During this pandemic, we people got easily bored inside our houses and tend to find things that we can busy ourselves with. Many decided to pursue their forgotten passion such as writing, drawing, creating and playing music and much more. Some picked to use this quarantine to spend time with their families and catch up on the things they missed. And those who mainly stays inside the house before this pandemic just spend their times like they used to.
I was one of those people who spent their life before quarantine just like quarantine. I would just watch movies, catch up on anime, and I actually learned new skills during this pandemic. However, I too, got bored being inside the house all the time and never got to smell fresh air. That's when I discovered this app: Randonautica. It was recommended by a close friend of mine. He asked me to check it out and use it to hang out sometime.
Curious, I downloaded it and read some reviews about it and read its app description: the app provides you a random coordinates or location depending on your intension or things you expect to see (you can type there things like pizza or ice cream stand, normal things; or things like demon, ritual, and witches, those supernatural and crazy things) it is up to you if you want to follow it and share it to social medias.
I actually saw a video about this app in YouTube. It was a video of a group of friends using the Randonautica app and it lead them to a rocky shore where they found a suitcase with chopped bodies inside. It frightened them of course and they called the cops for it. The video went viral and tons of videos with creepy content about Randonautica emerged thereafter. And now, I'm about to try it.
I texted my close friend to talk about this and why would we use this as a reason to hang out. He replied shortly and said that he invited our other friends to go on a walk. Just catch up with each other while having a fresh air and to make things more fun, we would use the app and try if we could film something social media worthy. The thought of us gang hanging out made me excited. So we decided for a date and time and we all prepared for it. We met at our usual meeting place when the day came.
All of us are happy to see each other and have tons of stories to tell. We stayed there for the meantime and shared our stories in which we all laughed at, then one of us suggested that we try the app. It was starting to get dark and we all decided that it's the perfect time to do so. At first, we tried it on simple things like 'cake'; we all laughed at it since it really sounds ridiculous and thought that it would just lead us to a cake shop. But our expectations and funny thoughts faded away as it led us not in a cake shop, but to one of my neighbors having a birthday party and of course, they have cake.
We got crept out by it but, we just laughed it all out again. This time, we chose to go a notch higher; we typed 'creeps' and a coordinate was given to us. It was just a walking distance and when we got there, it was totally dark and only the light posts were providing the light. We stopped by one of the posts that the app said to be our location, I was confused at first because what's creepy in this? It's just dark and there's light so what will creep us out? A minute later, one of us alerted the whole gang and pointed to one of the light posts ahead of us. He was shaking and his breaths were short. When we looked to where he's pointing, a tall figure— seems to be a man wearing a hoodie— was leaning to the pole and seems to be facing us. He's still and so were we. We began to feel crept out since it's really weird.
"Is he a stalker?" One of us asked. We all shake our heads and one of us filmed the happenings. All of a sudden, a car stopped by the man and the passengers approached the man. They looked like drunk men and their voices were loud enough for us to hear. From what we heard, they're college students who had a party and the man on the pole was one of their friends who wandered while drunk. He reached his limit and passed out while leaning to the pole perfectly. His friends put him inside the car and drove off.
We all drew shaky breaths and nervous laughter. Soon enough, our laughs became more relaxed and hilarious because of the incident. We were frightened for nothing there. We watched the video that one of us got; we chuckled at it but we're still not satisfied to it. We need more, something scarier, something more bizarre. So one of us typed 'demonic' in her app and after a couple of minutes, a location was viewed. It was quite far so we rode our bikes and got to the said place. We arrived there at 9 o'clock. It's really dark and the site was pretty isolated; there's this huge old house, no lights, no houses nearby, no neighbors and mostly surrounded by woods. Good thing we're all prepared. We all had our own flashlights and phone to record. Since there's 9 of us, we divided into three groups and took different paths: one to explore the yard, one to explore the surrounding woods and one to explore the inside of the house. I was with the group who's assigned for the yard. We didn't find anything interesting so we joined the group who entered the house.
The house has two floors and a basement that's looked. We saw them searching the kitchen at the first floor. They were searching the cupboards so we decided to go to the living room and do some searching there. That's when we heard a loud bang coming from the kitchen. We rushed to the first group and saw them cowering at a corner, they said they were leaving the kitchen when all of the cupboard doors left open suddenly closed with so much force. One of them was facing the cupboards and actually recorded it. We played the video and there it is, them leaving and the cupboards closing.
The third group probably heard the loud bang and came rushing to us. They too, looed frightened but not by the sound but by what they saw at the woods. They showed us a video of trees with Hanging ropes and a well with a pentagram engraving. It made us scared since pentagrams are related to demons and our intension was for something 'demonic'.
Yes, we're all scared at that point but one of us, from my group, convinced us to do more exploring since we haven't touched the second floor. We all agreed in a condition that we won't check out or try to break in locked doors— we all have watched horror movies and locked doors were one of the red flags.
We all headed to the second floor and started recording. On the second floor, there were three rooms but only two were open. We split again: the house group at the first room, my group at the second room and the third group will stay at the hallway and record if something will happen. When my group entered the room, it was full chaos. Everything was trashed and there's even some bird poop on the floor. The smell was bad but tolerable. We looked through the scattered clothes and furniture, searching for something 'demonic'. I stumbled upon a closet that's slightly open, and there's a key inserted at the keyhole. I opened it fully and I was attacked by a very awful smell that I needed to step back. My two friends noticed it and approached my side, we're all filming this closet. The inside of the closet was empty and a couple of kid's drawings were inscribed in the walls of the closet. However, one of us noticed something and notified the others.
In a matter of seconds, all of us were in front of the closet. The hallway group said they videoed nothing as well as the first room group. We're all there so my friend pointed out an odd inside the closet. There seemed to be a hidden compartment inside the closet. We tried to pry it open but to no avail. One of us thought to use the key on the closet door to open it, and it worked.
The inside of the hidden compartment was somehow what you'll expect in a horror movie: a pentagram, a candle, some bones of unknown creature, a book we couldn't understand and some dried blood. It made us so scared that we didn't move for a minute. We were shaking, our legs trembling, our breath short and fast and all of our eyes were glued to what we saw.
We were pulled out from our frozen state when we heard a loud banging of door outside the room. All of us rushed to get out and we saw the door from the first room swinging and closing with so much force, every close made us jump from the loud sound. We stopped for a second but thundered down the stairs just to get out of the house. We were all screaming and some of us tripped and lost their phones and were too scared to search and get it.
We all got out safely but most of us were too frightened and cried. Me and some of the boys gathered ourselves and calmed our other friends. It took a while for everyone to calm down and it's already 10 o'clock. It was really late and we should really go home but some of us wouldn't until they got their phone and flashlight back. So, we who have still courage left, entered the house and looked for their phones. Some screens where shattered but still working. We exited the house and finally left. We hanged out to an ice cream shop we passed by to really calm our nerves down. That's when we reviewed our videos.
All of our videos were mundane but all have their own suspense parts; yet, some of the videos seem to stand out. In my group, a video of mine have recorded a whispering voice that my other mates didn't record and we all didn't heard. The same happened to the other two groups. We were crept out by this that we didn't have the relaxation we needed while eating ice cream.
With this, we decided to compile our videos and post it on our own social media and decided to go home. We were saying our goodbyes when five of us suddenly winced in pain, all of them said that their backs hurts and feels like there's a searing pain like a scratch. We checked their backs and saw long slashes, all bleeding. We rushed them to the nearest clinic and had them treated and this time, we finally got home.
Since I live alone, I don't have any parents waiting to scold you. I laid down my sofa and checked out my videos. And all of a sudden, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt a searing pain in my back and saw blood on my sofa. I faced my vanity mirror in with my back and there it is, blood and a long slash. I was about to call 911 when our group chat started to send notifications. All of them were sending messages that they found wounds similar to our five friends, they were also hearing whispers and are now panicking and asking each other what to do.
I was also panicking and my hands were shaking profusely when I heard a whisper, and I can understand what its saying.
"Well wonders never cease. What an interesting group who bothered me."
"Wh— who, what are you?"
"I'm what you're all searching for." It said, then all went black.