Caring husband

Under the watch of his friends, Atsushi was very stiff as they asked what happened.

"There were some people who attempted to hurt Atsushi! but luckily, someone saved him and knocked the culprits out, don't worry, they are already in the prison" Rin explained carefully but swiftly and didn't tell them most of the important stuff.

Everyone was worried about Atsushi, other than Jiro, he was rather annoyed that his plan didn't succeed and was afraid that the people he hired might come after him, unknowingly to him, the whole gang was captured and it was one of the important stuff that Rin hid.

And in the back, Yuu glared at Jiro, he didn't think that Jiro would actually do it, he was feeling guilty, he wanna tell them and at the same time he wasn't willing, after some contemplation, his mind decided not to tell them and just let Jiro do what he wants.

'I wasn't a part of the plan so it's gonna be alright' He comforted himself and looked at Atsushi who still looks the same but he was obviously feeling a little awkward and tense from all the questions.

"Stop asking" Atsushi whispered, no one heard it and just thought that he was mumbling some unimportant things.

"Atsushi! Were you hurt? where did you get hurt? who saved you? how did they get y-" Akane asked multiple questions with no brake, Atsushi was slowly getting annoyed, his lips twitching and eyebrows scrunching as he cuts Akane off.

"Shut up" Atsushi whispered, the person closest to him was Rin and when he heard those words, Rin stared at Atsushi, his fox-eyes slightly open and his mouth are expressing his emotions.

"Eh? What? are you okay? tell me. I'll treat you!" Akane kept on chattering.

"SHUT UP!" Atsushi yelled, feeling really annoyed with the girl who kept on asking a lot of things.

"W-what?" The lady asked, she felt like everything was an illusion, even the others found it hard to believe that Atsushi can actually shout and tell someone such a mean word.

"I said stop talking, I am very stressed and annoyed because of the incident, please leave me alone and head to school, I would like to have some peace and rest" Atsushi said as his voice became calm once again, his eyes were closed and he felt everyone leaves reluctantly.

Atsushi opened his eyes slowly, and thought about the reason why he's not going to class, fortunate for him, he was given permission to stay home for a few days so he can rest his body and mind.

He stood up slowly and walked toward his comforting bed, slumping down on it, he closed his eyes once again and emptied his mind before imagining some wonderful things that seem impossible.

All of a sudden, he felt his bed shifts and snapped his eyes open.

"Hey, Atsushi" What greeted him was his savior, the man who saved him from those malicious people.

"Kyouya-" Atsushi called out, his voice slowly weakening, unable to say the last word, Atsushi's eyes were shedding tears, his mouth was firmly closed as he looked at Kyouya.

"Don't cry, I'll protect you!" Kyouya smiled and pulled the other into his chest, hugging him tightly.

Atsushi was very upset because of what happened yesterday and adding Akane who couldn't read the atmosphere and kept on making him tense which made his emotions mix up.

The young man rested his head on Kyouya's chest and bawled his heart out, slowly, Atsushi was calming down and at the same time, his eyes were feeling heavy, letting his eyes close, Atsushi fell into a dreamless sleep, his face looking very peaceful, his eyes were slightly red.

Slowly, Kyouya set the other down the bed and stood up, his eyes were fierce and his hands and teeth are clenched tightly, seeing that the person he regards as the most important was suffering and he was too late to prevent it!

Standing up, he headed for the kitchen and prepared the ingredients and cooked some light meals for Atsushi, he was good and familiar at cooking so he didn't have any hard time preparing and cooking everything.

Looking at the foods he cooked, he was very satisfied, after that, he went back up to Atsushi's room and quietly entered.

"Mn" Atsushi mumbled in his sleep and turned to face Kyouya.

Seeing the peaceful look on Atsushi, Kyouya was very glad and happy that the other was resting very well.


"Wake up, I prepared breakfast for you" Kyouya attempted to wake Atsushi up but even the man himself was full of reluctance to wake the sleeping cutie.

"Hn?" The sleeping cutie woke up by the slight noises that he heard in front of him.

Kyouya watched Atsushi intently as he wakes up, ever since Atsushi was a child, he was very easy to wake up, a slight noise can snap him awake which is a bit annoying sometimes but if his mind is not willing to wake up then no one can really force him to wake up.

Soon, his eyes opened, it was misty and his eyelids were shining with tears, what met him at first was Kyouya who was smiling at him sweetly, looking at that smile directed at him, he turned around, his cheeks turned cherry and his heart was softly beating with a nice rhythm.

"I cooked breakfast, would you like to eat together?" Kyouya asked after Atsushi settled on his position, the latter looked back at Kyouya and slowly got up.

"Haha, good morning, Atsushi" Kyouya chuckled and opened the door for Atsushi and followed suit.

Soon, both of them are sitting in the table with foods in front of them as Atsushi attempted to eat, the other kept on watching him intently, feeling embarrassed, the formed dropped his chopstick and blushed faintly.

"Stop looking at me"

"Why? you're handsome"

"I'm feeling embarrass, stop staring" Atsushi replied honestly and he got a hearty laugh from Kyouya.

Feeling more comfortable than before with eyes not on him anymore, Atsushi ate freely and stuffed his mouth with food.

'I guess it was true when they said foods can comfort you' he thought to himself as he looked at Kyouya eat, the latter noticed and smiled at him with a wink.

'This flirty guy' Atsushi chuckled and continued on stuffing his mouth and digesting his foods.

"I'm glad that you like it" Kyouya grinned and the other nodded, he really enjoyed the food, there's no reason to deny it!

"Thank you for yesterday and today as well" Atsushi was full of gratitude, even tho Kyouya doesn't know Atsushi, this man still took care of him.

"It's my job as a husband!" Kyouya claimed himself as Atsushi's husband.

'Did he just-' Atsushi was shocked from the blunt statement of the other man, although he felt embarrassed, he had no time to blush as he was still recovering from the sudden surprise.

"You are??" Atsushi asked with confusion but he got no reply, instead, he received a flirty smile.

And the days passed like this, Kyouya sneaking into his house to cook him food and flirting with him from morning to afternoon before leaving after comforting his dear wife, he knows that Rin go back at night so he avoided getting caught by going home early but there were a few days when he sneaked in at the middle of the night just to bother Atsushi and peek at him and it was one of this day.

"Pervert" Atsushi commented when he noticed the sneaking man behind him, he was kind of used to this kind of approach but he still blushes everytime this happens.

"Let's sleep" Kyouya said and pulled Atsushi with him before jumping on the bed.


"Mm, goodnight"

They both then fell into a dreamless sleep, both are satisfied in one another's arm.