The nice bear

William was angry, very angry. Losing the food wasn't that bad, he could find new food, but the bow and water were an issue. He found some water sources, but they were mostly packed with monsters. And the bow? He would have to hunt monsters that have bows for that. And those monsters are all atleast kinda intelligent and hard to find.

"This all happened because of this stupid woman, if she hadn't killed me I would still have my stuff. And this world seriously needs save points, this simply isn't fair that I lost everything." William kept on cursing and complaining.

"I guess I should go, the bow is one thing, but I should atleast secure water." He went to the nearest water source while trying to be as low-key as possible. But of course a bear noticed him before he even had a chance to get water.

The bear looked at William, and William stared back. Both trying to think about what would be the next best step. After a while the Bear nods, giving permission to William to get water. William nods thankfully and carefully gets water.

He waves towards the bear before leaving. "What a nice bear," he thinks, it was nice for him to see that even in such a world created by a devil could still be nice things. "Maybe I should stop seeing everything so dark, that bear was so friendly and I thought about killing it. But I'm gonna have to change the world first if I ever want to be able to trust someone."

He goes back towards his camp, thinking about his encounter. This world was created by the devil, the same devil that killed him dozens of times at spawn. Why would this devil put such nice creatures in this world. Maybe the devil had a bigger plan than he could ever think about.

After a while of thinking without having any realizations, he got up and decided to wander around. "I can atleast look for a bow, maybe I'm gonna have some luck." Thinking this he went wandering around the desert.

Somewhere else, in a dark palace multiple universes away.

"This one is smart, he already has suspicions that something bigger is going on. But it's not like he can change anything about it. He is either gonna be a failure or a success, just another experiment, but his willpower is amazing. We might have another success here," Says the devil while looking at what William is currently doing.

Back to William.

After a while of wandering, William noticed for the first time that fate truly seemed to exist. Life wasn't random, but rather things were fated to be. He had found the goblin village and it was under attack, he immediately rushed to help the goblins. He owed them a lot, even if they didn't know that he owes them a lot.