"Chamomile Tea at the Angeldame Residence"

Lia didn't expect that she'd have a chance to enter one of Makylee City's exclusive subdivisions, where only rich business tycoons, politicians, and famous people could live in. "Why are we here, Sanno?" she asked him.

Sanno chuckled as he turned the steering wheel slowly, "I live here."

Lia thought that it doesn't make sense. Why would her poor caretaker friend live in an exclusive village? She told him, "You and your jokes, Sanno…"

"I'm not joking. You'll see."


They arrived at the Angeldame residence. Sanno welcomed Lia in the place he called his ancestral house.

"Now, I'm not believing you…" Lia told Sanno as she pinched his arm. "Maybe, you're working part-time here!"

Sanno just laughed at his friend, as he opened the door.