I opened my eyes to darkness. My body was pinned to the ground and slowly, I tried to move but pain vibrated up and down my arm. I pushed out with my uninjured hand, and I could hear debris fall onto one another. I shifted awkwardly onto my knees and stood up. The mansion lies around me in rubble, completely dismantled. There was a significant amount of dust in the air, which I flapped away from my face. I could recognise nothing, and the only thing standing was the front door, and that was only just hanging on by its hinges.
"Rhea!?" I yelled.
I climbed my way over to where I last saw Rhea. There were mounds of fallen debris around and I didn't know where to start.
I yelled again. "Rhea!"
Carefully, I got down onto my knees and cleared away the mess. My forearms stung from the cuts the leeches had inflicted on me. It disgusted me they fed on me and it seems like they enjoyed it but I didn't have time to think about that; I got back to the amount of wreckage that lay before me. My heart soared into the air when I could see a hand. I hurried over the fallen debris to see it was Sophia.
"Sophia, wake up!" She had a deep gash across her forehead it and blood were flowing freely.
Sophia's eye slowly opened to shock. Her eyes were wide with fear. I was about to talk when something grabbed me tightly around the neck and pulled me up to my feet. Without warning, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and the entire world became dizzy and hazy. Something had hold of me while deeper and deeper I fell into darkness.