The Battle at the Stronghold

Sneaking through the enemy defences, stealthing around the back lines, and setting up an impenetrable base that can be exploited later on at a moment's notice, all within one day.

That was what Wan Yi had hoped to accomplish initially, and that's why he dispatched the most capable of the forces to do it. Miraculously, they have mostly done the job by the time the second wave of forces were supposed to drop in after sorting out the first wave of attacks from the Underworld to S Prime.

However, what he couldn't have foreseen was the rapid response of the Queen and her forces when it comes to Taxi's portal creation, as after the first wave went through, defences were immediately set up around the various waypoints that Taxi had used before around the Edge.

'Tsk. I fucking suck.' When the group went through the portals and the energy cannons and projectile attacks started flying his way, that was the first thing that came to his mind.