The FARM and the FARMERS

'The reinforcements are coming, Jon.'

Just as the groups of soldiers gathered from all of the underground cities began to fill the corridors of the compound's higher levels, Patty's warning came through the communications device directly towards Jon and the rest of the rescue groups. This is to be expected, and from the look of the soldiers wearing the harvester armor, they are more than ready to fight.

Within a short amount of time, it appeared that all that the harvester armor does is enhancing their durability and their raw physical output. All of them have gone ahead and destroyed the part of the armor which was in charge of the extraction of RED and left it all in a mountain before someone with pyrokinesis turned it into charred junk.

Looking out from the various windows, doorways and cameras, the handful of security guards that are surrounding the compound are really nothing in comparison to the strength of all of those within, though Jon isn't so reckless to call for a mass attack without knowing the rest of the details.

That was exactly what Patty was working on, and she reported everything back towards the group before they devised a quick plan of attack.

Right before the arrival of the majority of the reinforcements, hundreds of soldiers flooded out from the various exits of the compounds at the exact same time guns blazing and superpowers running rampant. They swarmed the various outposts set up by the remaining security forces before quickly retrieving back into the compound, turning the Edge into a ghost time once again.

It is now nearly midday the next day since Jon and Pethant's prior infiltration, and the Edge is eerily quiet as the boss of the organization who ran the entire place gave an order for all to remain indoors seconds before his departure from his apartment in downtown of the Underworld.

The first of the many UPPER summoned by Kron arrived on the scene thirty minutes after he gave out the order, and more trickled in with time, adding up to a total of nineteen superhumans standing around the area.

The security chief, who barely managed to get away from the tens of soldiers that attacked her vantage point at the same time was immediately held captive by the members of the UPPER who are already here as they patiently await the arrival of Kron. As the increasing crowds of the UPPER looked on at the desolate building area with the piles of bodies of the unconscious security guards, the security chief was trembling in fear with a hand formed into a metal blade right up against her neck.

Her neck WAS on the line, but now, her life is...

'There he is.' One of the UPPER murmured as they looked up to see Kron landing gracefully while grabbing onto the butts of his secretary who had a very handy superpower of flight. He let go of her body unwilling not before giving it one last squeeze as he headed towards the group of UPPER who managed to get here before the deadline.

He wasn't wearing anything on the top and only a baggy trouser on the bottom, and yet every ounce of existence radiates with power. It felt like every step that he is taking distorts the space and time around him ever so slightly, and it is as if he is teleporting from step to step with the strange rhythm of his movements.

'Hello, ex-security chief~' Waving a hand casually at the chief who was forced to kneel o the ground, Kron leaned in close and brought his nose towards the face of the mortified security chief. He breathed in deeply, smelling the delicious aroma of the woman that he appointed to the post by himself.

She was a former UPPER member too, the equivalent of lieutenant in the Underworld organizations, and look at where she is now. Her powers rusty, her control lost and.....her body...

'Where are the farm animals?' Kron asked with a gentle voice, the puff of air tickling the air of the chief ever so slightly.

'They...they are all inside...Sir...please...'

'Very well.' Kron stood up tall and clapped his hand once before constructing something invisible. They, he spun around and sliced off the head of the beautiful woman with seemingly nothing in his hand. As the horrified face rolled around on the ground and the body collapsing to the ground, he raised on hand in the air briefly to gain everybody's absolute attention before speaking lightly.

'My remaining UPPER, my dearest of soldiers.' Kron said, pointing in the direction of the compound, 'that, is our most precious establishment, our claim to fame, the basis of our power. Today, it has come under siege. That does not mean this is the end of us, however, as I have actually made some pretty solid financial decisions earlier in the air, meaning we can perform a simple clean house protocol and restart the patch without too much financial losses in the fiscal year.'

Nobody made a single sound, and Kron knew the finance talk has fallen on death ears. Really, he was talking to his sexy secretary, who's looking directly at him with a pair of burning eyes. No, not at his eyes, but rather something below...

'Ok ok you your language, that means kill everybody, and we will just make them all into the RED BLOB or something...' Kron said, scratching his head and waving his hand, 'go in from wherever direction you want to, do whatever you want to do. You have a day.'

All of the UPPER members saluted with a fist over their left chests before they scattered around the compound and started their individual attacks. In the meantime, Kron grabbed onto the wrist of the secretary and headed to the back of a delivery truck.

'What are they doing...they are all walking into a trap!' Leila said with a confused tone as she looked down at the intelligence gathered by Patty in front of her. The organization that runs the EDGE is aptly called the EDGE LORD, and the head honcho is called Kron, who is without a doubt the one who just executed a female right outside the compound.

Then, Patty left a side note saying Edge Lord is actually one of the five biggest organizations in the Underworld thanks to their operation of the Edge.

The rescue squad who are gathered in the temporary command center set up in one of the cafeterias of the compound shared a glance with one another before turning their gaze towards Bones.

'Those that spring the traps willingly are those that do not care for them.' Bones said, 'put everyone on high alert and make them draw the invading forces into one of the inner yards of the compound if possible.

Each of the inner yards of the compound are the size of a football field and the majority of them are located underground, making it a prime location for even bigger traps to be set.

Right as the orders went through for the various groups of soldiers, the first hints of engagement immediately began, and it became clear as they that all of the UPPER members gathered here are way stronger than any of the other soldiers or security forces that have come before.

Those people that went around killing everyone in harvester suits are nothing but armored thugs and bullies while the UPPER members are tasked with some of the more difficult tasks in the entirety of the underworld. Some are strong enough to wipe out groups of soldiers dressed in harvester suits while the others are moving forward without a care for any of the attacks thrown their way.

'Lead them to one of the major ambushes!' Leila ordered quickly as group after group are wiped off the map, but the soldiers fueled by pure rage seldomly listened to her orders. Out of all of the superhumans, only those who are on the cusp of being part of the heightened generation are able to put up some semblance of resistance before they are taken out easily too.

However, the majority of the forces are still positioned in the various inner yards waiting for the time that their enemies appeared.

By choosing strategic paths of exit, they have lead the tens of UPPER members all to the same place before all of the soldiers who are group up fired off their massive combination attacks all at the same time, illuminating the massive underground opening in a flash of glory as fireballs, explosions and shock waves filled the entire stadium.

Then, as the smoke began to clear in the area, the ambushing forces took out their rifles and pistols and continued firing into the fog, when suddenly a few bubbles of force shield emerged. Only a handful of the UPPER members are taken out by their ultimate attacks while the majority of them were in the radius of the force shields created by a few of their telekinetic colleagues.

Before the UPPER members are able to counter-attack and everyone in the vicinity, Kron's voice came through the communication channel with the groaning of his secretary faintly in the background.

'I am done here.' Kron said, 'have you rounded up the animals yet?'

'Yes, master.'

'Righty, I am on my way~ Leave them all to me, or you are dead.'