The Cyborg Army

With the slightest twitch of his finger, John directed all of his individual tools and sent all of them all in a flurry of attacks when suddenly, countless tiny portals opened simultaneously around the body of Queen U through which all of the individual tools went through.

Then, John's body froze for a moment before suddenly, all of those tools were suddenly teleported to be within his body, and the tips pierced through his skin and other augmentations as small drips of blood slowed down all throughout his body.

John grunted in response to the pain, or rather the equivalent pain signals after all of the augmentation procedures that he has put himself through.

'John?' Sister Pria's voice came from right outside the door as a figure stood outside the semi-transparent door, 'Did you say something?'

John glared towards Queen U before turning to face the door as the menacing figure smiled.