Day off / Bro talk

'Date! Date! Date! Date! Date!'

After Ally returned from the hospital visit, she jumped through the window when Jon's reading a manga and started pumping her arms and calling for a plan of action. That action is, of course, a hot date with her beloved.

To be frank, she has been waiting way too long for this, and she really cannot wait a moment longer to rub her body against the sweaty Jon and have her hands all over him, though Jon doesn't appear to be in the mood just yet.

'Just let me finish this chapter real quick...' Jon said, leaning back on his chair and burning through the hit manga 'Rental Girlfriend' when Ally jumped up high in the air before pushing off the ceiling and crashing down on his lap. At the last moment, Jon activated his footwork as quick as shooting stars, sliding away from the landing site as Ally hit nothing but a clean floor because her boyfriend is a clean person and vacuums on a frequent basis.