Season 2 Review and Season 3 Preview

Season 2 really was a drastic shift in tone and the way the stories are told, to be honest.

The story started off as a wild idea off a meme on IG, and immediately I realized a world where you have superpowered beings fighting and superpowered cameraman filming would take on a hilarious undertone similar to how One punch man and MHA tackles superhuman societies. However, the darker parts of the society immediately come out starting from the Beacon arc and Abandoned City arc, when I was also catching up on FMA at that point in time.

Realizing that I can actually do quite a lot with this Red Blob thing, more than the extracts of superhumans used to enhance one's power, the allegory extends out to the way certain white powders are consumed in certain regions of the world, regardless of how much blood is behind the production of such a substance.

I wasn't expecting how the story ended up taking me, ending the second season with the longest arc yet, the Underworld arc. Initially, the plan was only for the underworld arc to be one of the smaller and shorter arcs, with two more arcs to follow in season 2, but it turns out that will have to be pushed back to season 3 for the sake of around 30-40 chapters per season.

Of course, there is next to 0 percent chance that this will be made an anime, (and if it does happen, the story of how it becomes an anime should be an anime in itself), but I do enjoy structuring my stories in this way, as I often thought about how animes would read in stories, and this is what I want to do with this particular story.


Some personal highlights of season 2 are how sick I made myself feel when writing the 'Superhuman Supermarket' chapter, and how I thought the fight and escalation with Kron ended. There was a little bit of ass pulling from Jon, but then again, he IS the world's strongest cameraman but seriously, I hope there is enough hint towards the nature of his power and how Kron's power work to make the conclusion somewhat satisfying.

I wanted the story to contain an unassuming yet overpowered protagonist, but I do not want him to solve every problem ever and do everything by himself, and I hope I have at least somewhat accomplished that goal.

In season 3, the investigation of the Red continues, with the Ten Fingers taking a crack at the case. The first arc was the initially pushed back Meeting of the Ten Fingers, when the ten strongest superhumans are shown. The second arc would be focused around Ally and Jon, similarly to how season 1 ended with the Resort arc.

I know that some of the big books have thousands upon thousands of collections, but when I started, I was ecstatic to cross 100 col, while we are now standing at 116 before my contract was verified.

Oh, I did win the silver tier of the WPC!

Here's to more seasons!