Sworn Enemies

In a private room downtown in City N, a tall and tanned man with dark eyes sat before a go board. Opposite him, a woman sat, glamorously dressed in a sleek black dress that showed off her cleavage and flaunted her curves. Coolly, with her dainty fingers, she made her move and smiled at the man.

"A precarious move, Miss Yuan," the man said evilly. "Your move has placed your piece in jeopardy, likely to be captured at a later point by my pieces."

"I like risks," Yuan Fang said coldly. With her icy glance and sexy figure, any man, despite how he resisted and called himself decent, would find it arduous not to be tempted. Yuan Fang was a born seductress, and the fact she was both a remarkable actress and a capable CEO made her more captivating to single, not-so-lucky men. Akira Yuan was her paternal cousin, and similarly, had her empire to handle. The women of the Yuan family were ferocious and ruthless. And she was no exception.