The GB City and the Festival of Humans

Jon and Ally flew through the air above while Patty, Pethant and Purple walked on the ground beneath. Both parties slowly making their way towards the GB city, the capital of the Great Beyonders.....

'.....On this planet.' The Guide in red, referred by Jon and Ally as the Red Guide, continued, 'That's the biggest settlement we have here.'

'Are you aliens?' Jon asked.

'To you, we are.' The Red Guide said, 'Don't worry. The camera isn't on just yet.'

'Right...' Ally nodded, her eyes slowly scanning the lens still only to see the powers running through it despite what the Red Guide said.

'So.....why are you here.....?' Jon asked.

' a question I cannot answer.' The Red Guide continued, 'I am but a small cog in the machine of WN Times. In due time, you shall get your answer.'