The truth comes to light

When Atsushi woke up, everything was so bright for him, the sun outside was beautiful, the wind was warm with the smell of a flowery fragrance, the birds were chirping with a melody even he was shining with a warm light.

He woke up rather early, at least before Rin calls him for breakfast, standing up, he went to the bathroom to take a cool shower, the water felt fresh on his skin and the coldness woke up his already awake system.

After taking a shower, he prepared everything for school and changed his clothes before going down to the kitchen with the bag in his shoulder.

"Oh? How early!" Rin exclaimed, disbelief filled his face and he opened his eyes slightly.


"Yes but that's great as I was about to call you"

Since Atsushi woke up earlier than usual, both of them slowly took their time as they eat in silence, only the clashing sounds of their plates and chopsticks can be heard.

They still have a lot of time but they decided to head straight to school and when they arrived, it was serene as most of the students aren't here yet.

"Good morning guys" Suddenly, a person greeted them from behind, they turned around, only to see Yuki, Mina, and Leo.

"Good morning" Atsushi and Rin greeted with a smile and looked at Leo, when did they get close together?

"Hello Leo" Rin greeted.

"Hey" Leo replied with a sweet smile, he was expressing an aura of a gentle person and Yuki who is beside him also smiled brightly when she saw his wonderful smile.

Smirking, Rin noticed what is going on between these two, how wonderful! He definitely supports them, but he misunderstood, Yuki does like Leo but the man is ignorant, he doesn't have any idea about her affections toward him.

Atsushi smiled at him and the other man did the same out of politeness, Atsushi thought about how this man is such a friendly person and also an honest person, how can this kind of person exist?

"Atsushi..." Mina spoke out all of a sudden, all eyes on her and she lowered her head a bit, the mischief in her eyes are hidden and slowly her head rose.

"Hello, Mina" The man slowly greeted her and curiously looked at her, wondering as to why she mentioned his name.

"Hey guys!!" All of a sudden, a loud greeting of Akane came from behind, Jiro following next to her.

"Oh, nothing" Mina said and smiled, her eyes are expressing her ridicule as she looked at the lady coming at their way, she resisted the urge to chuckle as she finds this situation funny and interesting.

"Nn, alright" Seeing her reply nonchalantly, he let it be and was assuming that it wasn't really important but he never knows.

And from behind, the pair approached the group and Akane jumped around while Jiro greeted them casually, for some reason, Yuki really hates this lady and her feelings about people are always accurate! so she dares not be friendly with this person.

"Good morning" Rin greeted back and Akane smiles at him while Jiro fist-bumped with him.

Taking notice of the other people around, Jiro and Akane greeted them politely but when Atsushi wasn't looking, Akane would take her time and glare at them.

'Who are these ugly ladies that are surrounding MY Atsushi?!?!' Akane thought furiously and prevented the urge to clench her hands and pull their hairs out.

Seeing that her feelings about this lady were accurate, Yuki was more than unwilling to befriend this malicious lady, ignoring her, she turned to look at Atsushi who seems to have no idea about his friend's behavior, she thought about how bad it is that he was being kept in the dark!

'Oh well, he'll discover it soon anyway' She thought and brushed off her concern.

"Anyway, see you later in class, we'll be going" Yuri said and waved at them before leaving with Leo and Mina by her sides.

"That girl looks evil" Leo frowned because he also saw that malicious glare, Mina just chuckled but her eyebrows are meeting ends with one another while Yuri just scoffs.

On Atsushi's side, they were chatting around and walking at the same time.

"I wonder when will Yuu arrive?" Rin asked subconsciously, they aren't planning to go to their class yet as there is still a lot of time so they were waiting for Yuu to arrive, usually, Rin and Atsushi were the ones who arrive late but because Atsushi woke up early, it became the other way round.

A few minutes passed and they heard footstep coming over to their spot and turning their heads, they saw Yuu walking towards them.

"Morning" Yuu greeted casually and fist-bumped with everyone and since he has arrived, the group slowly made their way toward their room and on their way there, more ladies bothered Atsushi for his numbers and made some conversation with him, the man wasn't opposed to it but it definitely doesn't seem fine to Akane.

New targets have been added to her lists again, what a foolish woman, she doesn't even know how to hide her crimes and even shows her displeasure to everyone.

Finally, all of them arrived at the class, everyone was silent when he came in and most of their eyes are settled on Akane who was cheerfully chatting with them, not noticing the gazes, she hopped toward her seat and did her own things, the others also went ahead to their seats and patiently waited for their teacher.

Others went back to their own businesses as they don't wanna focus their attention on Akane the whole day so everyone sat down and chat with one another while they wait.

The teacher arrived and there were new subjects everywhere, they learned another lesson about all kinds of subjects.

Lessons today seem to even be slower than it was last class session but hours passed and everyone stood up and bid the teacher goodbye before they stretched their sore body.

The group gathered, only for Akane to be missing once again.

"Atsushi..." Just like earlier, Mina called out to Atsushi in a low voice and pulled out her phone from her pocket, looking at the source of the voice, Atsushi saw her walking away and he followed her, curious as for why he got called here.

"Listen to these recordings" Mina played the first one and it was when Akane pulled on Miki's hair, threats and cries were heard, Mina silently listens with Atsushi.

"Unbelievable..." Atsushi whispered when he finished listening to the first audio before playing the second one.

The second one contained about a lady complaining that Akane kept on glaring at her when she's just talking with Atsushi and she mentioned that she was knocked out from behind and she was sure that it was Akane because she heard him telling her about something like how dare she approached her Atsushi, from what the recording is implying, Akane was claiming him as her item.

Clicking on the third recording, it was about a few girls complaining that they were knocked out by someone and their hands were cover in slashes, obviously from some woman's nails and obviously, it was Akane once again.

Atsushi looked at Mina with disbelief, unfortunately, his good mood instantly depletes into a bad mood, he didn't think that Akane would be such a cruel person, he noticed it a few times but nothing increased his suspicion this much, if it was last time, he would have pushed those matters outside.

"Is this why she got angry when I speak with girls?!?!" Atsushi felt that this reason was unreasonable and that Akane was too simple to get angry over such a matter.

"Shall we go back?" Mina asked and Atsushi looked at her, surprised to see a smile on her face but her eyes were definitely expressing her excitement, replying with a nod, he started to walk their way back toward the group.

Upon arriving, the spotted Akane in the group, cheerfully communicating with other people, Atsushi approached with a serious expression and once he was in front of her, Atsushi didn't hesitate and raised his hand.

In the few seconds, a loud smack was heard in the hallway, the noises quieted down and looked at Atsushi with disbelief even more for Akane who looked at the latter with teary eyes and shock as she held her hand against her cheek.

"To think that such a cruel woman was my friend!" Atsushi shouted and the disgust in his eyes was in plain sight.

Akane realized where this was going and pulled at his uniform with a terrified expression.

"Let go" Atsushi didn't look at her when he said that, what a disgusting woman! expressing her affection in such a disgusting way, he felt the need to get away from this woman in an instant, clicking the first recording, everyone listened intently, in an attempt to stop the video, Akane tried to jump at him but failed and when the recording was heard by everyone, they looked at Akane and whispered.

"No, please forgive me!!" The lady bawled her eyes out but all the surrounding eyes including Yuu's are looking at her were either filled with disgust and disbelief, disgust that she has the guts to abuse other girls and disbelief that such a gentle persona was just a mask for her cruel persona.

"I don't want the honor of being friends with you anymore!" Atsushi declared and Akane drooped down the concrete and stared at him with disbelief, Jiro walked toward her and carried her out of there in a flash, it seems that Jiro still loves her but Yuu was heartbroken from the cruelty of the lady he loves.

Walking out of there, Atsushi was greeted by a hug once he got out of the school gates, the person was no other than Kyouya.

"I'll comfort you whenever you need it" It made Atsushi smile when he heard that sentence, he knows that he was beginning to depend on this person, it's not only little but it was a pretty large dependence on him.

"Let's go on a ride!" Kyouya exclaimed and pulled Atsushi with him as they ran toward the motor.

Jumping on the motor, the pair went off their way and the breeze slowly calmed Atsushi's tensed shoulder, smiling as he hugged Kyouya from behind.