Lie's mind had stopped working when those demanding lips covered and devoured hers. She had expected power but not the kind that just spurts out of nowhere. She had expected control from him but it seems that she was wrong. He had no self-control. She could feel it through the bulge that pressed against her belly when he pulled her closer.

Curiosity is a powerful thing. That was something she had proven at a young age. A child could risk a broken neck if they were curious enough. She was 7 when she decided to find out if the river was as deep as they said it was. She jumped in and realized that they were wrong. It was much deeper and much powerful than they had claimed. She almost ended her short life because of her curiosity.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head back to offer more. If he was this powerful, she might as well give him something to work on. She heard a growl, followed by a moan. Was it hers? His? She wasn't entirely sure.

She didn��t know how to kiss but his movements guided her. Her tongue was sucked on, her mouth explored by his. Her lips had been nipped and tugged almost hungrily.

When they pulled apart, she was breathless. Her head was spinning and ready to blow. She took a deep, deep breath and slowly released it with a smile. Her lips were throbbing wonderfully.

"Whoa… if anyone had told me that kissing was THAT great, I would have jumped the first person I have seen around," she giggled and looked up at him, her cheeks warm despite the cool night air. She pressed her fingers against her swollen lips. "Thanks for that, Damien."

He grunted and licked his pinkish lips. "I want more of that," he mumbled, eyes still hungry on her.

She just smirked and motioned him with her pointing finger and waited for him to bow loser to him to whisper, "come to my room and I'll give you more."

The sound he made was very nearly animalistic as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the mansion. "You do know you're pushing buttons that you shouldn't?" he asked, his footsteps much bigger than Lie's that made the woman jog just to keep up with him.

"Hey, slow down! Geez!" she pulled her arm away from him and glared at him. "Seriously, I know what I'm doing. I'm an adult. Maybe Gannie pushed some annoying buttons but this is my decision. You can say no if you don't want it."

He faced her and looked her down with those golden-brown eyes of his. "I want you. I want to be part of this thing you're proposing, but that doesn't mean that I'm not thinking of the possible consequences of our actions."

Lie sized him up. She was sure that he was younger than she was by a few years? 3 to 5 years? She knew that he was a first-year student. He was young. He should be thinking of sex and nothing else. She smiled up at him. "Let me worry about the consequences, will you?" she walked past him and into the warmth of the mansion. She looked back at him and smiled. "You shouldn't forget that I am older than you are, Damien Terry Criss. I'm just smaller, and you're just bigger."

With that said, she turned on her heel and walked up to her room.

An hour or so later, she walked out of her bathroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her hair. It was a usual scene since no one usually comes to her room except Michael, and even then he waits outside until she opens the door. She entered her walk-in closet to find suitable clothing for tonight.

Most of the clothes in the closet were from Gannie and their stylish brother. They knew that Lie didn't have the knack for shopping so they had welcomed themselves to fill the closet with their choices. Otherwise, it would have been empty but for a couple of shorts, shirts, clothes for school, and underwear.

Lie picked up a black silk nightgown. If that's what you call it. It was so short that it should have been called a shirt and not a nightgown. She rolled her eyes and picked up a matching pair of a… she didn't know what it was called. It looked like a panty but the only fabric it had was a small triangle in front. She doubted it could even cover her lady parts. But what the hell. If she wanted this night to be perfect, she had to sacrifice some of what was left of her dignity.

She wore them before looking at herself in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror. She looked plain. Her breasts were small under the soft texture of the cloth. If it was worn by Gannie or any other woman, it would have been filled with flesh. She cupped her breasts and squeezed them, trying to see how big they were. They barely fit her palms. Jesus Christ. Maybe she was supposed to be a guy instead of a woman. She sighed and dropped her hands to her sides and continued to inspect the nightgown. It stopped high on her thighs, showing off her flawless skin there. She was sure it was supposed to show the shape of the wearer but she probably didn't have the right shape to fill it in the first place. The cloth had seemed cheap on her. That's just too bad.

She shook her head and got out of the closet. She went and sat in front of the vanity mirror that Gannie had pushed her to have. It was some antique used by a princess or maybe even an Empress a long time ago. Not that she cared much about it but Gannie had been persuasive so she had taken it.

There were jars of cosmetics that she didn't know how to use. Again, almost everything there was bought by Gannie or Bridge, their makeup artist of a brother. She picked one up and read the instructions, then another, and another. In 15 minutes, she had looked pretty decent. She had managed to cover and hide the imperfections of her face. She took a tube of red lipstick and dabbed some on for the finishing touch. She didn't feel like herself with the itchy makeup but she might as well look decent for Damien.

Finally, she picked up the vanilla perfume, intending to douse herself in it, but stopped. She was not doing this for him. She was supposed to be doing this for herself. She put the vanilla scent down and took a random bottle to spritz herself with. It was a surprise even to herself that the perfume had smelled like that of a baby.

She smiled and looked around her room. The beddings were newly changed, the carpets were vacuumed. Everything was clean and in place. Now, all she had to do was to wait.

She opened the door to the veranda and winced a little when the cool wind slapped her. It was a joy to have this moment. She removed the towel from her hair, letting her wet brown hair cascade down her back, and tossed the towel to the chair before walking out. She looked up at the sky and smiled. If only she could do it, she would fly and reach the moon. She would just lay there and enjoy its surface. She would be alone and no one would judge her. Not one person. She could be happy there.

Her attention was diverted by the sound of metal scraping against the floor just like last night. And just like before, it was Damien who welcomed her gaze. He looked dashing in a white shirt and white jogging pants. He looked like an angel in contrast to her demonic looks.

"Hey…" she smiled at him and walked closer to the banister. "Still thinking about it? Shall we postpone it?"

He shook his head and leaned on the banister closest to hers. "No, I wouldn't dream of postponing such an important time. I'll be there. Prepare yourself." He pulled back and returned to his room without another word. He also made sure to lock the door to the veranda.

She was left alone under the starry skies. She giggled to herself as the excitement rose in her throat. Her heart seemed to thump a million miles an hour in her chest. It was finally happening. She will lose her virginity and she was both nervous and excited. Oh shit, she should have put lotion on her skin.

She ran to the vanity mirror and took a healthy amount of lotion from the jar and spread it over her arms as quickly as she could then did the same for her thighs and legs.

She almost yelped when she heard the knock on the door.

"Come in!" she called out as she stood up and pushed her wet hair out of her face. Shit. Her hair was still wet. This night was slowly turning for the worst.

He opened the doors and his eyes immediately found her as if she was the only thing fascinating in the room. His eyes seemed to burn through her, making her feel conscious about herself.

She crossed her arms over her chest to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing any bra.

"You shouldn't leave your door unlocked," he said as the sound of the locks clicking filled the room. "Especially when you're wearing something like that."

She looked down at herself and chuckled a little. She looked ridiculous. "I should just go and change…" she stopped when he closed the distance to her in three huge strides. She looked up at him and realized that his eyes weren't as golden as she thought they were. They were now almost black.

He held her upper arms gently. "You don't have to wear such things if you're not comfortable with them," he mumbled and touched the silky strap of the dress. "I like it better when you're comfortable with yourself." His thumb touched her painted lips. "You don't need these things to look beautiful."

She scoffed at that and was supposed to answer when he ripped the fabric of her dress down the middle and exposed her naked top and the barely covered womanhood. She didn't even have time to gasp. She just stared up at him.

He smiled at her and the cloth pooled around her ankles. "There. Much better." He touched her shoulder with his knuckles and it sent shivers down Lie's body. "Your body isn't like what I imagined."

She flinched at that. "Well…"

"The real thing is much better…" he cupped her face and planted a kiss on her lips gently. "I was wrong about your lips too." He nipped at her top lip and sucked on it. "It tastes much sweeter than I thought."

Her knees buckled and she had to grip the front of his shirt to stop herself from falling. He cupped her chin and made her look up at him. "Tonight, you're mine. Tonight and all the following nights."

She couldn't do anything. She was hypnotized by his eyes. She could only nod.

He took that as an agreement from her so he slowly pushed her back until her legs touched the bed. One small shove had her falling onto its soft and fluffy surface. A small yelp escaped her lips but was replaced by a gasp. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him. Powerful. Strong. Masculine.

He gave her one of his mischievous smiles, the smile that he does after biting on his lower lip. "Do you know how delicious you look right now?"

Nope, of course, she didn't know. How can she look delicious? The dress she had thought would sort of make her pretty was now discarded on the floor and the only thing that is covering any part of her body is the small triangular excuse of panties. Nothing was hiding her flabby belly, the dark circles under her breasts or the stretch marks on her thighs.

She shook her head and tried to cover her breasts but thought against it. She let her hands drop over her head and smiled at him. "I don't know if I look delicious but I hope I look good enough for you to ravish me."

He answered that with a drop of his head that landed his lips on hers. He smelled so good. There was the scent of his cigarettes that clung to his skin mingling with the scent of his musky cologne and soap.

She reached up and slid her fingers through his curls and grabbed a handful as she kissed back. Her lips and tongue danced with his in a clumsy choreography. She didn't know anything about this but he was obviously experienced. He knew what to do and where to lead her.

When his lips parted from hers, she thought she'd be able to see his face again but all he did was move from her lips to her chin. Then, he rained kisses all over her face. Small kisses.Nothing harmful or hot. Just innocent little ones.

She tried to focus on his actions. She wanted to remember all of these things tomorrow or the next days.

His hands moved over her skin, exploring, and searching. First, they slid up her arms until they reached her hands, and intertwined their fingers while his lips took hers again.

Maybe it would have been easier to focus if his kisses were not so sweet or if his hands just stayed in one place. They didn't. His hands roamed her overly sensitive body while his lips marked their territories. A gasp escaped her lips when those warm fingers found her nipple and captured it, making it even harder than before. As if that wasn't enough, his other hand found the flesh of her thigh and squeezed it none too gently.

His laughter sent electricity throughout her system. It was so damn dark she couldn't see him. It took her a while to realize that it wasn't dark. She had had her eyes closed, and he touched her lids with his fingertips until she opened her eyes and saw the smug curve of his lips.

"What?" she asked, her cheeks heating up from the intensity of his stare.

"I hope you're not too fond of your thongs," he said before yanking the cloth of the thong so hard it ripped. He simply covered her lips to muffle her yelp, and his hands parted her thighs so he could position his body at the gap. "I have always been fascinated by your thighs…" he looked up at her and planted a kiss on her inner thigh, just like in her fantasies.

She couldn't answer. Her body was in overdrive. Her mind was not even working, especially when those hands just won't stop moving. They won't stop finding her most sensitive parts. She was torn between pushing them away and pulling them closer.