Chapter One

It was a new day and a new day for whatever to come along. Waking up once more after meeting an angry bitch yesterday I looked at my assembled pile of W, Amiya, Loki, and Gaia. Nudging Loki and Gaia off of me I hold the other two and stand up from my spot slowly. Standing up fully I looked at my two companions waking up and headed out opening the door with my tail. Walking down the halls towards human resources with the two sleeping girls in my arms still. I woke W up when the whole adoption thing was taking place, she looked at me like I was dumb. Then she remembered the whole 'surprise adoption' thing and her eyes sorta glazed over realizing, yes it's a thing.

By the end of it I now had a bunny Chimera, and Sarkaz daughter. Loki and Gaia laughing at W's still obvious confusion behind us since day two and I've messed with another life. Eh, I'll probably end up with a daughter or son of each of my races. Not adopting that wendigo bastard from Reunion he's dying. Carrying the two still I listened to W guide me to the canteen for breakfast. Upon stepping inside under a few gazes I walked towards the stacked up trays. Setting W down who looked embarrassed having been carried around like a child. I woke up Amiya. Her eyes looked at my bone mask before I bit her nose very gently, my sharp teeth waking her up even more before I sat her down.

The younger chimera rubbing her nose as she looked at W confused as to why she's here. Grabbing a tray I gestured to W using my tail and said why the embarrassed Sarkaz is here.

"Surprise adoption, so she's your sister now."


"Grab a tray you two and go get some food, I got to make the girls some bowls."

"How are you planning to do that?"

"Blood iron?"

Chuckling at how W looked at Amiya with bafflement at mentioning blood iron. I moved my arm a bit to expose my wrist under my armor, using my tail I slit it quickly. My blood squirming out of the cut preventing it from healing before enough for four large bowls was outside my body. The cut sealing up as my blood quickly replenished itself. Separating and molding the blood into big well dog bowls I turned them into solid crimson red iron. Before the bowls hit the ground I grabbed them from the air stacking two up while launching two at my companions. Loki caught her bowl in her mouth, Gaia let it land on her head like a hat. Seeing the whole thing some people went quiet while W looked at us with a slight smirk on her lips.

"Okay I can see how this little family is going to be."

"Dad will make it interesting."

"I can try but I may not be much."

Walking along to get some food onto our trays and into bowls. I filled the other two bowls with water balancing them with a hand and my tail as I carried my tray. We found ourselves a little table to sit down at and set our things down while I set the water bowls on the table. The girls getting on the rather large table benches to sit and letting their bowls filled with meat clatter on the table. Scratching behind their armored ears real quick I tell them they're some great friends to have. Like that we sorta ate in silence though with some snarky jokes at times between me and W. The young merc seeming to enjoy the banter as she just had a relaxed smirk.

As we finished up that was when two others sat down with us. Former queen of all Sarkaz, Theresa and Closure, the odd mechanic vampire Sarkaz. Both had trays of food and looked at us so I just pointed at the mechanic first.

"No touching the girls or my gear, you wouldn't get far as it's not something easily played with. Prank me I'm going to lift you up over a shoulder and play your ass like a bongo as punishment."

Turning to the former queen as Closure sputters at the sudden and swift denial of anything regarding our main gear. I looked at the hundred year old queen and smirked slightly.

"Yo bean sprout how's being a normal person instead of royalty?"

"Master Bloodbeast, it's been a while. My brother… taking the throne was sudden and saddening. But I have found a new home among Babel. When I heard you had joined yesterday and proceeded to adopt two of our people…. I was confused but happy to meet you once more."

"What's so good about an old fuck like me? I think I've racked up too many bodies to be someone you'd be happy to see. Since well I ate a traitor in front of you when you were six as I passed through Kazdel."

"Maybe so but you saved my life and would occasionally appear throughout the years. Sometimes even wandering through the royal palace."

"Eh you were a wee little brat that nearly died so occasionally stopped in to see if you're fine. So what do you want, kid?"

My question caused the young queen to quiet as she ate slowly from her tray. Closure pouting as she ate her food, Amiya looking between us curiously, W looking at Theresa longingly as the girls emptied their food bowls while I finished my own food. Taking a drink of some blood infused whiskey I watched everyone calmly. That was until someone tried to hit me, my tail wrapped around their arm and flung them over the table into another table. Huh Kal'tsit again.

Theresa looked unphased at the sudden throwing of her friend before she looked at me in the eyes.

"Please when the time comes defend Amiya even if everyone else must be sacrificed."



"Then you've got some old monsters, and a love sick merc on the job."

"Thank you master Bloodbeast."

Waving her off I picked up our empty trays as Amiya climbed over the table, and used my tail to help climb onto my shoulders. Closure stops her pouting as she remembers something.

"Ah don't they need the infection trackers?"

"No, those three are perfectly fine without them, they're unable to truly be infected by Oripathy."

Theresa shook her head as she watched Amiya sit on my shoulders with a smile. The young queen's smile is one that looks like a mothers smile when she watches Amiya. W putting her hands in her pocket looked between us then at Kal'tsit. Knowing what she wants to say I shake my head.

"Don't worry she'll be fine, worry about Theresa kid. Which aren't you her guard? So guard her, you'll know where to likely find us."

Taking the trays to be washed I head to drop Amiya off at the doctor's lab. The doctor did some quick tests on us before we got deployed into the field to guard some relief aid units. It was rather uneventful as we worked with five other operators and eight doctors. Though when something came flying at us fast I pulled my Trench shotgun out and blew the thing back. The flying object hitting a wall and sliding down dead was a Sarkaz special operations assassin. Ejecting the spent shell I chambered another with a click of the pump. The girls were getting ready for the hunt as I looked around and released a bit of my soul's pressure that a general usually gives out.

"Eyes up and weapons ready, dust anyone trying to pull a fast one."

"Heh sorry but Theresis says you're too dangerous to be on his sisters side so we'll be killing you now."

Sighing at the dumb betrayal I spun on my right foot, shotgun blowing a fellow guards head off. Chambering another round I proceeded to look at the rest pitifully before murdering them with out a second thought. The girls handling any assassins trying to show up, the sounds of flesh being ripped apart being a nice sound to hear behind me. Approaching the doctors they looked confused but three tried to make a move. Rolling my eyes I stabbed my tail through one's head while kicking one in the balls not caring about the strength used. The last doctor is startled enough that her friends detain her after tackling her to the ground.

Looking at her I shoulder my shotgun and crouched before her with a blank expression. Extending a hand I grabbed her face and forced myself upon her soul to see what she's hiding. Looking through it I pulled my hand away from the now catatonic Sarkaz doctor as she entered a seizing fit before dying. Chuckling as my ears pick up the sound of a child's heart, my left hand juts out sideways suddenly grabbing something. Hoisting the captured invisible child up by her tail I look at the air.

"Surprise adoption little assassin. So come along we have a bonding of fututre father and daughter to commence with!"

The air shimmered before revealing a rather shocked Manticore dangling in the air as I held her tail. Smiling at her shocked expression I carried the little assassin as old as Amiya is right now along with me. Blood floating around her as a beacon while I sat her on my shoulders.

"Get comfy kid, you're essentially my POW for now, and well you can try killing me but I'll just heal."

".... Help?.."

She looked at the doctors who looked away chuckling slightly, at how quickly this went from murder to adoption. Seeing they won't help her, Manticore sags on my shoulders so I decide to strike up a conversation with her.

"So what's your name shy one?"

"..... Manticore."



"Favorite food?"


"Blasphemy kids should say cake or ice cream first."

"Cake?.... Ice cream?..."

"Can't have this, we're getting this girl some sweets before we head back."

"Aye aye 'General Dad' as you say!"

A male doctor chuckled as he gave me a crooked toothy grin. I bit his smug face. Walking off towards sweets that the girls started to sniff out as the doctors laughed at their fellow doctor who rubbed his face. We eventually did find a bakery in a nicer area where we all ordered something, they even sold peanut butter treats so I got the girls those. Manticore tried a cookie and her eyes widened, good for the little Sarkon assassin. When trying ice cream a female doctor had to stop her from trying to consume it whole. Heh cute shy assassin.

We eventually did return to Babel HQ where I promptly filed Manticore as a POW, and as my surprise adoption daughter. HR looked at me like I was a madman adopting (kidnapping) my three new kids. But I was pretty casual about it all and well Manticore hasn't tried to escape yet. Probably because she figures I'll just snatch her back up again. I will do it. W and Amiya seeing my new victim smiled wryly while Theresa who came to probably say something didn't. She looked at the kid and her ability based on emotions probably reacted causing the queen to huff softly.

"Master Bloodbeast, you're doing it again…. Make sure she can be a normal child I'll deal with Sarkon…"

"Thank you Theresa, want to swing by for dinner? I stocked the fridge through an electronic order."

"That sounds wonderful."

"See ya soon then little queen."

Ruffling her hair a bit I skulked off with Manticore, Loki, Gaia, and Amiya as W returned to work with Theresa. Opening the door to our room I ducked inside before walking into the kitchen and checking everything that's been stocked up. May be an old military foggy but I know how to cook food. The girls popped the corpse container open and dragged a body out before ripping it in half to eat. Manticore watched this with her head tilting, Amiya taking a seat at the kitchen counter. I sat Manticore in a seat before I got to making lunch for everyone. Philly cheese steak sandwiches are always a joy.

Amiya seemed to like it, Manticore stared at it after a bite as if she's scared it'll be taken away. Taking a drink of some bloody water I looked at the little assassin.

"No one's going to mug you for your sandwich kid, just eat it."

".... But I didn't earn it…. I can't eat what I don't earn…. You'll beat me…"

"Kid, just eat it, you're not going to suddenly be bitch smacked and yelled at. Plus you're a kid you need to eat to grow bigger so don't sweat earning it, I'd feed ya regardless."


"I won't hit you unless you actually deserve it or if I'm being playful. Anyone who hits ya for no reason though I'm sending through a wall, you're my little Core now."

"Odd… you are odd…"

"Thank you."

"Dad this will be a long while won't it?"

"Yes, so work with her, even when she turns invisible, work with her by just talking to the air if needed."


"Good bunny."

Ruffling the two brats' hair I lean on the counter eating my own sandwich. Our little weird moment as a blatantly thrown together family by myself, was nice. When the door slammed open and a man stormed in heading towards Manticore. He reached to grab her and his face met the floor as Loki snarled at the back of his head. Looking down at him I just quirk an eyebrow.

"Why ye after my little Core? We're having lunch."

"Get this mutt off of me! I'm the chief of T&I! You brought back a POW sent by Theresis and Sarkon. I must get everything I can out of her then we get rid of her."

"Loki, break."

Loki's eyes regarded my own before looking at the stiffened kids then at her prisoner. Snarling next to his ear, she dug a paw into one of his knees from behind. Then with an almost mocking snarl, she snapped his leg, almost ripping it off with her claws. The Interrogation chief tried to scream but Loki shoved his face further into the floor.

"My little core stays with me, if she wants to talk about that shit I'll let her. But you are leaving. NOW. Loki chuck him out."

Loki grabbed the man by the scruff of his neck and lashed around quickly sending the man flying through the doorway. Gaia closed the door and yawned before she went to sleep on the couch like a lazy kitty. Shrugging under the two like ten? year olds gaze. I remember an old song I used to sing by Nerdout, Suicide Squad: We can't live forever.

"We were never meant to make it out.

Down on our backs.

Thinking "I don't wanna die."

Giving up is not what we're about.

But I don't wanna climb without you at my side."

Looking at the kids I shook my head as I continued to sing the song lyrics from memory. My armored fingers drumming along on the kitchen counter.

"Lately I've been feeling kind of low.

Bottle full of something that makes me wanna spew.

There is only one place we can go.

But I don't wanna move unless you're moving too."

Loki and Gaia ears perked realizing what I'm singing as I used to sing it around their old handlers. The two give their own style of vocal to the sound of my drumming fingers.

"Say when you are ready to go.

I am about to reload.

Slug full of cyanide, time to bite the bullet.

I never found a way home.

They pointed it right at the dome.

They say I got a job, but I don't wanna do it.

They got me wondering why somebody gave me a sign.

Life is a joke and you never hear the punchline.

I can keep my hope alive.

Even if I know I'm about to die.

Because it's you and me, I'll be just fine."

My nose twitched the smell of blood lusting pheromones in the air. I draw my desert eagles walking around the counter. The girls drag the kids behind the counter suddenly while the door is busted down. As it shatters inwards a body flies back with a gunshot to the stomach.

"Whoa! Whoa! Things can't get any better.

Whoa! Whoa! It's so good when we're together.

Yeah! Yeah! We can't live forever.

Whoa! Whoa! We can't live forever.

No, we can't live forever."

Another shot rang out and a shield carrying personnel collided with the wall, their shield shattering. My eyes narrowing at the scent of blood, instincts triggering slowly as my body twitches. The angel and wendigo inside of me screaming for an execution.

"Momma taught me it's ok to cry.

She told me; "Pain's apart of life

You'll understand when you're older."

I don't wanna call my mom a lie

But this understanding moment isn't getting any closer."

A lance of Origami Arts hits my chest scratching my armor and knocking me back a little, but I belched fire through the door. My noxious flames incinerating anything and anyone in the way as scorch marks mar the way.

"Honestly, you've helped me out a lot.

When the fate of the world is sitting on my shoulders.

Needed freedom and handed me a Glock.

But what good is a Glock when the target is a boulder?"

Firing two shots simultaneously I send two pushing combatants through the door. Their heads turned to mist as their bodies flew backwards from the force. Narrowing my eyes my halo glows a sinister red color with electrical bouts sparking off my body. My muscles relaxing as a calm haze fills my mind taking in the people trying to enter.

"If I gotta die to be brave, then who am I dying to save?

Hoping somebody can tell my story.

Me and you are not the same.

But we're both going out in a blaze.

Lay down our lives in a blaze of glory.

This is what I have become.

Living fast and dying young.

Bombs inside of our brains and it's killing us.

If the end's about to come, then I'mma have a little fun.

If life is a joke, then why so serious?"

Ignoring the arrow flying at my face I take the damn thing through my left eye, blowing the archer back with a heart shot. Stepping forward I snarl loudly and holstered my eagles. Drawing my vector and mp5 I light up the doorway in a hail of bullets. My boot stomping in the head of an attempted summon.

"Whoa! Whoa! Things can't get any better.

Whoa! Whoa! It's so good when we're together.

Yeah! Yeah! We can't live forever.

Whoa! Whoa! No, we can't live forever."

A spear holder appeared in the doorway piercing through my throat with their spear. Using the muscles in my throat I tightened my grip on the spear blade. This shocks the one holding it as my vector riddles their stomach with holes. Letting the spear go as its wielder stumbled back I filled another person full of holes. Mags empty I threw my guns one after the other with a spinning motion into the air as I grabbed fresh mags and slapped them in as the olds ones ejected.

"Forever (whoa) and ever (whoa).

Whoa! Things can't get any better (little better).

Whoa! Whoa! It's so good when we're together.

Together! Yeah! Forever! Yeah!

Whoa! We can't live forever.

Whoa! Whoa! (ye-yeah) No, we can't live forever."

Kicking an assassin looking fucker in the stomach I send them back out the door. As a rather pissed woman screams and bullets surrounded by red energy send bodies flying down the hallway. A beam of black and red energy follows it which causes the attackers to stand down. One screaming "Chief Theresa!" As the combatants stand down I holster my guns. Poking the arrow still in my eye I grab the shaft and get ready to pull it out. As a relaxed doctor, growling W, an expressionless Theresa, and a scowling Kal'tsit enter the room.

Ripping the arrow from my eye I dig out the arrow head before crushing it between my fingers. Looking at the four new visitors I just stare at them while my eye fixes itself up

"Come out kids, T&I is pacified. We also have guests."

Theresa looked past me and at the kids as they peaked around the counter with Loki stalking out from behind it. Seeing Amiya fine she smiled softly while Manticore tried to hide, the floating blood around her just didn't let her. Looking at our guest still I eyed Kal'tsit, her scowl deepening as she brooded over something.

"Good to see our chimera's are safe and sound, even our new POW that you've taken in."

"So care to explain why T&I came knocking after we threw their chief out? Because this was a bit excessive just because I said no touching a little girl."

"No clue, we heard the fighting and started converging onto the site. Fucks really didn't think this through considering who all is in this room."

"I have no clue master Bloodbeast, I was about to explain to chief Falmar, before this after I had dealt with Sarkon."

"I know why…"

Looking at Kal'tsit we all eyed the woman who scowled harder.

"I thought it was irresponsible that some random merc could just keep a POW by his side. So I told them to first ask before using force if she wasn't given up. This seemed to have been a miscalculated move as several died, Amiya was endangered, and this oaf didn't even hesitate to put his own co-workers down for a POW."

Theresa looked at Kal'tsit and slapped her friend in front of everyone. While I just snorted at the woman's answer.

"I'm disappointed in you Kal'tsit."

"Of course I'll not bother talking if someone comes ready for blood. I can tank a lot of shit while the kids can't so of course I stood in the way."

"Kal'tsit you bitch…"

"And you call me careless about life."

"Welp where we are staying till this shit is fixed up?"

"You surprised me and I have a room next to Theresa soo could crash there. After this it'll make people think twice."

Chuckling at W I picked her up with my tail and set the young woman on my shoulders. Causing her to flail while avoiding the roof due to sudden height change. Honestly, we're a weird group but seeing a seven foot man with a young woman on his shoulders as one kid hangs off his neck, and one is being carried like a sack of potatoes, while carrying a blood iron container with corpses in it. Just walking down the hall with an armored tiger and warg behind him probably scared a few into shitting themself. We got settled into W's room which was pretty damn big before we dragged Theresa in for dinner.

Gotta say this body has an interesting history, but it's now my history. So seeing the brat who became a queen just genuinely seem to enjoy a less formal dinner, is a sight I enjoy seeing. Me and the girls since we came here, have been probably the most nomadic of really ancient lives. We've seen almost everywhere and met many while also massacring many more because of various reasons. Remembering the past slaughters causes my body to twitch the feeling of going feral is prominent once more. Theresa's ability calms my mind down and I just chuckled a bit darkly.

"Master Bloodbeast it is not time for the wendigo to show its beastial nature."

"Any big ops coming up?"

"Capturing a fresh Reunion lieutenant called Frost Nova. Will you be going?"

"Yes, just me, the girls will stay with W and the kids."

"Don't let the wendigo have free reign, always be ready to subdue it."

"Don't worry I will, even if it means blowing my head off."

Theresa stayed silent at that but by how her body trembled I can tell she hates the idea. Wouldn't blame her since if you saw someone you could call family suddenly do that, it'd make you depressed. Looking at the young queen I grabbed her shoulder and motioned for us to take a walk. Which seems to be something she wanted to do anyway so we left the kids to the others. Me and the young queen just left and took an aimless walk around till we stood under the moon in front of Babel. We just watched the moon and whatever catastrophe brewed in the distance in silence. Till I was asked something important by Theresa.

"Could you preserve my soul after I pass on my arts to Amiya?"

"Yes, and if I have anything to say about it we'll probably have Frost Nova on our side."

"I believe in you… Grandfather."

"Heh, it's been awhile since you said that princess."

"You have been one of the only people to treat me as if I have an actual family. My parents…. Only saw me as a threat and a tool to be used till they died and I took the throne. My brother Theresis… his ideals oppose my own and he took my throne exiling me, soon he'll come for my head. Through all of this you who appeared at sporadic times, at times I felt as if I was alone, would drop in and treat me as if I'm family. But do you not have a family also? Why do you do what you did for me?"

"While I'm no virgin, I do not have family since I tended to eat those I fucked. Because they were enemies and I let the wendigo have fun with them. As well, given my age, I can't really find a girl without someone saying something rude."

"I am called the mother of the Sarkaz and I am now a century old. What about you? Father of Chimera's?"

"That just sounds fucking stupid. I would eat any Chimera besides Amiya, and Manticore as her species is a variant. Because you know my soul is of two, so I have knowledge that is completely random. Mainly all about Chimera's."

"You are a strange ancient Chimera… However, you are a good man but after I give up my powers to Amiya. Would you allow my soul to be reborn while preserving it?"

"Sure, although it'd be a while till we saw each other once more."

Silence between us at that but we seem to end up with my arm around her shoulders hugging her like grandfather. Said granddaughter silently shivering as she relives the past events leading up to Babel. Sighing softly my bloody eyes shut, a song of distant memory with the young queen coming to mind. After a while we headed back inside and I ended up silently watching over the young queen. My armored hand on her head stroking it softly at times when it seems she'll have a nightmare. My figure melted into the shadows after a while, the room only containing a sleeping queen, and a hidden beast.

The next morning? Theresa says I slept in her room for six days straight just standing. Anyways as everyone woke up I was out in a brawl against a rather normal no name gang. They made good practice at strength control training though the inner beast caused a body change. From my seven foot I grew to twelve feet as the inner wendigo wanted to play. So while I used a mafia to train, I was also ripping them apart and having a feast. Man is being part wendigo actually funny because one moment I looked like any other bastard they could pick on.

Then I'm fucking towering over them all and my blood lust was really working full tilt, meshing with my blood control. Grabbing a mafia member by the face, I turned him into an actual blood monster by having his blood do some freaky shit.

So yeah, wendigo mode is fucking hilarious and dangerous. By the time a watch I had gotten from Closure beeped thirty minutes had passed by since I started messing with a mafia. I had a few prowling blood beasts around sucking the life from their former friends. The civilians caught up in this all looked greatly disturbed at the sight but thankful. When one threw the head of the mafia at my feet the blood beasts all turned to them. Popping a leg armor piece off I held it before looking at the mafia head and asked them a question.

"You regret fucking around these people now? If so, I'll give you a chance to run like the wind. If not, you'll learn how heavy my armor is."

"Go fuck yourself."

Rolling my eyes I dropped the armor piece on their legs, severing them from the weight before picking it up. The ground had a small crater in it before I lifted it very high in the air and let it go. The piece of armor severed the wailing boss in half as it crushed through their spine before sinking into the ground a bit. Pulling it out with my fingers digging through the dying carcass I put my armored piece back on.

"You… you… fucking bastard…. How dare… you treat an… Oni like this ...."

"Eh I'm part Oni yet I am not trying to stroke my own cock to feel important. See you in Hades CHILD."

Their eyes dimming still I stomped their ugly face in with my boot crushing their head like a grape. With that all done I looked at the sky opening my mouth and let out a demonic beastial cry of victory before cackling gently. My body still towering over everyone I walked off towards a Rhine Clinic where I met a rather emotional fire demon Sarkaz. Walking into the clinic I was greeted by a tiny fiery fist to the stomach, and the sound of a hand breaking. Looking down at the child I controlled her blood to fix her hand before picking her up the scruff of her neck.

"Hello firecracker."

"Boring old man."

"How's Miss Olivia? No one's shanked the doctor I hope?"

"A scared woman tried, I kicked her ass!"

"Defend your momma well, firecracker."

"She's not my mom! Though I wouldn't mind it…."

"I got adoption papers on me so let's go firecracker."

"Why do you have adoption papers?!"

"I pulled a surprise adoption on three girls, so Babel HR just gave me some to carry around for anymore."

"Weirdo… thanks."

"Oh Olivia Silence! Come out from wherever you are! We have paperwork to sign!"

A disgruntled owl woman peaked around a corner glaring at me as I carried Ifrit like a kitten. The little firecracker waved at Olivia while I was crouched slightly. Eventually we entered a medical room sitting in a chair. I looked at the two as I sat Ifrit down. The young Sarkaz tried to burn my fingers the whole time but I just didn't care much. Once she was free she eyed Olivia while I chuckled at the woman's reaction. I come rolling in to deal with some thugs and I end up acting like family to the little firecracker. Motioning to the young Sarkaz I bluntly say her desire outloud.

"She wants you to adopt her, I got the papers on me so will ya adopt the child? She is quite fond of you Dr. Silence."

The woman's face crumbled from a scowl to a hesitant look as she looked at Ifrit. The girl looked at her with an expression of hope and fear of rejection. Seeing this the woman caves in and shakes her head with a small depressing smile.

"Yes I will but I don't think I'd be able to fully understand the Sarkaz side of things. So I'd need help with that if I am to raise her correctly."

"Oh don't worry, your girlfriend can help with that~ after all you reek of female Sarkaz. So could I since the little firecracker seems to be attached to my sorry Chimera ass."

"That's because you are EPIC! YOU BREATH FIRE, USE BLOOD AND CREATE MONSTERS!.... You also put up with me trying to burn you on the first meeting."

"Ifrit… let's fill out the paperwork then we can have a talk about things with mr. Cartson."

Smirking, I pulled out one bundle of adoption paperwork startling Silence. Ifrit, seeing me pull the papers from my coat, looked at me like she now believed something. Handing the papers around we filled out what all was needed with Olivia being listed as the mother, me as the grandfather, and whatever else filled in. Ifrit almost accidentally burnt the paper so I had to negate her flames with blood and soul powers. Seeing a bloody spectral clawed wendigo hand just snuff the fire amazed the girl as she looked at me a grin. I'm gonna make a weird family tree. No regrets.