Smoke and Fire

'Is the Truth absolute? Should everyone be able to reach the truth? How about parts of the truth?' The professor of Philosophy of Journalism back at the University of Zone One asked the class while Jon's caught staring at Hannah again, 'Jon? What are your thoughts?'

'Oh! Argh...I mean...What is truth, really?' Jon scrambled himself and tried to sit up straight as Hannah giggled at how startled he is and Patty kicked him in the foot, 'Is truth what we see, or are we always going to see only certain aspects of truth, no matter how hard we try...'

'That, is the entire premise of journalism.' The professor's eyebrows raised at the intelligent, yet the hurried response from one of his smarter students, 'We are always riding on the asymptote towards the truth, but who knows when, and if we will ever get there...Some believe that there is always a deeper layer, and thus there is really no point in pushing further.'