The Long Road

The harshness in his tone just caused his words to rebound in her mind.

"I will count to five."

She was literally screaming inside her head. "Don't kill me, Cree, I..."

A gurgle from her stomach inhibited him from counting further. After hours of the intense workout earlier, she was starving. Her habit of continuously skipping meals called for a few frequent visits to the doctor for her occasional gastritis. But this time, it had saved her life.

He smirked at her and released his hold on her. "So, you starved yourself before going to the gym, eh?"

She hesitatingly nodded, and admitted, "Yes."

He leaned closer over her till they were eye-to-eye, and their chins almost touched from their proximity of their faces. Her heart soared, and she panted fervidly. No man had ever put his face so close to hers, furthermore a sexy stranger like him.... no, the fact was that they were no strangers to each other. 

"Calm down, Ruolan." He greeted her with her pseudonym, the name she had presented to him just before their one-night stand. "Just tell me, what do you want?"

He positioned his right hand on her thigh, inducing her discomfort. Just what was he going to do?

"Ruolan, men can be monsters. It's best that you admit what you are up to, before...goodness knows what happens to you." He pronounced each word coldly, and it felt like ice pricks stabbing directly into her heart.

She shut her eyes and pleaded, "Don't kill me, please... please... Cree."

His hand tickled her thigh as he ran it upwards slowly, heading towards her waist, while icily admiring her petite figure. "Such curves... what a waste for you not to be my woman."

She was aware of his mockery, but she didn't dare to say a word. But how could she even salvage herself from this situation? It was either her life, or her job. A stream of tears gushed down her cheek, and he wiped it coolly with his sleeve. 

"Now, now, it doesn't have to be scary. Just admit it, Ruolan. Then you are free to go."

She shivered, and struggled to speak, but no words exited her mouth. He reached over to the middle of the car and rummaged it for something inside, which she imagined was a gun, and was on the verge of letting out a scream. Instead, he pulled out a sleeping mask, and placed it over her eyes. She sensed him pinning her down with his full weight, and their skin were pasted onto each other through the thin material of her dress and his thin tee. Since it was summer, they had both been dressed appropriately to the season, but considering how they were now glued to each other, even appropriate clothing felt inappropriate to her!  

His forceful kisses hit her with full force, and she was blown as he began to rage again. Why was he so angry and taking it on her? She was overwhelmed by the use of his strange ability, which of course she wasn't aware of existed, and succumbed. He hated liars, and he wanted to teach her a lesson so badly, but on the contrary, he was already defeated by her. He desired her so badly, and she was goading him on with the delicateness of her flesh, which he yearned to feel, bare under his own bare skin. During their first time, her skin on his had felt extremely heavenly, like he was sleeping with a fairy. He was aware of how perverted his thoughts were at the moment, but he didn't care. He loved how submissive she was under him right now.

He broke the kiss suddenly, and feasted on the juiciness of her neck. She was assured he was going to leave a mark, but she was scared stiff to even let out even a sound. His free hand snaked down her collar and tugged on the front zip of her dress, which she had pulled all the way up conservatively.

"Still not going to say anything?" he taunted, and pulled down the zip a bit more, allowing it to stop right above her cleavage. Contemplating how she was scantily dressed during their first meeting, even with her zip pulled above her cleavage, she was much more conservatively dressed right now. Of course, he was not that shallow to force himself on her while they were in his vehicle, and nor would he even take her without her consent. He had way more women willing to throw themselves at his feet, but yet he had chosen her, a question which remained unanswered in his mind. It had been his first time, as it was hers.

This girl was too tempting and unusual for him to let out of his sight. He bit on her lower lip, and listened to her moan in pain. That would definitely teach her!

Amidst the abrupt bite on her lip, she gritted her teeth and stammered, "I'm... a reporter... I just needed some gossip to write...about you..."

Ah, if it was just that, she could have told him long ago, without the need of him to get so intimate with her in the car... but he was sure, it was consensual, since she could have defended herself by pushing him away, however, she just let him. It was either that she was desperate for her article, or she also was desirous, like he was. But considering the tenacity of his special ability, she might have just submitted to him because of that. His special power had different effects in different people, which he believed was connected to their personalities and mind power. Some were submissive, and some would never admit defeat! However, he had almost never needed to have to use it on people, but her presence often triggered his rage and compelled him to unleash the Kraken on her! 

Nevertheless, this was not a time to be seen in such a position with a young woman, and furthermore, he didn't want anyone to see her this way, even if she was only slightly exposed! He immediately pulled her zip back up to her collarbone, and returned to the driver's seat.  Then he interrogated her, "So what do you want to do? Do you have enough to write your gossipy article about me?"

At least, it felt better now that she wasn't a true threat to him, he thought.

"I can't possibly write that you have a Ferrari? That you like sports? Or..." she paused before blushingly saying, "are a good kisser."

Since she was still blindfolded, she couldn't make out the emotion in his eyes, and he burst out in anger, "Don't you dare write that, or I'll have you-"

He stopped as he realized she was triggering his rage, which in turn would cause his special power to surface. Hastily he changed the topic. "What were you planning to do by pretending to have hurt your ankle?"

"If you took me to the doctor, I would have one more chance to spend with you, and seduce you," she blurted out. She was extremely awful at lies, and since she had blown her cover anyway, she might as well tell him the truth. Who knows that he might even allow her to interview him? she thought hopefully.

"Fine, you got your chance. Lay down tight, and don't let anyone see you, or you'll be in deep trouble!"

He replaced his sunglasses, resuming Cree's identity, and she obeyed, remaining silent during the whole trip as he skilfully manoeuvred his car at extreme speed. She didn't know where he was going to take her, or what would be her eventual fate, but all she knew was that if she couldn't get the article done, she would be officially screwed. She could only listen to fate, but fortunately for her, fate had its ways to connect her to Cree. Although, it was just only the start of a long road between them...