Hitching a ride

"Cree... Cree... Cree."

Being the light sleeper he was, Cree was astonished to hear her calling his name amidst sudden giggles as she was in a deep sleep. He presumed he had heard wrong, but she started to mumble in her sleep again.

"Cree, I don't want you to see others."

She had said the exact words when she had been sober and awake the other time. Cree knew that she was a jealous person, and he rejoiced in his mind on how he liked her being envious of girls around him. However, her insecurity was on a different level, and he didn't know that yet.

"I am not seeing anyone, Xiaoruo. As long as you are mine, I won't even harbour such an intention."

Qiao Ruo appeared to be incapable of hearing what he had said, as she fell once more into a deep sleep. Cree sighed and pulled up the covers higher to ensure his woman had adequate shelter from the coldness of his air-conditioner. He noticed that Qiao Ruo had the habit of frequently kicking away the duvet blanket when she slept, which greatly concerned him on whether she would catch a cold if she did it often.

He kissed her goodnight once more on her luscious lips.

When she woke up, breakfast was already awaiting her on the table. Cree was dressed humbly in an apron, and a pair of dorky spectacles that she had seen before rested on his nose. She found the sight before her incredibly hilarious and let out a few childish giggles.

"What's so funny?" Cree demanded. He had got rid of the evidence, after all. She wouldn't have noticed his efforts in merely producing a healthy breakfast for her. She had previously called his quick-breakfast platters unhealthy and insisted that he eat something less fatty and greasy. Still, due to his inexperience in cooking, the kitchen had ended up an unsightly mess. To prepare a simple breakfast, Cree had consulted so many cookbooks, and in the absence of his housekeeper, he had no choice but to sweep up the mess all on his own. He hoped that she would at least, appreciate his endeavours.

"Nothing," she said and stifled a laugh. Only a few seconds had passed when the expression on her face transformed from a smile into a scowl.

"Is it that bad?" Cree stared at her unbelievingly before grabbing one of the pancakes and taking a deep bite. It didn't taste strange, so he peered at her confusedly.

"Caught you!" she laughed and poked him in the nose. He didn't seem very pleased about the sudden prank and consumed his share in silence.

"Surely you can't be so petty?" she asked as she cleared her plate and took his empty plate from him.

"What do you think?" he retorted with an unsettled look in his eyes. Qiao Ruo stacked the empty plates in the sink and ran running tap water over the stack.

"I was just teasing," she pronounced and squealed in astonishment as he suddenly grabbed her from behind and pushed her against the wall of the kitchen, at a blind spot where the CCTV cameras failed to capture.

She wore a stunning black-and-white dress which ended just covering her knees, which had a striped design that accentuated her figure. Trying to control himself as much as possible, Cree penetrated her mouth with the wildest of kisses, while his fingers naughtily unzipped the front of her dress, just enough to reveal a small gap. She gasped and panted profusely. Was he exposing her to such a thrill just so early in the morning? Nevertheless, she engrossed herself in returning his kisses excitedly.

After a few minutes, he playfully concluded his torment of her and allowed her to catch her breath. "That serves enough punishment for now." Qiao Ruo glared at him, but a glance at her watch caused her to fret. "Cree, I'm running late!"

He chuckled. "Magic word."

"Please, can you give me a ride to work?" she cast him an innocent look, pleading with her eyes. "I have a conference in half an hour!"

"You didn't seem concerned about the time earlier," he teased as he turned the key in the ignition of his sportscar. "You seemed to be enjoying it."

She poked him in his side. "Not funny!"

"I also have to go to work later, so that you know."

"Oh," she said. The sportscar made a swift turn out of the junction. She noticed how the people outside were eyeing the vehicle with zeal. Too bad that they weren't her or Cree. She didn't even want to think how much it cost for each time he sent it for maintenance. The life of an elite seemed appealing that she wondered how it would be like to be married to Cree. She realized what she had just been thinking, and hastily swatted herself on her temple for having nonsensical thoughts. It was far too early to be thinking of marriage, and she and Cree had not even started officially.

"What is it?" Cree enquired as he stopped the vehicle just before a red light.

"Just an idea," she muttered.

"Do you always hit yourself like that when you have an idea?"

"It was a bad idea."

"Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I could share some valuable inputs with you," he said, straightening his sunglasses as he got ready to resume his drive.

"I'm fine," she forced a smile.

He turned in the driveway before her office, and she quickly stopped him. "Cree, you can drop me here. You don't have to send me all the way." She didn't want all the girls in her office swooning at him, and all the fangirls going insane with his seductiveness. She was jealous, and the thought of him receiving female attention made her insecure.

Cree eyed her remarkably. "Why are you afraid? Are you hiding something from me, or you don't wish your male colleagues to see me?"

"Don't misunderstand, Cree," she squeezed his hand. "I just don't want the girls to look at you."

"I insist on sending you to work safely. Don't you have an important conference that you need to rush to the office?" Cree returned the squeeze on her hand and continued to warm her hand with his.


"Xiaoruo, which is more important, the girls looking at me or your conference?" he asked her calmly, his hand still encased against hers. His hold on her hand had felt so natural that the fact that their hands remained linked, momentarily slipped her mind.

She pouted. "Fine. I don't feel comfortable about them ogling at you."

"Xiaoruo, I offered you an opportunity. You need to know that door remains open for you."

She was a bit unsettled about his statement. With her insecurities, what if someone stole him away from her before she could decide whether to accept him? Albeit that, she did not intend to make a decision she would regret.

"Xiaoruo...Xiaoruo?" Cree called out to her. She snapped out of her trance and provided him with a response.

"We reached long ago. Aren't you going to go to work?"

She excused herself hastily. "I'll see you back home later!"

He liked how she referred to the mansion as home. If only it could be their home. Their sweet nest. He laughed at the thought as he manoeuvred the vehicle out of the compound.

As he entered his own office for their shareholder meeting, the only thoughts that persisted in his mind were how he could make her his. Since she was as stubborn as a rock, he had to employ craftier methods to acquire her for himself. Lu Hanyang would always be a threat, and he perceived the man as a thorn in the flesh. Hopefully, he did not have to see the man much since they were in different fields.


"Today, a student from the University of Xuehua will join us for a short period."

Qiao Ruo just nodded as she watched the gorgeous young woman enter the meeting room. Although it was unexpected that they would have a rookie join their meetings, particularly a client conference, she fathomed that working in her office was no longer how it was like in the past. However, the conference signified that something important was about to happen. The rookie couldn't be hired as a substitute for Qiao Ruo, since she was only there to learn for a short period.

"Hello, my name is Yao Yueling," the girl introduced herself. "You may address me as Xiaoyue or Xiaoling. I've been addressed as both."

Qiao Ruo could not help finding her introduction awkward, especially since she was making her announcement before a few of their biggest clients and managers. Her supervisor was also present, and since none of them was triggered, she casually looked down at her report.

The girl took her seat opposite Qiao Ruo, and then the owner of the publishing company stood up gravely and faced their clients.

"We called for a conference this morning due to a big announcement we have to make."

He looked a bit guilty. Qiao Ruo knew that something was up.

"After a long discussion with the stakeholders of the business, it is with much regret that we have to inform you that Qing Tian Group will acquire the company. We have finalized the transaction, and in future, the company will take on the name of Qing Tian Publisher. Except for Miss Qiao, who is serving her notice period of resignation, all employees here will remain employed. In future, Mr Luo, Mr Qing-" he faced the clients, "..please deal with Ye Qi of Qing Tian Publisher."

Qiao Ruo almost jolted out of her seat at the mention of Cree's alias. Just what was going on?