The Newest Finger

'My-love! I-want-a-new-nickname...'

'Ally? But I thought...'

'Not-Ally! But-the-Bot.....I-wanna-get-a-nick-name-that-also-links-me-to-youuuuuu!'

'Something like the Bo-Bot? The Jo-Bot?'


Rolling over on their bed, Ally neatly stole away all of the blanket that was shared between the two. Ally does not need a blanket to regulate her temperature, but she does love how close it brings her to Jon, who often gets really cold during the night. However, with Ally close by as an automatic heater, what usually ended up happening was she warming him up, and he sweating too much as a result.

'Hey!' Jon chased after the blanket, sneaking himself behind Ally and wrapping his arms around her body and smooth skin before he tickled her, 'Just because I suck at coming up with nicknames!'

'Hehehe...' Ally wiggled her body in Jon's grasp, 'Can-you-believe-it? The-world's-strongest-cameraman-sucking-at-coming-up-with-names?'