before a colorless liquid into her glass. Looking up towards Bones, she gestured for him to come closer.

Bones could feel his heart jump out of his chest as the aroma of Freya's hair filled his nose. Trying to keep his eyes at a professional location of her body, he stood like a log when Freya also filled his glass to the brim with her special drinks.

'This shot is on me.' Freya said before poking a finger into Bone's chest, 'I don't suppose this task is too difficult for you, rookie?'

'No.' Bones smiled, 'I...I like this.'

'Man, your face is red even before you drank!' Freya said, leaping back three meters as her hand effortlessly adjust it's orientation to make sure not a single drop of fluid can escape the containment of the glass. Right now, the only holding everything together is the surface tension of the water, so any mishap in body control and positioning is going to lead to a loss for either party.

'It's not always like this!' Bones protested, and Freya smirked at the response.

'Alright, rookie, show me what you got.'

'Are we going to talk about what happens if either of us win?'

'We will get to that bridge when we cross it....wait, I meant know what I meant.'

Now, Freya was the one stumbling over her words. However, she was not stumbling with her attacks as she was the one with the aggression to move first, dashing forward with the drink in hand as she held it in place with her strands of light acting as a stability mechanism used in action cameras before kicking towards Bones.

He spun around the attack effortlessly, preferring to hold onto the cup with his own steady hand as he felt a gust of wind brush against his back. From the perspective of the drinks, the glass itself simply spun around horizontally and everything else remained undisturbed.

'Oh?' Freya was intrigued by how he moves, and continued her attack with a barrage of kicks, punchs and swings, still holding onto her drinks with the strands of light. As long as she is keeping tab of the stability factor in the area, there is no chance in hell that the drinks can be spilled.

Meaning that Freya has at least positioned herself to not lose the fight. Now, it's also up to her to earn her win. From the way Bones seemingly moves around her attacks, this will not be a simple task.

He is strong! Freya thought, as Bones took three rapid yet precisely positioned steps towards Freya while avoiding the attacks. Then, he poked out one of his long fingers around Freya's defense and tried to tilt over the glass when Freya pumped out her chest and unleashed countless strands of light from her body to push Bones back.

He landed gracefully on his feet, though Freya didn't give him a single moment to pause as she closed in the distance between the two, reaching out with her right hand as she conjured up a sword made out of her strands of light joining together. As she prepared to cut towards the arm that was holding onto the glass, a black sword formed out of nowhere alongside Bones and clashed against it.

Then, the black sword clashed with Freya's own sword many times, though she was chaining together multiple attakcs from all of the angles while Bones is simply positioning himself always right out of the reach of the attacks and controlling the black sword with his mind instead. It would't take a master of combat to realize which of the two is exerting more effort, though Bones suspect that is Freya's all or nothing fighting style anyway.

'Tsk!' Slashing across aggressively, Freya jumped backwards and recreated some gap between the two as both of them dispelled their weapons.

That's when Freya saw the black sword going back into Bone's sleeve.

'I never asked about what your powers are.' Freya said.

'Is that something the FINGERS share with one another?' Bones asked, and Freya shrugged.

Then, strands of light poked through the ground and surrounded Bones before they sprung into action and attacked Bones simultaneously from all of the angles.

That's when Bone's body turned into a blur as he dodged, moved, spun, pivoted, hopped, skipped and bounded away from the constant attacks from Freya. For the attacks he could not have evaded, he simply channeled the ink within his tattoos to block it in the same way he used the ink to conjure up his sword.

Then, he channeled a portion of his superpowered tattoo ink underground as it travelled to under Freya's feet and shot out in the same way as Freya's attack.

'AUDACIOUS!' Freya laughed as she easily dodged out to the side, 'I LIKE YOU!'

' you too...' In comparison, Bones voice is a lot more quieter and genuine, so Freya obviously didn't hear it.

Giving up her boring range attacks, Freya instead flew forward now with a handful of strands of light decorating various parts of her body and reinforcing her movements. She charged forward towards Bones, anticipating a hit several instants later when Bones also made his move.

WIth short and explosive steps, he closed in the distance faster than Freya expected, and he sent his right fist forward through the strands of light protecting the glass as Freya wound up her punch.

She smashed Bones right in the face after Bones hit her glass with his very own.

The drinks of both Fingers were spilled onto the ground with Bones falling backwards due to the shear force of Freya's punch.

The splatter of alcohol, fizzywater and sugar capped off the fight, and the two of them both had patches of stick wet fluid over their clothes.

Freya looked on at Bones, shocked. He could have taken advantage of that opening that she had, and he looked like he had every intention to do it. However, he instead decided to clash their glasses together rather than attacking Freya directly.

As a result, she punched him in the face.

Throwing the glass onto the ground as it shattered completely, Freya rushed towards Bones to check on his face. There is a light bruise despite Freya holding back at the last moment.

'Shit! SHIT SHIT SHIT!' She cursed, stomping her feet angrily as Bones rubbed his face.

' sorry! OK! I AM SORRY!' Freya said, gritting her teeth and forcing herself to lower her head.

'It's okay...I am okay...' Bones said, smiling, 'But I won, right?'

'But it was both of.....nevermind.' Freya was about to contest the result of the fight, but those stubborn words simply cannot come out when she is staring at the knuckle shaped bruise on Bone's face, 'yeah you did. FINE. What do you want?'

'I hope it doesn't come out the wrong way...but...' Bones said, looking at Freya right in the eye and brushing his long hair to the side, 'Can I ask you out some time?'

'Ask me out to do what?'

'To....learn more about you, and do things know, we can fight again if you want...?'

'Is this because of one of your detective business or something?'

'No!' Bones shook his head quickly, 'I want to know you as a friend, personally. Personally as in...'

'Wait I get it!' Freya put up her finger proudly, 'you are asking me out on a date? Are you not?'

'Yes...' Bones said as Freya's face turned red, surprised by Bone's confirmation as she clearly put it out as a joke.

That's when he realized that he wasn't the only one that is socially awkward out of the group. She appeared restless and nervous now that he gave his full answer, 'unless you don't want to...'

'It's not that I have anything better to do...' Freya scratched her head and turned around. Then, she reached into her pocket and took out a business card before tossing it backwards, 'but.....but you better get a haircut the next time I see you! Get.....get it? I don't want people to see me going out with someone with that hair!'

'Sure...' Conjuring up a knife from his tattoo ink, Bones wondered if he should just cut off his long hair on the spot. Looking over towards Pethant who has been standing by the window all this time, he smiled back at him before pumping his bicep proudly.

Pethant threw both hands in the air and mouthed something unintelligible back.