Chapter 1 - Worst Day of my Life

"Its time to wake up you're going to be late" Diane's mom said while nudging her

"I don't want to go to school mom, I hate it there" Diane replied

"It can be that bad, if you don't go to school I will take your phone" Diane's mom said

"Fine" Diane said

As Diane walks to school many people gave her rude glances, many comments were thrown her way, even though she has experienced this, she still wasn't used to it

"Freak" "Wierdo" "Weak" "Powerless"

It still hurts her every time

As she enters the school gates she was hit by someone, she went to her classroom and a chalkboard duster fell on her head, she went to her seat, it was scribbled with mean words and was destroyed, she wanted to tell the teachers but even the teachers don't stand up for her anymore.

She couldn't take it anymore and ran to the bathrooms and hid in the stalls, she didn't have any friends, Everyday was filled bullying and endless torment, she thought of ending at multiple occasions

After school she always go home, but this time she was caught in the middle of a terrorist attack.

"Hands up if you don't want to die, If I see any funny business happening it won't end well" The villain said

A student tried using their powers but was immediately shut down by the villain

"What did I say no funny business!" The villain said

"I am looking for a certain someone, someone named Diane" He added

The students chatted among themselves

"Seriously her?" "She's just a nobody" "She's the reason we got caught in this"

Were among the comments the students said

"This is her!" A student stood up, pointing at Diane

Diane stared in disbelief

"There you are my pretty, now come to daddy" the villain said

As soon as Diane heard this she started running away as fast as she could

Before she knew it she feels like she's been running for hours

(Insert prologue here)

"Wait isn't this me when I was 8" She commented

"Sweetie, today's the day for you to have your powers checked" Diane's mom said

"Wait why did he send me back to this day, I hated this day" Diane said

As they they head to a specialist that can detect peoples power Diane is getting nervous will she really have to relive this moment all over again.

"Honey! we're here now" Diane's mom said

As they walked inside the building and the Diane's mom started talking to the receptionist, Diane's feels shivers down her spine as he walks up to the specialist

"Can I please have your hand so I can check what your power is" The specialist said

Shaking, Diane reach outs her hand and still thinking if this is really happening

"Huh that's weird, I don't sense anything" The specialist says

"Are you sure?" Diane's mom said with a concerned tone

"Yes maybe she's just one of those late bloomers" the specialist added

Those were the words that Diane feared the most

"Why did they even send me back? They just wanted me to suffer?" Diane thought to herself

Diane started to cry thinking that everything is still going to be a nightmare

"Oh honey! Its alright you'll get it eventually" The concerned mother said

The years of abuse continued, she still gets bullied, she still gets harassed. It has been hell for another 8 years for Diane.

Everything repeated word for word, no matter what Diane did, history did not want to change

Then the dreaded day came, The villain arrived yet again in school