Fighting an expert

There was only a few steps that separated them now. The expert was simply more experienced with forrest terrain. They both had an amazing speed but the terrain is what brought William into a disadvantage. William was strong but he was also young and had barely any experience in running away from someone.

The expert used this to his advantage and threw an attack made out of black smog at William. This was the move that he was well known for. The black fog would drain the enemies chi making them completely useless in a fight, but to the experts surprise William was completely uneffected. This meant that William never cultivated chi.

„haha! you're a body cultivator and you dare think that you can escape from me" said the expert. He quickly got closer to William and strenghtend his punch with chi, the expert went in for the attack. There was no way that William could escape this. A body cultivator simply couldn't stand up to chi attacks.

But William proved the expert wrong, he shouted „What's so bad about being a body cultivator?, I promise, I'll beat you right here and now." He then proceeded to block his punch with his right arm. His strength at this point was absolutely terrifying, he could block a chi attack with a single arm. He kicked the stomach of the expert and the expert fell back in pain.

„it seems you have some chi after all, because you could never block my attack without it." The expert was completely confused, his chi draining fog didn't work on William, but it would be impossible to Block a chi attack without chi. He was thinking and thinking trying to figure out what just happened.

But William didn't let him think for another second. He closed in on the expert and punched him, but the expert easily blocked Williams punch. Both started punching at each other again and again, without anyone being able to gain the upper hand. The expert couldn't do anything to the terrifying body of William and William couldn't do anything to the expert's body that was protected with chi.

This was Williams first encounter with an enemy that uses chi and he was completely confused on how to defeat such an opponent, but atleast he wasn't losing. They were on equal footing. At this point this was a test of endurance. But William had a lot of endurance thanks to his strong body.

The expert was at a loss, he never saw William use chi but he could still block every single one of his attacks and fight back. Such a strong body was ridiculous. There were strong body cultivators out there, but it was impossible to get that strong at that age with body cultivation. This was no laughing matter the expert was now cultivating chi for 70 years and a body cultivator that was still a teen could fight equally against him?

This was simply impossible, there was only one conclusion that the expert could come up with „you are a demon". He said full of shock. Cases of demons being able to keep their sanity were super rare, but demons had extreme physical strength so it made sense. This was the only conclusion that the expert could come up with that made sense to him.

„Demon?" William was confused about this statement, why was this person thinking that he was a demon. In his knowledge it was impossible for demons to keep their sanity. He also heard rumors about demons being hideous creatures that were born when a person's heart was swallowed by their corruption. This clearly wasn't William, atleast in his knowledge he wasn't a demon.

But they were still fighting and didn't have time to think about the details. They still fought equally with none of them being able to gain the upper hand. It was an even fight and William was getting frustrated, how long would they have to fight. If this kept going on the guards of the Stoneguard family would appear.

And the guards would be enough to give the expert an upper hand. They were on an even footing, the smallest help would be the deciding factor. William had an idea, he quickly jumped back and pulled out his bow and arrow. If he could gain a small advantage in the fight through the poison then that was all he needed to win.

He shot one arrow after another, but the expert kept blocking or dodging them. This frustrated William a lot. This was the one thing he needed to change the result of the battle. But luckily the expert got scratched by one of the arrows. The poison on the arrows would slowly do it's work now.

William immediately went back into close range combat and exchanged punches with the expert. The expert was confused about this, why did this kid even start to shoot arrows in the first place, it should have been clear that it wouldn't result to anything. But at this moment the expert suddenly started to slowly feel weaker.

He was shocked and scared, the arrows were poisonous!!! This explained everything, he had deeply underestimated William, because he seemed too young to be able to pull off battle tactics. This underestimation might bring him to his grave. He was extremely scared and started fighting without holding back, ignoring his own defense and going all out on offense.

But for William this was the sign that the poison started working. He concentrated more on defense waiting for the expert to get even weaker. For William it was easy to defend, if he just concentrated on defending. The attacks slowly got weaker and weaker, to the point it didn't even harm William.

The expert couldn't even use chi anymore. Then he heard the guards of the Stoneguard family coming towards them. He thought he was saved, but at this moment Williams punch hit his head. The expert felt pain for a moment before everything faded to black and his head flew off.