Wan Yi, Sheng Li, Mr King

Raising with a finger and whirling it around, Sheng Li swayed his body to the side while changing the vector of Wan Yi's attack in the opposite direction, sending him flying before the attacker landed nimbly on his feet, his fingers scraping the ground gently as he perfectly maintained his balance.

'Tsk.' Wan Yi cursed, his eyes bright and wide as he started examining the man in front of him. The two men couldn't be more different despite their shared ethnicity. Wan Yi was built slim and lean with a clean and simple hairstyle, looking like nothing more than the everyday working man. Sheng Li, on the other hand, carried around an oily moustache with his large yet slender frame. He wore glasses as a choice rather than a necessity, and his eyes are full of calculation, even as he was attacked.

'That is not how you greet your partner.' Sheng Li reminded, stepping towards Wan Yi as the latter put away the blunt weapon behind a small porch.