Coming down

It took hours, but as Tango finished he got a message <"Tribulation is coming down, congrats you unlucky bastard"> Eunoric had warned Tango. He looked up seeing the clouds, he closed his eyes once more. Pure Plasma struck down to Tango, he had to be calm. He was cared out of his mind but he tried his best to detached himself from his panic. "HOLY SHIT!" Tango screamed as it struck him, he felt burning across his body, but he pushed it away at first. He stopped when he felt the energy from the strike absorb into him, it wasn't fast but he would survive the following 6 strikes. The second strike was as bad as the first , but as Tango absorbed it he pushed the energy into his planet forming it large, speeding his future core's creation immensely... He had survived 6 strikes the last would be the worst, he had one chance he wouldn't be able to absorb all of it, it would be too much to fast. So as the last bolt came he shrugged it off and instead of absorbing it he tried to repel it away. By the time he had finished his feathers we melted and flaky, and he had looked like a molted bird who pulled out half of their feathers.

"Well, i must admit, you won the bet. Go take a bath, you look awful." His mother stood over him, but she looked depressed. Servants were all over cleaning the burned courtyard. Tangos' Father and Marletta guided Tango up and away... In the bathhouse the crow was blindfolded as she scrubbed away the melted feathers from Tangos body. "Master are you okay, did you survive the tribulation?" "I somehow absorbed and repelled the bolts, it is amazing i got out of it the way i did. I could've ended up with my medians damaged." "Y-you absorb the bolts? you said Absorb!" She was shocked beyond even her respectful words. He knew it was odd so he shrugged it off "i have no idea how i did it, please don't mention it to anyone." "Of course master, i was going to anyway, its..." she cut herself off and plucked away the remaining feathers. Tango was impressed she could with her being blindfolded.

Tango was given a blanket to wear as he grew his feathers back. He would need to grow his feathers back before cultivating again. So his life began to slow down, as he waited for the Caladrius clan elder returned.