The Gynae's Appointment


A thick brown-coloured discharge on Qiao Ruo had triggered her. By now, she had not felt the so-called bonding moments or 'being pregnant' feeling which was fine for a first-time mother, but from what she understood, being over a month pregnant and having that kind of discharge could be safe for some, but dangerous to others.

After asking for help on some pregnancy advice forums, a user by the id of 'wannabeamom223' along with a few others, had told her to go down to the gynaecologist, which they deemed unbelievable that she had not been seen after so long!

She had mixed feelings about everything.

"What do I want?" she asked herself, looking at her pink walls and the newly taken framed photograph she had of herself and Cree standing on the dresser. Cree had promised her so much that at times, she would consult her if even if she were not pregnant, would there be the possibility that he would marry her anyway.