"Fighting Fate-2"

Hearing about Sanya's disappearance, Sanno grew so worried. He asked Aesop to watch the house, and he wore his trench coat, before proceeding to his motorcycle. He quickly wore his helmet and went off.

As he sped up, glancing at the sidewalks hoping to see Sanya, he thought about how she could handle everything that happened to her beloved career. Knowing Sanya's serious personality, there was a high possibility that she might get depressed because of it. She only had one dream - to be a successful D.M. Cadre Scientist and move up in the ranks - but how could she do that if D.M. Cadre itself had been dissolved?

Imagine having a dream you held onto for so long, and after doing everything you could for that one dream, you'd see it shatter into pieces - impossible for it to return to normal.

Sanno looked for her in every street in Eulim City. He also went to Grillers' Heaven but did not find her there.

'Where could she be…' thought Sanno.