Perhaps we could see each other discreetly

Cree had chosen porridge as he believed it would be easy on her stomach. After filling up her tummy, they switched on the TV in the hotel room to relax with one of the popular sitcoms, Love You Back to the Dimension. The television drama had premiered one year ago, and the drama caused Qiao Ruo to be very invested in it due to the main leads' chemistry. The male lead was a university student with a secret identity as a hacker, and the female lead had time travelled from an earlier generation. The male lead had called up the police when the female lead miraculously appeared in his bathroom and when nobody came to her, the male lead's flatmate had taken her as a new tenant in their flat. They developed an unlikely relationship, and the ups and downs of the leading couple cheered up Qiao Ruo when she was down.

She indicated her thrill to watch the new episode by waving her arms frantically. "I missed watching the main couple bicker!"