This was his

The basement was dark, and as Tango went deeper the Lunar cultivator skill activated revealing the previous question marks. He had something like night vision apparently, it seemed the requirement was to not have moonlight. The room was lit up as if Tango was under the moon's reflection. He marched his way down the stairs feeling uneasy but familiar. The energy in the basement felt absent, like a vacuum and empty.

An Alter was in a center of a dimly lit room, as he walked toward it he felt why the room was empty. Two technique books and a black-stick sat on the alter. Tango however knew what the stick was, it was a slim black sheath made of a wood, it had a single side that was a fade dull blade. This sword was one part of the the duel blades he once used, this part of the blade was known as canine while each other part was a named after a tooth. "how is this here?" <"I have legitimately no idea, but hey at least you don't need a weapon."> Tango grabbed the Sheathe and received a message of a different kind. Tango hadn't known why but holding the part made him feel regret and a sadness he couldn't explain. Like a part of him was back and he felt terrible for losing it.

He set the part down, he would need some way to carry it but for now he wanted to investigate the two books. <"I looked at them, they are techniques based off of Grim slaying."> That wasn't good, that was a time in his life he wished to suppress. He picked one up but yet again he received a system message.

Tango had shook at what it meant but decided to learn it anyway.

The second book was picked up and Tango got two similar messages.

The two books turned to ash in his hands and Tango was worried about the last message. Perhaps though he could right his wrongs of his past life. The terrible Grim slayer that was always alone, just may have a chance at redemption. At least with everything but phoenix maybe?

He left the basement and the part of his old weapon down there for now. Perhaps he could make it into a safe heaven in the future. Once Tango got to the top of the stairs though he had passed out closing the book shelf behind him.