'Of all of the silvers that I have seen, you have been the strongest.' Opposing Ally in the final round of the promotional tournament was a young teenage boy. He is long and lanky, yet he moved with an elastic agility that mirrored Ally's own movements, 'I have been eyeing you for a long time, sexy silver girl!'

'What-a-weird-kid!' Ally said, avoiding a triplet of strikes that was aimed at her collarbone, chest and rib cage area before she counterattacked with a kick. However, the boy caught onto her legs and lept backwards, pulling Ally with her and causing her to perform a split.

A common tactic to put one's opponent into anatomical awkward positions, but fortunately, Ally's anatomy runs rather differently than the rest.

Pulling her body weight with the strength in her right hamstring, Ally launched herself into the air and prepared to punch her fist through the boy as her shadow looms all over him.

Then, all that she saw was the glow of his eyes.

'Why do you fight, Ally?' He asked, 'is it to fulfill a hole in your heart? Is it about a boy that you loved?'

'What...shut-up!' Ally screamed and sent her fist through. However, the boy tilted his head to the side and narrowly avoided her attack. Then, he planted his fist and slammed Ally into the ground behind him.

'You wanted to get stronger and get acknowledged by him, and yet you cannot even overcome a frail looking boy!' The boy continued, 'you are a failure, and he thinks so too!'

'SHUT-UP!' Ally screamed, the dark flames inside of her mind taking over as the glow in her eyes turned purple. Then, she vanished from where she was on the ground, moving so quickly that the boy was sent flying BEFORE he saw the kick performed by her.

There was enough force to puncture a steel door, and yet the boy took in stride as his body was slammed into the cage behind him. Blood streamed down his face, yet he carried a frantic smile still.

'That's it! Give in to your darkness, and he will see all of it too!' He declared, his eyes glowing even brighter, 'what is this.....are you jealous of the red haired girl? Are you scared that your boy will run away?'

'Well, you should!' The boy said, pressing his fingers on various points on his body as Ally charged towards his initial location, nearly smashing through the highly reinforced cage itself. The boy spun around in place, avoiding the charge and kicked Ally in the back, utilizing her momentum to send her face crashing through the cage. Then, he jumped into the air before sending his feet solidly through the back of Ally near where her spine should be.

'How-does-he-know-all-of-this...' Ally wondered, deforming her body and softening all of the subsequent attacks from the boy as she thought back to the earlier stages of the fight. The calmer and more rational orange glow returning to her eye before being taken over by the dark purple, 'I-WILL-KILL-HIM!'

'Give in to your anger and hate over me!' The boy declared, the glow in his own eyes also going ever brighter to the point that he looked like a figure straight out of a religious painting, 'because you know deep down, there is NOTHING you can do YOURSELF!'

'And-what-do-you-know-about-me?' Ally turned around slowly in place and hardened her body once again.

'Everything.' The boy said, clapping both of his hands together 'my EYES OF THE GOD let me see through all of your worst fears! Now, add me to your list of fears!'

Then, the boy charged forward carefully and the two exchanged blows with the thunderous cheers of the crowds as the backdrop. It all started when a fist or two slipped through Ally's defense, then the boy was able to land a kick into her stomach, the side of her legs, and a knee to her chest.

'' Ally wondered as she was consistently pushed back. Then, she turned her head towards the crowd where Jon and Pethant are sitting, and Jon is genuinely looking worried.

'DON'T TURN AWAY FROM ME!' The boy screamed angrily and punched Ally right on the jaw, sending her flying into the cage. Her heavy body landed solidly against the wall before crashing onto the floor.

'Ally....Ally is down! ALLY IS DOWN! TEN! NINE! EIGHT...'

'I-wonder-if-my-love-will-keep-looking-at-me...' Ally thought, lying still on the ground and taking in everything the crowd is saying at the same time.

'What is happening with her?'

'I can't believe she fell for the trick of the kid.'

'I rooted for her! Now my money is GONE!'


Ceasing to analyse into the sayings of the crowds any further, part of Ally wanted to just lay still for a minute.

'Get up, Ally.' Among all of the noise, sounds and waves of the crowd, she heard the voice that she wanted to hear the most, 'you can beat him easily. Shine brightly and show the world what you have got!'

'LET'S GOOOOO ALLYYYYY!' There was also Pethant's passionate roar.

'GET UP! ALLY! YOU GOT THIS!' Jon's voice returned again.


'That's right. Stay down.' The boy said, leaning against the cage on the other side with his arms crossed in front of him, 'give me the...'

Before he could finish, Ally's silvery face suddenly appeared in front of him with a eerie blue glow in her eyes. Then, all that envelops his vision are her finger which now had spikes forming all over it. Before he had a chance to react, Ally had already grabbed onto his face, the spikes digging through his skin and into his eyes, nose, mouth and cheeks.

As blood flooded out and the boy cried out in pain, Ally locked in her hand and slammed the boy onto the ground, then against the cage, and onto the ground again. The crowd's cheered turned silent again before they started cheering for Ally once again.

The boy was screaming in pain after the first two slams, but soon he went silent too.

Dropping the motionless body onto the ground, Ally retracted the spikes that completely ruined the face of the boy into her body and opened her arms to the side, welcoming the thunderous cheers of teh crowd as the medical team rushed to treat the boy.

'Ally.....the your GOD OF SILVER champion!' The announcer declared to the tune of applause to the crowd.

My-love...are-you-looking-at-me-now? Ally wondered, turning towards Jon and Pethant's seat in the stands, but they weren't there.

As the cage is lifted slowly up into the air, Jon appeared in front of Ally, and he hugged her tightly before she could even react.


'I know you can do it.' Jon said into his ears, 'you are absolutely incredible...'

'Are-you.....proud-of-me?' She asked, her body tense though the blue glow in her eyes is slowly fading away.

'Of course I am!' Jon said, leaning back to see the slightly bruised face of Ally that have already started to regenerate, 'You are just this strong!'

'I-am-strong...right.....' Ally said, hugging Jon back too and digging her chin into his shoulders, 'And-you-will-be-with....'

At last, Ally has climbed her way up into the Gold Minor tier of professional fighting. That means that she can now be directly challenged by fighters around her rank and have monthly big fights if she wanted to. She will also have an entire team of professionals looking after her training, recovery, marketing and other aspects. Back there in the crowd, her first coach wiped away a proud tear before heading back towards his fighters agency.

That was about all there is with the GOD OF SILVER tournament, and Ally did a quick interview afterward after Jon and Pethant went off the stage again. She thanked her team coach at the Silver training facilities, thanked the unconscious boy that made her this mad, which drew out quite a bit of laughter from the crowd and thanked the TEN FINGERS for giving her the motivation to train her hardest.

Then, she named Freya Freed, the Left Middle Finger, in particular. The crowd was silent for a moment before they all simultaneous started cheering Ally's name.

She has just declared her desire to go for the top, and how can a crowd not root for her after that performance?

Looking deeply into Jon's eyes, she also thanked her love and left the stage before jumping into his embrace again.


She wondered as she hugged around one of Jon's arm as they walked through the tunnel and started heading back home.

Pethant volunteered to go and buy some ingredients for a big meal at home tonight, leaving Jon and Ally alone. Ally and Jon then shared a bath together, with her lying down on Jon's chest and enjoying every moment.

'Ally...' Jon said, squeezing some conditioner into his hands before rubbing them together and started applying them on Ally's chest, causing her to giggle slightly, 'During the fight, your eyes turned dark blue, right?'

He can feel Ally's body stiffen inside of him, and he instead stopped his movement and kissed her on the neck.


'It's okay...I am not judging you or anything.' Jon said with a smile and continued massaging her breasts, softening her body as she moaned with pleasure as her arms went limb, 'all of us have a dark side inside of us. It's about how we manage those fears and insecurities that counts.'

'My-love...ah~~~' Ally said, raising her hand to touch Jon's muscular torso when he ran her fingers over her nipple and caused her entire body to twitch before she threw her finger through bath tub and dented it.

'Sorry...' Jon said as Ally rolled around to press her body over Jon's very own, her hand reaching between his groin.

'My-love...' Ally said with a orange glow in her eyes, 'Whenever-I-am-with-you, the-only-flames-I-feel-is-the-golden-flame-of-love...'

Then, she made her way down Jon's body, and Jon's now the recipient of all of the stimulation.

Thankfully, the bathtub made it through today with only a few more dents on it.