The crabs regret

William kept fighting but he simply couldn't get close to the crab. This made him more enraged and with his anger rose his power. It was like his anger was an infinite source of power, but this power came at a cost. William started to grow wings and horns. His teeth were razor sharp capable of biting through stones and steel and his once human appearance started to change more and more.

But William didn't notice anything from that he focused only on the fight in front of him. He started attacking fiercer, and with his increase in power he gave the crab serious problems it could barely defend itself.

Crabs point of view

The crab was outside and hunting fish for her children when suddenly an extremely evil aura was rushing in her direction. She was very worried; she left her children alone and they were exactly in the direction that the evil thing was running to. If she let that thing pass then something might happen to her children.

She immediately attacked the evil creature as soon as it came close to her, she hoped to kill it in one quick attack. But the evil creature avoided her attack and worse she couldn't hit it at all, it was simply too fast. All she could do was stop the creature from attacking her by keeping the creature away with her claws.

She thought that she could simply kill the creature as soon as it was tired out. But something worrying happened, the creature got stronger and faster. It got more difficult for her to defend herself with each passing minute. She started to get tired but the creatures strength kept increasing.

She regretted now that she had attacked that creature, there was no guarantee that the creature would have attacked her children. She just had been intimidated by that evil aura and attacked because it filled her heart with worry. The thought of having such a creature close to her children simply filled her with too much worry.

But now she could only regret, she might actually die here and her children would be left all alone. They were still very small and would probably starve to death without her. She just couldn't die here she had to stay alive for her children. Even if she felt extremely exhausted and could barely move out of tiredness, she had to keep fighting.

But the assault of the creature never stopped it kept attacking and attacking. As if it didn't know what it means to feel tired, she didn't know how to win against a creature like that. At the start she thought this would be an easy fight but this creature was simply too weird.

It felt like no matter what she tried it wouldn't work. It knew no exhaustion, it kept getting stronger and its appearance changed over time. She never met a creature that was like this. She was scared for her life, and she didn't know how she could defend herself anymore. She looked up in the sky and prayed for a wonder.

Williams point of view

Williams anger had reached a crazy level at this point he was like a mad animal that was blinded by rage, but he had the upper hand in this fight and that extremely satisfied him, he loved to dominate the fight.

He never felt so good before, his body knew no tiredness and he felt like he was growing stronger with each minute. This feeling was amazing and he bathed himself in the feeling of getting stronger. He was barely conscious at that point but the part that was conscious could do nothing but enjoy the amazing feeling of being drowned in power.

William finally broke through the crab's defense and was able to attack the crab shell directly now. He attacked with all his force and left a deep wound in the crab's shell. The wound was bleeding extremely and William stopped and looked satisfied at his work. The crab was still alive but it wouldn't pose a threat to him anymore, he had won.

He started laughing madly, he never felt so good before. He couldn't believe that he missed out on such an amazing feeling for his entire life. Not being able to feel this feeling of drowning in power earlier was his deepest regret.

Crabs point of view

The crab mom tried her best to defend herself, but the creature had simply become to strong and she was to exhausted. She reacted to slow to one of the creature's attacks and the creature was able to break through her defense.

She knew at this moment that she had lost; her prayers had been unheard. The creature attacked and left a deep wound in her shell. She was in deep pain and agony; she never felt such agonizing pain before. But she tried to fight back against the feeling of drowsiness that came over her.

She managed to stay awake but she was to exhausted and to wounded. She simply couldn't move anymore; she laid there and could only watch as the creature started laughing madly. She regretted to have challenged this crazy creature, how could she know that such a crazy thing would just be running around here.

She was forced to keep watching this creature laugh madly, she couldn't believe that this would be her last sight. But life wasn't as nice as to just give you something nice to watch just because you are about to die. With her heart full of regret, she started getting weaker and couldn't fight back against the drowsiness. Everything faded to black and the mad Laugh of the creature was the only thing she heard before everything was silent. Everything was black and silent; there she was in a black void while her heart started to beat slower and slower.