Blood Red Past

'Ever wondered what's out there?' Mrs Queen asked as herself, Mr King, and Freya stepped up to the edge of the Known world all those years ago, 'You don't have to wonder any longer.'

Freya didn't say a word, and Mr King swung his finger once, surrounding the bodies of the other two in a full set of his golden armour before they moved across the barrier together.

That was when they saw squadrons of fully armoured up Great Beyonders standing in formation with guns pointing right at them.

'Hello~Superhumans!' A bright and cheery voice cut across the squads of soldiers and drew the attention of Mrs Queen right away. Behind the squads of soldiers are various combat vessels, and a single being dressed in pure white sat on the edge, dangling his foot off the side and tapping his heels against the sides as his foot comes back and forth, 'Congratulations! You have made it to the Great Beyond!'

'This doesn't feel like a congratulation.' Mrs Queen replied bluntly.