Oh my


Yebien turned into a Thunderbird and lead Tango back to the training ground. "By the way where is Marletta?" "She was given the day off, i don't really know how well i can control my emotions so i didn't want her to be suspicious about my identity as a Thunderbird." Turned out Yebien already planned everything out, but they had an uninvited guest. The guest had moved around all the different prepared weapons and items and had used half of them for themselves. "H-H-HOW DARE YOU I CAREFULLY PREPARE THAT!" Tango flinched at the outburst Yebien just had. Tango's sibling also flinch as they saw a Thunderbird with a much higher cultivation yell at them. "Ah, i'm sorry i had asked for someone to prepare the training room for me, I uhhh, guess that wasn't the case." Yebien was calming down, "Who told you it was prepared." "Jennesse, the archery trainer. May i ask who are you and what is...my brother doing here?" Tango had actually wanted to ask who were they. he didn't actually know all the names of his siblings.

"I am Krazer the Trainer hired to teach your brother, Who has a name child. He went through his Solstice day, his process was unexpected but none the less a name chosen on that day is to be respected." The brothers gulped, "My name's Tango Fengii...uhhh Krazer i feel i little bad for saying this but i don't know his name either." Yebien (Krazer) had paused for a second "Of course you don't, sorry for my outburst." "N-no offense taken elder, my name is Kel Shetta, you can call me Kel. This situation is my fault actually, i hadn't known someone else prepared this." "I will offer my self as a sparring partner for him if he needs one, he is one realm below but i'm only first stage of my own." "We will think about it, if you could clean up, my previously neatly placed knives."

After Yebien sulking the prepared training tools were organized. She eventually took a human form, a very naked human form. Tango started looking away. "Why do you not look at me? Is it the new form, i need hands to show you how to use a spear, swords and the like." "No, ummm its cause your naked, its kinda embarrassing." "Hmmm, i suppose i guess not all demon beasts are uncaring about human bodies...I will get a robe for the time being practice with the knives, throw them down range and try to hit the targets." With that she left, Tango hadn't been as perverse as other demon beasts apparently. <"Not perverse they just don't care about physical appearances all that much, they will reject someone if they are consider ugly, but anything consider perverse for the physical body isn't a part of demon beast culture."> Tango had guessed something like that and sighed, it seems something of the past hadn't changed much. Most of his past lives were as humans or other humanoid species. He picked up the knives absent-mindly and began to throw them, to take his mind off of Yebien. Was that her own human form or was it one she was only copying like the Thunderbird form?