I always believed that there are monsters under my bed. Whenever I sleep at night, I always make sure that I am completely covered by my blanket, my teddy bear beside me and the night lamp is on. I always make sure that a limb of me will not dangle off the bed so that the monsters would not grab me, and drag me to their world.
I always believed that the monsters are afraid of light. I always bring a flashlight with me whenever I go to the dark basement, hoping that the monsters wouldn't try to attack me. I always stay near a source of light or stay somewhere bright, believing that the monsters will never reach me there.
I always believed that the monsters like naughty children more. I believed that whenever I become naughty, more monsters will be attracted to me, therefore, my safety will decrease to the point where blankets and teddy bear will never protect me and the light can never shield me from the monsters. So I tried my best to be the good child.
I always believed that monsters are real, hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to grab me. I always believed that by following this things, I will be protected from the monsters. I always believed that as long as I am like this, I will be safe from them.
But despite all that, in spite of all those precautions and security, I never saw a single monster. They said it is because they only appear when it's dark, but whenever I peak from under my covers, I never saw any. They also said that it is because they blend in the dark, but it's not what it said in the story books. In the books, they are described to have horrid appearances, scary faces and terrifying voices, and yet, I never saw one, never heard one.
I always believed that monsters are there, somewhere out there waiting for me to let down my guard. I always believed that they are around me, waiting for their perfect opportunity to devour me. I always believed in it, I always do. Until, I realized, there's something wrong on what I believe.
I doubt that monsters are under my bed. I doubt that monsters are afraid of light. I doubt that monsters are fond of naughty children. I doubt that monsters are hiding in the dark. I doubt that monsters... are what they always say.
Now, I realized– that monsters are not under my bed, but always beside me, around me. They are rather, always around me, interacting with me. They're not hissing or growling— but conversing with me and tells me stories. They are not afraid of light— they are fond of it— like moths on the flame, they bathe on it. They don't like naughty children— they're more doting on nice, docile and good children, they love those kind of children more. What I used to believe— are bluff all along.
Monsters are real, but they're not what we think they are.
"Miss Letty, from what I've observed today, you are not improving at all. I know you've been through a lot, but it's time to move on. You can't just stay in the past. That concludes our session for today. Tomorrow, we will conduct another method, and I wish this time, it will help you recover. I will also adjust your medications."
"Monsters are real, but they're not what we think they are. Monsters are real, but they're not what we think they are. Monsters are real, but they're not what we think they are."
"Sigh. Look Miss Letty, I can only help you as much, but you also have to help yourself recover. Nurse, please escort Miss Letty back to her room."
"Monsters are real, but they're not what we think they are. Monsters are real, but they're not what..."
"Good afternoon Doc Portia. How was your patient?"
"Good afternoon too Doc Timpleson. Do you think she already figured out?"
"Hmmmm. I don't think so." Doc Timpleson said as his eyelids blink sideways, and so does Doc Portia and the nurse, and all of the staff in the Asylum.
It is true. Monsters are real, but they're not what we think they are.