
December 24th, in a huge greek-structured mansion's entrance stood Azriel, he looked around the place he grew up at with sad contempt, he noted the changes that took place since he left the mansion when he turned 18. A sad smile etched it's way on his face before he turned around and opened the car door and helped Nesryn out of the car.

Astraea's personal assistant welcomed the two guests and led them to the receiving area then moved to the family wing. Nesryn was hesitant to idea till Azriel had no choice but to carry her bridal style and ascended the grand fleet of stairs and made his way to the west side of the mansion - where he remembered the family room was located.-

Astraea stood up from her seat, elegantly placing the teacup back to the wooden table in front of her. She walked over to her grandson and hugged him tight, pleased that she could have him home even if it's only for lunch. After releasing her grandson, she engulfed Nesryn into a bone crushing hug and kept whispering her thanks for being able to convince Azriel to come home.

The three individuals sat down and had a pleasant conversation before 3 maids interrupted them and led them to the dining hall. Nesryn stared in awe, the dining hall in Azriel's mansion was big but it was only medium-sized compared to this one.

The maids outdid themselves in terms of decorating the hall, Nesryn concluded that the house had a 'White Christmas' as its theme. White, gold and black decorations filled the dining hall, lace covered the entirety of the whole 8 meter long dining table.

Maids politely took their coats and Azriel pulled out a chair for her and his grandmother. With a snap of her finger, Astraea called forth the maids and their lunch started. Nesryn kept quiet, answering questions that were sent to her and just kept eating her food. Asteria and Azriel tried their best to keep her in their conversation.

Azriel would occasionally brush his hand against her and would sometimes clasp it before giving it a squeeze of reassurance. Asteria watched the couple with loving gazes and just continued eating her food, not wanting to break the two out of their own bubble.

It was nearing the end of dessert when Asteria's assistant came in the room, with a polite bow, he looked at his employer dead in the eye "Master Maximile and Lady Jeanevive are in the receiving area" he politely said. Nesryn felt the man beside him tense from their connected hand. She lifted his hand and placed a kiss on top of it, assuring him that he'll be fine like how he assures her.

"It seems like we have to go," Azriel said, standing up. He let go of Nesryn's hand for a moment to hug his grandmother before returning to his beloved's side. The two made their way out of the dining hall, coming face-to-face with his father and stepmother.

A smirk etched itself on Jeanevive's face but before she could open her mouth, Azriel held Nesryn's hand tightly and gave it a small tug, Nesryn sent a look to his beloved before following him out of the house. The chauffeur handed Azriel his keys, he thanked the man before helping her in the car and running to the other side and hopping in.

Before any words could be said, he drove out of the huge estate, passing through the main gate and leaving behind his childhood mansion. Nesryn looked at Azriel in worry and silently placed her hand over his, he glanced at her direction and intertwined their hands together.

"I am fine, at the very least we were able to spend the whole lunch with grandma" he reassured her, raising their hands to his lips where he placed a light kiss on it.

The drive back home was silent but not awkward, Azriel didn't bother turning the radio on and just listened to Nesryn's humming. He stopped over at a gas station to pump in some gas while Nesryn went to the bathroom.

Azriel leaned on the side of his car as he waited for Nesryn to come back. Many cars came and left the gas station but Nesryn was nowhere to be seen. With his eyebrows furrowed, Azriel started his search for his beloved. He first went to the women's restroom and asked a cleaner if she saw her by showing a photo of her on his phone.

The cleaner sadly shook her head no. He politely thanked the lady and rushed to a security guard and asked if he'd seen Nesryn, the same answer as the previous one. He went to the only cafe in the gas station and asked the cashier.

"Ah yes! I've seen her! She was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her but then her boyfriend showed up and took her away" he smiled sadly, looking at the picture. Azriel's eyes widened at the cashier's words. "Are you sure you saw this person?" he asked and the cashier nodded.

"Can you describe what her boyfriend looks like?" he asked, the cashier stared at him but kept his mouth shut "Look I don't have the time to deal with this, my girlfriend is kidnapped and I need you to tell me what the man looks like" he growled out, startling the young poor cashier.

"B-but I-I thought that m-man i-is her b-boyfriend" the man stuttered and Azriel swiped on his phone and showed him the photo of him and Nesryn.

"I am her boyfriend and the man you saw is a kidnapper, now what does the man look like and did you see the car they went to?" Azriel tightened his hold against the counter top, trying his best to think rationally and strangle the man in front of him.

"The man has a cross arrow tattoo at his neck, black hair, blue eyes and a scar on his right eyebrow" the man said deep in thought "I didn't see what car they took but if it's really kidnapping I guess I could show you our CCTV footage" the man continued.

Azriel nodded and followed the man behind the counter, dialing a number on his phone "Dude I need help Nesryn been kidnapped at **** Gas Station, she was with me but left for the restroom. I waited for her to come back and she never did.

I asked around and found someone who saw her. Can you please have all security cameras around the areas on the lookout, I'll be sending you the car details once I find out from the store's CCTV and I don't care how much strings you need to pull but close down every in and out of the city" he said before hanging up upon entering the 'authorized personnel only' room.

The man showed Azriel the record of the CCTV for the past hour, the cashier admitted that he only saw Nesryn 50 minutes from now. Azriel kept his eyes focused on the CCTV and quickly pausing once he saw Nesryn.

She was walking 'normally' but her hands were hidden under a jacket draped over it. The man that the cashier recognized, beside Nesryn, almost touching her. Azriel watched in horror as he saw how they hit the back of Nesryn's neck and forced her unconscious form inside the van.

Azriel immediately took note of the van the kidnappers used and sent the details to his police friend. After thanking the cashier and leaving a wad of cash behind, he immediately got in his car and drove away from the gas station, in pursuit of the van.

His police friend was able to track the van and had met up with Azriel to the location. Azriel started smashing things upon seeing the van deserted and no sign of his lover and the kidnappers were left in the van. There were also no CCTV's around the area so they had no leads on what to look for.

His friend forced him to go back home and rest but he was a stubborn man, he vowed to Nesryn that he would always protect her and now this happened. He ran his hand in his hair as he kept beating himself for letting this happen.

The police friend -Martin- was able to convince Azriel to go home but his drive to his home was filled with silence, it was supposed to be filled with Nesryn's humming. His hands now cold, they would always hold hands when on a drive.

He would always look at her whenever they stop at a red light, now her seat is empty and so is his heart.

Once he got back home he called every person he knew that could help him find her. Azriel didn't care how much money he was giving to people to help him, he just wants her back, safely in his arms. Azriel couldn't sleep that night, so instead of sleeping in his own bed, he went to Nesryn's room and inhaled her familiar scent, calming him down almost immediately.

The next day, the family butler informed him of their guest. Azriel contacted Kathleen about the situation and she insisted that her family will help in finding her. With that in mind, Azriel invited the whole family over to his mansion, with the help of some of his doctor friends to keep track of Nesryn's father's condition.

He sent drivers and bodyguards to their place to fetch them. He welcomed them to his humble abode with dark bags under his eyes, head still messy and clothes all wrinkly. Kathleen sighed at the sight and forced him to fix himself right back up, saying that if Nesryn was there, she'd do the same.

With much reluctance, he did as he was told and when he came out he was at least decent enough to be seen in public, minus the dark bags under his eyes of course. With that done, Kathleen, her youngest son, watched over his father and Azriel ordered the maids to help the family get comfortable as much as possible.

Asteria also came to the mansion as soon as she heard that her soon to be granddaughter-in-law was in danger. She contacted her husband's connection from the military and had them help for the search.

It's been two whole weeks since Azriel couldn't function properly, he left the company at the hands of Attendant Yun and his grandmother helped keep things in check during his absence. She said that his main focus should be finding her and returning her to her family safely and he did promise her that.

For the past week Azriel has been in and out of the police station with his friend Martin, following any leads they have regarding the kidnapper. It wasn't until Sunday night when he was having dinner with Nesryn's family when Martin suddenly called him, informing him of a witness.

He immediately excused himself from the table, grab his coat and drove out of the villa, no other words said.

Azriel made his way to the station and met up with a half-asleep Martin "Where is she?" were the first words he uttered upon arriving at the station. Martin, seeing his friend's state, immediately led him to their interrogation room where a man in his late twenties sat, looking around the room.

Martin led Azriel inside, he sat down in front of the witness but let Martin do the talking "Can you please repeat what you told us to this man?" Martin politely asked and the young man slowly nodded.

"My name is Mike, I was working at a slum area near *** City when I saw a blue car stopped near the area. I was curious since no one stops there to even give money or food to the homeless, that's when I saw a buff looking man step out of the car.

His hand was placed on a woman's shoulder as he looked around, I remember seeing the woman's face on the news and quickly hid behind some concrete barrier near the area and watched as he pushed her inside a run down house.

I saw how tattered and bruised she looks as they made their way inside the house and I knew I had to inform the authorities. I had to use the rest of my paycheck to make my way here since this was the place that the news indicated so I made my way here" The young man said, fiddling with his hands as he looked down.

Azriel stared at the man in front of him and noticed him shaking "are you okay?" he softly asked, not wanting to startle the young man further. Mike lifted his head and stared at Azriel and nodded "I am fine, just startled" he muttered but loud enough for the two men to hear.

"You have my deepest gratitude Mike, she's been missing for weeks now and I really, really want her back" Azriel said and the two men in the room stared at him. The Billionaire's facade of tough man crumbled easily at the mention of his lover's name.

"We'll be getting her back Azriel, trust us" Martin said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's time to get her back" he said and stepped out of the room. Azriel could hear him shout his orders to his subordinates. "You will be rewarded for this Mike. Thank you so much" Azriel shook the man's hand and left the room.

A police officer took Mike out of the room and took him out to lunch with Azriel paying for their meal. He boarded his car and followed the waves of the police car, heading to the house Mike tipped and they were fortunate because they spotted the blue car outside the house.

Azriel didn't know if he should shake his head because of the stupidity of the kidnappers or thank every god he knows for their idiocracy.

Azriel got out of his car but stayed behind the police firing line even though his blood was pumping to just rush inside and take his lover away. He watched as the police kicked down the door, his friend, Martin leading the whole team inside the house. He heard gunfire and ran towards the building but two police officers held him back.

He struggled against their hold but relaxed once two buff looking men stepped out of the house, their arms behind their back while the police held him. He waited for the familiar brown hair to come out of the house but there was no sign of his lover.

He made his way to the kidnappers, the police didn't have the time to react as he threw a punch straight to the tattooed man's face, cracking his nose and instantly knocking him out, he grabbed the collar of the other man.

"Where is she?!" he half-hissed, half-growled the man started laughing at him but didn't say anything else. The police officers were forced to take him away from the man and Martin kept silent. The EMT's took the unconscious man away while the other one was put behind the police car.

"Where the hell is Nesryn?!" he yelled and everyone stared at him in shock and quickly scrambled on their feet to start the search. Martin tried to calm his friend down by saying they will find Nesryn but Azriel stood there in the middle of the road, glaring at the kidnappers. "Where is my girlfriend?!"