Day 8 of the apocalypse

' ' So yesterday my parents would not, stop Complaining about the school letting us walk home with out any parental supervision while zombies are crawling around every corner. Do you know what is the worst part they started yelling at each other about this and they did it in front of Liv I mean the could of done it maby in another room where Liv is not present. I am embarrassed, my parents embarrassed me in front of the girl I have had a crush on since the sixth grade ' '

' Uh John are we still going to set up the trap and cameras '

"Yeah we still have to set the trap and arange the cameras in the correct way so that we can see if zombies are approaching the house or not "

' Oh okay cool '

" Hey dad "

' yes John what up '

" Can we go and set up the zombie trap and the cameras "

' We can go and do it right know uh Liv why don't you go to the kitchen and help John's mom with breakfast '

' Sure thing mister Lewis '

" So dad what do you think about the trap Liv and I made "

' Wow you did a great job were are we putting the trap'

" By the entrance a few meters away from the house so that it would give us enough time to get everything ready to fight, Liv and I whent to the supermarket a few blocks away to get food supplies because there wasn't enough food to last us for a and we also got for first aid kit in case something happens"

' I'm proud of you son you thought about every possible senario. Well done my boy '

"Thanks dad I wanted to make sure that we would be prepared and that we would have enough supplys to last us a month and also that was all we could carry at that moment as well as fighting a zombie at the same time"

' You fought a zombie while collecting food supplies wow you keep surprising me '


' Hey miss Lewis '

(John's mom)' Yes dear '

' do you think we will survive this '

(John's mom) (sigh)' I'm not sure but if we all stick together and help each other survive than we will make it '

' ( stares out the window hoping we will survive) Shall we set the table miss Lewis '

( John's mom)' Yes dear let me just get the knifes and forks, you can take the pastry dish so long, can you go and call John and his father to come in and help us dear '

' Yes miss Lewis. All done '

"oh hey Liv I was just telling my father about how we fought a zombie and collected food"

' Ahh yes I remember you where keeping the zombie busy while I whent and got the first aid kits '

"Yip that was great team work''

' Oh before I forget John your mom needs help setting the table she asked me to come and tell you guys that the food is also done '

"yum okay we will help''

(John's dad)' Ah yes your mother makes the best food '

" Yes Liv you're going to love my mum's food "

' I'm sure I will oh uh thanks again for letting me stay here Mister Lewis '

(John' S dad) 'Of course Liv you know John talks about you everyday none stop'

( Liv gigging)

Uhhmm Liv would you excuse me and my dad for a moment"

'sure (giggles) '

"(whispering) dad why did you tell Liv that she was not supposed to know that "

(John' S dad) 'You' ve got to tell her how you feel women love it when men express their feelings to them '

" What if she doesn't like me back the same way "

(John's dad) oh John you'll never know unless you tell her'

(growns to himself)" OK I'll tell her when I am ready OK "

(John's dad)' that's my boy '

" Let's go Liv and mom is waiting for us "

' John I left you a open seat next to me '

" Thank you Liv "

" Mom can you pass me the gravy "

(John's mom)' yes sweetie here you go '

" Thank you "

(John's mom) 'your welcome sweetie'


'Miss Lewis the food was absolutely fenominal '

(John's mom) ' Oh thank you darling you're too kind, uh John and Liv would the two of you be so kind as to tidy up the table and clean the kitchen '

' sure miss Lewis '

"yeah mom no problem"

(John's mom smiling)


(John's mom)' good night Liv good night sweetie sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite'

Good night Mrs Lewis

Good night mom

' ' Just as I was about to close my eyes I heard something by the door as I was about to look outside the window I heard grunts and growing there is only one thing I can think of that makes those noises I took a few steps back to avoid that the zombie would see me and ran to my laptop to se what happend. The trap worked but why didn't we hear anything the trap was buckled onto the wall with cans so that it would. Make a loud sound so that we would heat it and yet no sound, looks like the trap caught 3 zombies cool but 5 passed it and are now standing in front of our door great just great.

//Good night//