Jon and the Thumbs

Jon was just wasting time after he gave all that he found to Mark as he went from coffee shop to coffee shop on the Citadel before paying a visit to the small training grounds there. For somewhere that's supposed to house ten of the world's strongest superhumans, the people using the training ground here are actually just all of the normal people.

With that, Jon can at the very least guess that when the Fingers wanted to get some training in, they probably would go back down to S Prime, not knowing that's exactly what Bones and Freya did right after the second meeting.

It was a few days later when suddenly someone came knocking on his door when he just got back from a day of relaxing on the Citadel. When he departed with Bones, he was expecting an absolute blood bath and a few weeks full of danger, but what awaited him was instead...a paid holiday?