"The New Bearer of a Red I.D."

Sanya brought Lia to the e-train platform. As soon as she left, the scientist pondered on her actions.

She felt that Lia had returned to her normal self. It was as if she hadn't gotten mentally ill. Or did she really?

Sanya shook her head, trying not to overthink. Why would Lia fool her own grandfather and her grandfather's colleagues? She ended her thoughts by convincing herself that it wouldn't make sense at all.

That afternoon, Dr. Sherwin Felinesoul, head of the Mutant Psychology Center, was given a new official I.D. by Dr. Jaia, "Here, use this for the back elevator," She uttered as she gave him a red-colored I.D. 

Dr. Sherwin took it and responded, "Thank you, but… Why do you have to change my I.D. for this favor you'll ask?"

The scientist grinned, "You'll know why."