"Hot and Cold"

Minutes had already passed, and Galia's feet were feeling sore. She's also feeling very cold because her clothes were not enough to keep her warm.

She looked at the prince's wristwatch that she stole. Only thirty minutes had passed, that's good, Galia thought. She still had one hour and thirty minutes to escape.

Galia saw a large bush where she had decided to hide behind it for a while, and she was hoping that it would keep her warm.

Meanwhile, Prince Izias was woken up by his butler.

"Your Highness… Please wake up…" Vladimir said repeatedly. 

Prince Izias then opened his eyes and sat, wondering what might have happened. "Why? What's the matter, Vlad?"

"Your Highness… the shark mutant... she escaped."

Prince Izias was completely woken up by his own anger. He glared at the family butler, and when he ran towards the door, he noticed that he had some missing shoes.

His mutant pet planned to escape, huh?