Journey to the Citadel

'I am surprised that Ally just let you come with me willy-nilly, Jon.' Bones said as he and Jon walked along the streets of zone 6 before both hopping onto a private shuttle specially arranged by himself that will take them directly towards the meeting place for the meeting of the Ten Fingers.

'I think this is one of those special scenarios...' Jon admitted, 'any other case, she would have been too worried to let me go...hahaha.....'

'Well, I don't know how you feel, but it sure is nice to be cared about.' Bones shrugged, looking outside as the landscape and buildings which began to fly back away as the shuttle roared into the sky.

Obviously, Bones was referring to Freya here, and yet Jon couldn't help but think about Patty's interactions with him a little earlier. You are being cared for, but you just don't know it yet.