Time, complications

<"Solar calendar for planets with solstices are categorized within by months. All planets with a tilted axis and four season are split among 12 months they tend to use the Earthen-tine month names.">

<"Why do you choose this Eunoric?"> <"I didn't choose this Lamia, I only monitor them.">

<"He is right, I was the one who gave them the gift, they made the time itself.">

<"Yet with out them Time would never exist, nor would we."> <"If we really wish to talk about time though Lamia, your champion tends to make a ruckus. It has been destroying many of the Patron moons">

<"My champion, MY CHAMPION! That monster you call the Ouroboros, Imagine what environmental damaged was caused by that exotic reactor going off."> <"I know i have seen it. IT will turn out fine">

<"Any specifics? We all know the future isn't exact."> <"Vendura interferes, Balance is always restored, my job is only death. Anything outside of that is not my problem.">

Eunoric disappeared...

<"Trenzalore if he isn't here i am not gonna stick around."> Lamia's presence faded away...

<"You would think Death would prevent more death, i will never understand how someone so Lazy and yet... I will never understand how he became Death.">

A creature with the only description of an atrocity of nature walked out of the forest shifting into a man. He walked back into the civilization...




A static appears where the atrocity left. *Will those three ever get along, Siblings... Perhaps I shouldn't have made them siblings...

I stood where the others left, Eunoric...finds it to complicated to interfere directly due to how many living creatures depict death...

I suppose it doesn't help that Lamia distorted the way many see death,more specifically the undead and the creation of Grim...

Trenzalore of course hates Lamia due to or corruption of living creatures, though knowledge is ever changing...

Perhaps i can get them to unite in another...The being took a second and sighed... a few more Vendura Cycles. That was Eunoric's interference he named all of time...

A being who survives, a being who dominates, and a being who ignores... Life, Chaos and Death...*


"What the FUCK was that! What the hell did i witness!" A demon beast witnessed the whole exchange between the multiple creatures. When the demon beast ran to the city though, by the time he got there he forgot what he had seen. Only that it was a once in a lifetime scene. Something that should've never been forgotten. The Demon beast would go to several memory experts to figure out what he had scene. All of them had said once they were about to tell him, they had forgotten what it was just that it was a miracle or the divine. He should simply treasure the feeling and continue down this great path! Truth was the static knew the demon beast had scene them and filtered the memories, for the better of the witnesses life. *Just as always*